Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Institut für Theoretische Physik

Heisenberg Professorship "Exotic mesons from lattice QCD"

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Prof. Dr. Marc Wagner

Marc Wagner
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
D-60438 Frankfurt am Main

Office: 2.103
Phone: +49 (0)69 798 - 47835
Email: mwagner@itp.uni-frankfurt.de


Publications in the SPIRES-HEP Database

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Publications 2025

Jan 2025
Jakob Hoffmann, Lasse Müller, Marc Wagner
bbud Tetraquarks with I(JP)=0(1-) and bcud Tetraquarks with I(JP)=0(0+) and I(JP)=0(1+) from Lattice QCD Antistatic-Antistatic Potentials
Jan 2025
Carolin Schlosser, Marc Wagner
Hybrid spin-dependent and hybrid-quarkonium mixing potentials at order (1/mQ)1 from SU(3) lattice gauge theory

Publications 2024

Dec 2024
Jakob Hoffmann, Marc Wagner
Prediction of an I(JP)=0(1-) bbud Tetraquark Resonance Close to the B*B* Threshold Using Lattice QCD Potentials
Nov 2024
Michael Eichberg, Marc Wagner
Computing 1/mQ and 1/mQ2 corrections to the static potential with lattice gauge theory using gradient flow
Sep 2024
Pedro Bicudo, Marina Krstic Marinkovic, Lasse Müller, Marc Wagner
Antistatic-antistatic QQqq potentials for u, d and s light quarks from lattice QCD
Jun 2024
Laurin Pannullo, Marc Wagner, Marc Winstel
Regularization effects in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model: Strong scheme dependence of inhomogeneous phases and persistence of the moat regime
Apr 2024
Constantia Alexandrou, Jacob Finkenrath, Theodoros Leontiou, Stefan Meinel, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner
bbud and bbus tetraquarks from lattice QCD using symmetric correlation matrices with both local and scattering interpolating operators

Publications 2023

Dec 2023
Lasse Müller, Pedro Bicudo, Marina Krstic Marinkovic, Marc Wagner
Antistatic-antistatic-light-light potentials from lattice QCD
Dec 2023
Constantia Alexandrou, Jacob Finkenrath, Theodoros Leontiou, Stefan Meinel, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner
Evidence for shallow bcud tetraquark bound states and broad bcud tetraquark resonances in B-D and B*-D scattering from lattice QCD
Nov 2023
Michael Eichberg, Marc Wagner
Relativistic corrections to the static potential from generalized Wilson loops at finite flow time
Jun 2023
Marc Wagner
Spectroscopy of heavy exotic mesons using lattice QCD static potentials and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Jun 2023
Jannis Herr, Carolin Schlosser, Marc Wagner
Gluelump masses and mass splittings from SU(3) lattice gauge theory

Publications 2022

Dec 2022
Laurin Pannullo, Marc Wagner, Marc Winstel
Inhomogeneous phases in the 3+1-dimensional Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and their dependence on the regularization scheme
Nov 2022
Jakob Hoffmann, André Zimermmane-Santos, Marc Wagner
Inclusion of heavy spin effects in the udbb I(JP)=0(1-) four-quark channel in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Nov 2022
Martin Pflaumer, Constantia Alexandrou, Jacob Finkenrath, Theodoros Leontiou, Stefan Meinel, Marc Wagner
Antiheavy-antiheavy-light-light four-quark bound states
Nov 2022
Carolin Schlosser, Sonja Koehler, Marc Wagner
Lattice field theory results for hybrid static potentials at short quark-antiquark separations and their parametrization
Oct 2022
Pedro Bicudo, Nuno Cardoso, Lasse Müller, Marc Wagner
Study of I=0 bottomonium bound states and resonances based on lattice QCD static potentials
Oct 2022
Marc Wagner, Constantia Alexandrou, Jacob Finkenrath, Theodoros Leontiou, Martin Pflaumer, Stefan Meinel
Lattice QCD study of antiheavy-antiheavy-light-light tetraquarks based on correlation functions with scattering interpolating operators both at the source and at the sink
Aug 2022
Michael Eichberg, Marc Wagner
Computation of masses of quarkonium bound states using heavy quark potentials from lattice QCD
May 2022
Stefan Meinel, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner
Search for bbus and bcud tetraquark bound states using lattice QCD
May 2022
Pedro Bicudo, Nuno Cardoso, Lasse Müller, Marc Wagner
Study of I=0 bottomonium bound states and resonances in S, P, D and F waves with lattice QCD static-static-light-light potentials

Publications 2021

Dec 2021
Laurin Pannullo, Marc Wagner, Marc Winstel
Inhomogeneous phases in the chirally imbalanced 2+1-dimensional Gross-Neveu model and their absence in the continuum limit
Dec 2021
Carolin Schlosser, Marc Wagner
SU(3) hybrid static potentials at small quark-antiquark separations from fine lattices
Nov 2021
Viljami Leino, Nora Brambilla, Owe Philipsen, Christian Reisinger, Antonio Vairo, Marc Wagner
The static force from generalized Wilson loops
Nov 2021
Carolin Schlosser, Marc Wagner
Hybrid static potentials in SU(3) lattice gauge theory at small quark-antiquark separations
Sep 2021
Marc Winstel, Laurin Pannullo, Marc Wagner
Phase diagram of the 2+1-dimensional Gross-Neveu model with chiral imbalance
Aug 2021
Marc Wagner, Pedro Bicudo, Antje Peters, Sebastian Velten
Comparing meson-meson and diquark-antidiquark creation operators for a bbud tetraquark
Aug 2021
Martin Pflaumer, Luka Leskovec, Stefan Meinel, Marc Wagner
Existence and non-existence of doubly heavy tetraquark bound states
Aug 2021
Lasse Müller, Pedro Bicudo, Nuno Cardoso, Marc Wagner
Bottomonium resonances from lattice QCD static-static-light-light potentials
Aug 2021
Carolin Schlosser, Marc Wagner
Computing hybrid static potentials at short quark-antiquark separations from fine lattices in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Jun 2021
Nora Brambilla, Viljami Leino, Owe Philipsen, Christian Reisinger, Antonio Vairo, Marc Wagner
Lattice gauge theory computation of the static force
Jan 2021
Pedro Bicudo, Antje Peters, Sebastian Velten, Marc Wagner
Importance of meson-meson and of diquark-antidiquark creation operators for a bbud tetraquark

Publications 2020

Dec 2020
Michael Buballa, Lennart Kurth, Marc Wagner, Marc Winstel
Regulator dependence of inhomogeneous phases in the 2+1-dimensional Gross-Neveu model
Sep 2020
Martin Pflaumer Luka Leskovec, Stefan Meinel, Marc Wagner
Investigation of doubly heavy tetraquark systems using lattice QCD
Aug 2020
Carolin Riehl, Marc Wagner
Hybrid static potentials in SU(2) lattice gauge theory at short quark-antiquark separations
Aug 2020
Pedro Bicudo, Nuno Cardoso, Lasse Müller, Marc Wagner
Computation of the quarkonium and meson-meson composition of the Υ(nS) states and of the new Υ(10753) Belle resonance from lattice QCD static potentials
Jul 2020
Julian Lenz, Laurin Pannullo, Marc Wagner, Björn Wellegehausen, Andreas Wipf
Baryons in the Gross-Neveu model in 1+1 dimensions at finite number of flavors
Apr 2020
Julian Lenz, Laurin Pannullo, Marc Wagner, Björn Wellegehausen, Andreas Wipf
Inhomogeneous phases in the Gross-Neveu model in 1+1 dimensions at finite number of flavors

Publications 2019

Nov 2019
Constantia Alexandrou, Joshua Berlin, Jacob Finkenrath, Theodoros Leontiou, Marc Wagner
Tetraquark interpolating fields in a lattice QCD investigation of the Ds0*(2317) meson
Nov 2019
Nora Brambilla, Viljami Leino, Owe Philipsen, Christian Reisinger, Antonio Vairo, Marc Wagner
Static force from the lattice
Oct 2019
Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Nuno Cardoso, Marc Wagner
Bottomonium resonances with I=0 from lattice QCD correlation functions with static and light quarks
Sep 2019
Laurin Pannullo, Julian Lenz, Marc Wagner, Björn Wellegehausen, Andreas Wipf
Lattice investigation of the phase diagram of the 1+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu model at finite number of fermion flavors
Sep 2019
Marc Winstel, Jonas Stoll, Marc Wagner
Lattice investigation of an inhomogeneous phase of the 2+1-dimensional Gross-Neveu model in the limit of infinitely many flavors
Jul 2019
Lasse Müller, Owe Philipsen, Christian Reisinger, Marc Wagner
Hybrid static potential flux tubes from SU(2) and SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Apr 2019
Luka Leskovec, Stefan Meinel, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner
Lattice QCD investigation of a doubly-bottom bbud tetraquark with quantum numbers
I(JP) = 0(1+)
Feb 2019
Laurin Pannullo, Julian Lenz, Marc Wagner, Björn Wellegehausen, Andreas Wipf
Inhomogeneous phases in the 1+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu model at finite number of fermion flavors

Publications 2018

Nov 2018
Stefano Capitani, Owe Philipsen, Christian Reisinger, Carolin Riehl, Marc Wagner
Precision computation of hybrid static potentials in SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Nov 2018
Martin Pflaumer, Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Antje Peters, Marc Wagner
bbud tetraquark resonances in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation using lattice QCD potentials
Nov 2018
Lasse Müller, Owe Philipsen, Christian Reisinger, Marc Wagner
Structure of hybrid static potential flux tubes in lattice Yang-Mills theory
Oct 2018
Christian Reisinger, Stefano Capitani, Lasse Müller, Owe Philipsen, Marc Wagner
Computation of hybrid static potentials from optimized trial states in SU(3) lattice gauge theory
April 2018
Felix Karbstein, Marc Wagner, Michelle Weber
Determination of ΛMS(nf=2) and analytic parameterization of the static quark-antiquark potential
Mar 2018
Lasse Müller, Marc Wagner
Structure of hybrid static potential flux tubes in SU(2) lattice Yang-Mills theory

Publications 2017

Nov 2017
Constantia Alexandrou, Joshua Berlin, Mattia Dalla Brida, Jacob Finkenrath, Theodoros Leontiou, Marc Wagner
Lattice QCD investigation of the structure of the a0(980) meson
Nov 2017
Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Antje Peters, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner
Tetraquark resonances computed with static lattice QCD potentials and scattering theory
Sep 2017
Antje Peters, Pedro Bicudo, Marc Wagner
bbud four-quark systems in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation: prospects and challenges
Aug 2017
Christian Reisinger, Stefano Capitani, Owe Philipsen, Marc Wagner
Computation of hybrid static potentials in SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Apr 2017
Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Antje Peters, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner
udbb tetraquark resonances with lattice QCD potentials and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Jan 2017
Jacob Finkenrath, Constantia Alexandrou, Joshua Berlin, Mattia Dalla Brida, Theodoros Leontiou, Marc Wagner
Using a new analysis method to extract excited states in the scalar meson sector
Jan 2017
Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Constantia Alexandrou, Joshua Berlin, Mattia Dalla Brida, Jacob Finkenrath, Marc Wagner
Investigating efficient methods for computing four-quark correlation functions

Publications 2016

Dec 2016
Pedro Bicudo, Jonas Scheunert, Marc Wagner
Including heavy spin effects in the prediction of a bbud tetraquark with lattice QCD potentials
Nov 2016
Joshua Berlin, Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Jacob Finkenrath, Mario Gravina, Theodoros Leontiou, Marc Wagner
Importance of closed quark loops for lattice QCD studies of tetraquarks
Oct 2016
Tobias Neitzel, Janik Kämper, Owe Philipsen, Marc Wagner
Computing the static potential using non-string-like trial states
Sep 2016
Pedro Bicudo, Jonas Scheunert, Marc Wagner
Including heavy spin effects in a lattice QCD study of static-static-light-light tetraquarks
Sep 2016
Antje Peters, Pedro Bicudo, Luka Leskovec, Stefan Meinel, Marc Wagner
Lattice QCD study of heavy-heavy-light-light tetraquark candidates
May 2016
Arthur Dromard, Wolfgang Bietenholz, Krzysztof Cichy, Marc Wagner
Computing the topological susceptibility from fixed topology QCD simulations
Mar 2016
Krzysztof Cichy, Martin Kalinowski, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
The continuum limit of the D meson, Ds meson and charmonium spectrum from Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
Mar 2016
Wolfgang Bietenholz, Christopher Czaban, Arthur Dromard, Urs Gerber, Christoph P. Hofmann, Héctor Mejía-Díaz, Marc Wagner
Interpreting numerical measurements in fixed topological sectors
Feb 2016
Antje Peters, Pedro Bicudo, Krzysztof Cichy, Marc Wagner
Investigation of BB four-quark systems using lattice QCD

Publications 2015

Oct 2015
Arthur Dromard, Wolfgang Bietenholz, Urs Gerber, Héctor Mejía-Díaz, Marc Wagner
Combining ordinary and topological finite volume effects for fixed topology simulations
Oct 2015
Krzysztof Cichy, Martin Kalinowski, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Mass spectra of mesons containing charm quarks ‐ continuum limit results from twisted mass fermions
Oct 2015
Pedro Bicudo, Krzysztof Cichy, Antje Peters, Marc Wagner
BB interactions with static bottom quarks from lattice QCD
Sep 2015
Martin Kalinowski, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Masses of D mesons, Ds mesons and charmonium states from twisted mass lattice QCD
Aug 2015
Achim Heinz, Francesco Giacosa, Marc Wagner, Dirk H. Rischke
Inhomogeneous condensation in effective models for QCD using the finite-mode approach
Aug 2015
Joshua Berlin, Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Marc Wagner
Computation of correlation matrices for tetraquark candidates with JP = 0+ and flavor structure q1q2q3q3
Aug 2015
Antje Peters, Pedro Bicudo, Krzysztof Cichy, Björn Wagenbach, Marc Wagner
Exploring possibly existing qqbb tetraquark states with qq = ud,ss,cc
May 2015
Jonas Scheunert, Pedro Bicudo, Annabelle Uenver, Marc Wagner
Refined lattice/model investigation of udbb tetraquark candidates with heavy spin effects taken into account
May 2015
Arthur Dromard, Wolfgang Bietenholz, Urs Gerber, Héctor Mejía-Díaz, Marc Wagner
Simulations at fixed topology: fixed topology versus ordinary finite volume corrections
May 2015
Pedro Bicudo, Krzysztof Cichy, Antje Peters, Björn Wagenbach, Marc Wagner
Evidence for the existence of udbb and the non-existence of ssbb and ccbb tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Mar 2015
Irais Bautista, Wolfgang Bietenholz, Arthur Dromard, Urs Gerber, Lukas Gonglach, Christoph P. Hofmann, Héctor Mejía-Díaz, Marc Wagner
Measuring the topological susceptibility in a fixed sector: results for sigma models

Publications 2014

Nov 2014
Björn Wagenbach, Pedro Bicudo, Marc Wagner
Lattice investigation of heavy meson interactions
Nov 2014
Krzysztof Cichy, Arthur Dromard, Elena Garcia-Ramos, Konstantin Ottnad, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner, Urs Wenger, Falk Zimmermann (ETM Collaboration)
Comparison of different lattice definitions of the topological charge
Oct 2014
Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Constantia Alexandrou, Joshua Berlin, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Marc Wagner
Investigation of the tetraquark candidate a0(980): technical aspects and preliminary results
Oct 2014
Philipp Wolf, Marc Wagner
Lattice study of hybrid static potentials
Oct 2014
Arthur Dromard, Christopher Czaban, Marc Wagner
Hadron masses from fixed topology simulations: parity partners and SU(2) Yang-Mills results
Jul 2014
Felix Karbstein, Antje Peters, Marc Wagner
ΛMS(nf=2) from a momentum space analysis of the quark-antiquark static potential
Apr 2014
Christopher Czaban, Arthur Dromard, Marc Wagner
Studying and removing effects of fixed topology
Apr 2014
Arthur Dromard, Marc Wagner
Extracting hadron masses from fixed topology simulations

Publications 2013

Oct 2013
Owe Philipsen, Marc Wagner
The colour adjoint static potential from Wilson loops with generator insertions and its physical interpretation
Oct 2013
Marc Wagner, Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Giannis Koutsou, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach
Investigation of light and heavy tetraquark candidates using lattice QCD
Oct 2013
Martin Kalinowski, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Twisted mass lattice computation of charmed mesons with focus on D**
Oct 2013
Christopher Czaban, Marc Wagner
Lattice study of the Schwinger model at fixed topology
Oct 2013
Johannes Weber, Stefan Diehl, Till Kuske, Marc Wagner
An introduction to lattice hadron spectroscopy for students without quantum field theoretical background
Sep 2013
Arthur Dromard, Marc Wagner
Studying and removing effects of fixed topology in a quantum mechanical model
Sep 2013
Marc Wagner, Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Giannis Koutsou, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach
Study of the a0(980) on the lattice
Aug 2013
Joshua Berlin, David Palao, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Testing mixed action approaches to meson spectroscopy with twisted mass sea quarks
May 2013
Owe Philipsen, Marc Wagner
On the definition and interpretation of a static quark anti-quark potential in the colour-adjoint channel
Apr 2013
Martin Kalinowski, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Masses of mesons with charm valence quarks from 2+1+1 flavor twisted mass lattice QCD
Feb 2013
Marc Wagner, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Jan Oliver Daldrop, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Christian Wiese (ETM Collaboration)
Scalar mesons and tetraquarks from twisted mass lattice QCD

Publications 2012

Dec 2012
Benjamin Maier, Falk Bruckmann, Simon Dinter, Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz, Michael Müller-Preussker, Marc Wagner
Application of Ewald's Method for efficient summation of dyon long-range potentials
Dec 2012
Marc Wagner, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Jan Oliver Daldrop, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Christian Wiese (ETM Collaboration)
Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD
Dec 2012
Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Jan Oliver Daldrop, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Lattice investigation of the scalar mesons a0(980) and κ using four-quark operators
Dec 2012
Martin Kalinowski, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Strange and charm meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD
Nov 2012
Jan Oliver Daldrop, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Lattice investigation of the tetraquark candidates a0(980) and κ
Nov 2012
Marc Wagner, Owe Philipsen
Definitions of a static SU(2) color triplet potential
Sep 2012
Pedro Bicudo, Marc Wagner
Lattice QCD signal for a bottom-bottom tetraquark

Publications 2011

Nov 2011
Falk Bruckmann, Simon Dinter, Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz, Benjamin Maier, Michael Müller-Preussker, Marc Wagner
Confining dyon gas with finite-volume effects under control
Oct 2011
Karl Jansen, Felix Karbstein, Attila Nagy, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
ΛMS from the static potential for QCD with nf = 2 dynamical quark flavors
Jul 2011
Petros Dimopoulos, Roberto Frezzotti, Gregorio Herdoiza, Vittorio Lubicz, Chris Michael, David Palao, Giancarlo Rossi, Francesco Sanfilippo, Andrea Shindler, Silvano Simula, Cecilia Tarantino, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Lattice QCD determination of mb, fB and fBs with twisted mass Wilson fermions
Apr 2011
Marc Wagner, Christian Wiese (ETM Collaboration)
The static-light baryon spectrum from twisted mass lattice QCD
Mar 2011
Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Static-static-light-light tetraquarks in lattice QCD
Jan 2011
Rémi Baron, Benoit Blossier, Philippe Boucaud, Jaume Carbonell, Albert Deuzeman, Vincent Drach, Federico Farchioni, Vicent Gimenez, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, István Montvay, Elisabetta Pallante, Olivier Pène, Siebren Reker, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner, Urs Wenger (ETM Collaboration)
Light hadrons from Nf = 2+1+1 dynamical twisted mass fermions

Publications 2010

Sep 2010
Rémi Baron, Philippe Boucaud, Jaume Carbonell, Vincent Drach, Federico Farchioni, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, István Montvay, Elisabetta Pallante, Olivier Pène, Siebren Reker, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner, Urs Wenger (ETM Collaboration)
Kaon and D meson masses with Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
Aug 2010
Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Forces between static-light mesons
Aug 2010
Marc Wagner, Christian Wiese (ETM Collaboration)
The spectrum of static-light baryons in twisted mass lattice QCD
May 2010
Rémi Baron, Philippe Boucaud, Jaume Carbonell, Vincent Drach, Federico Farchioni, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, István Montvay, Elisabetta Pallante, Olivier Pène, Siebren Reker, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner, Urs Wenger (ETM Collaboration)
Computing K and D meson masses with Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
Apr 2010
Rémi Baron, Philippe Boucaud, Jaume Carbonell, Albert Deuzeman, Vincent Drach, Federico Farchioni, Vicent Gimenez, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Craig McNeile, Chris Michael, István Montvay, David Palao, Elisabetta Pallante, Olivier Pène, Siebren Reker, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner, Urs Wenger (ETM Collaboration)
Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u,d), strange and charm dynamical quarks
Apr 2010
Chris Michael, Andrea Shindler, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
The continuum limit of the static-light meson spectrum

Publications 2009

Nov 2009
Rémi Baron, Benoit Blossier, Philippe Boucaud, Albert Deuzeman, Vincent Drach, Federico Farchioni, Vicent Gimenez, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, István Montvay, David Palao, Elisabetta Pallante, Olivier Pène, Siebren Reker, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner, Urs Wenger (ETM Collaboration)
First results of ETMC simulations with Nf = 2+1+1 maximally twisted mass fermions
Nov 2009
Benoit Blossier, Petros Dimopoulos, Roberto Frezzotti, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Vittorio Lubicz, Guido Martinelli, Chris Michael, Giancarlo Rossi, Francesco Sanfilippo, Andrea Shindler, Silvano Simula, Cecilia Tarantino, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
fB and fBs with maximally twisted Wilson fermions
Sep 2009
Benoit Blossier, Marc Wagner, Olivier Pène (ETM Collaboration)
Dynamical lattice calculation of the Isgur-Wise functions τ1/2 and τ3/2
May 2009
Falk Bruckmann, Florian Gruber, Karl Jansen, Marina Marinkovic, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner
Comparing topological charge definitions using topology fixing actions
Mar 2009
Falk Bruckmann, Simon Dinter, Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz, Michael Müller-Preussker, Marc Wagner
Cautionary remarks on the moduli space metric for multi-dyon simulations
Mar 2009
Benoit Blossier, Marc Wagner, Olivier Pène (ETM Collaboration)
Lattice calculation of the Isgur-Wise functions τ1/2 and τ3/2 with dynamical quarks

Publications 2008

Oct 2008
Christian Szasz, Marc Wagner
The adjoint potential in the pseudoparticle approach: string breaking and Casimir scaling
Oct 2008
Rémi Baron, Philippe Boucaud, Albert Deuzeman, Vincent Drach, Federico Farchioni, Vicent Gimenez, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, István Montvay, David Palao, Elisabetta Pallante, Olivier Pène, Siebren Reker, Enno E. Scholz, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner, Urs Wenger (ETM Collaboration)
Status of ETMC simulations with Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
Oct 2008
Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, Andrea Shindler, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
The static-light meson spectrum from twisted mass lattice QCD
Aug 2008
Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, Andrea Shindler, Marc Wagner (ETM Collaboration)
Static-light meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD
Jun 2008
Christian Szasz, Marc Wagner
Adjoint string breaking in the pseudoparticle approach

Publications 2007

Aug 2007
Marc Wagner
Fermionic fields in the pseudoparticle approach
Apr 2007
Marc Wagner
Fermions in the pseudoparticle approach

Publications 2006

Oct 2006
Marc Wagner
Properties of confining gauge field configurations in the pseudoparticle approach
Aug 2006
Marc Wagner
Classes of confining gauge field configurations

Publications 2005

Oct 2005
Marc Wagner, Frieder Lenz
The pseudoparticle approach for solving path integrals in gauge theories

Publications 2003

Dec 2003
Marc Wagner, Ulf Labsik, Günther Greiner
Repairing non-manifold triangle meshes using simulated annealing
Feb 2003
Marc Wagner, Ulf Labsik, Günther Greiner
Repairing non-manifold triangle meshes using simulated annealing
Feb 2003
Marc Wagner, Kai Hormann, Günther Greiner
C2-continuous surface reconstruction with piecewise polynomial patches

Habilitation (in German)

Jan 2015
Berechnung von Massen, Zerfällen und Struktur von Hadronen mit Methoden der Gitter-QCD
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Doctoral Thesis

Jul 2006
The pseudoparticle approach in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory
Institut für Theoretische Physik III, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
supervisor: Prof. Frieder Lenz

Diplomarbeit (in German)

Sep 2002
Rekonstruktion glatter Oberflächen mit getrimmten B-Spline-Flächen
Institut für Informatik IX, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
supervisor: Prof. Günther Greiner

Studienarbeit (in German)

Jul 2001
Rekonstruktion von Oberflächen aus Punktewolken
Institut für Informatik IX, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
supervisor: Prof. Günther Greiner

Seminar talks and conference presentations

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2025

Feb 2025
Investigation of heavy exotic mesons with lattice QCD
"Physikalisches Kolloquium", Universität Augsburg, 03 February 2025, Augsburg, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2024

Dec 2024
Antiheavy-antiheavy-light-light tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at "Lunch Club", Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 04 December 2024, Gießen, Germany
Nov 2024
Antiheavy-antiheavy-light-light tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at "SIFT 2024: Strongly-Interacting Field Theories", 28 November 2024, Jena, Germany
Jun 2024
Open flavor four-quark states from the lattice
Talk given at "PANDA Collaboration Meeting", GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, 24-27 June 2024, Darmstadt, Germany
Jan 2024
Heavy exotic mesons from lattice QCD
Talk given at "Hirschegg 2024 - Strong interaction physics of heavy flavors", 14-20 January 2024, Hirschegg, Austria

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2023

Dec 2023
Investigation of heavy exotic mesons with lattice QCD
Talk given at "Quantum Theory Seminar", Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 14 December 2023, Jena, Germany
Jun 2023
Exotic meson spectroscopy from lattice QCD
Talk given at "17th International Workshop on Meson Physics", 22-27 June 2023, Krakow, Poland

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2022

Sep 2022
Search for bbus and bcud tetraquark bound states using lattice QCD
Talk given at "QWG 2022 - 15th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium", 26-30 September 2022, Darmstadt, Germany
Aug 2022
Lattice QCD study of antiheavy-antiheavy-light-light tetraquarks based on correlation functions with scattering interpolating operators both at the source and at the sink
Poster presented at "39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 8-13 August 2022, Bonn, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2021

Nov 2021
SU(3) hybrid static potentials at small quark-antiquark separations from fine lattices
Talk given at "XXXIII International Workshop on High Energy Physics – Hard Problems of Hadron Physics: Non-Perturbative QCD & Related Quests", 08-12 Nov 2021
Jul 2021
Comparing meson-meson and diquark-antidiquark creation operators for a bbud tetraquark
Talk given at "38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 26-30 July 2021
Apr 2021
Importance of meson-meson and of diquark-antidiquark creation operators for a bbud tetraquark
Talk given at "Experimental and theoretical status of and perspectives for XYZ states", 12-15 April 2021
Jan 2021
Structure of a bbud tetraquark with quantum numbers I(J^P)=0(1+)
Talk given at "Miami 2020 conference", 10 Dec 2020-12 Jan 2021

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2020

Nov 2020
Exploring the existence of inhomogeneous phases in the 2+1-dimensional Gross-Neveu model in the limit of infinitely many flavors
Talk given at "XXXII International Workshop on High Energy Physics – Hot Problems in Strong Interactions", 09-13 Nov 2020
Aug 2020
Quark composition and color structure of heavy-heavy mesons and tetraquarks
Talk given at "Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice Field Theory", 04-07 Aug 2020
Jul 2020
bbud tetraquarks from lattice QCD, I – Lattice QCD static potentials and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Talk given at University of Nicosia, 24 July 2020, Nicosia, Cyprus

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2019

Nov 2019
Lattice investigation of inhomogeneous phases in the Gross-Neveu model
Talk given at CERN, 28 November 2019, Geneva, Switzerland
Nov 2019
Lattice investigation of an inhomogeneous phase of the 2+1-dimensional Gross-Neveu model in the limit of infinitely many flavors
Talk given at "SIFT 2019: Strongly-Interacting Field Theories", 7-9 November 2019, Jena, Germany
Oct 2019
Tetraquarks with two heavy quarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at MIAPP workshop "Deciphering Strong-Interaction Phenomenology through Precision Hadron-Spectroscopy", 7 October-1 November 2019, Munich, Germany
Oct 2019
Exotic mesons with two heavy quarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at "EMMI Hadron Physics Seminar", GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, 16 October 2019, Darmstadt, Germany
May 2019
Computation of hybrid static potentials, flux tubes and the spectrum of heavy hybrid mesons
Talk given at "QWG 2019 - 13th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium", 13-17 May 2019, Torino, Italy
May 2019
Lattice QCD investigation of a doubly-bottom bbud tetraquark with quantum numbers I(JP) = 0(1+)
Talk given at "QWG 2019 - 13th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium", 13-17 May 2019, Torino, Italy

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2018

Nov 2018
Heavy hybrid mesons and tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at MIAPP workshop "Interface of Effective Field Theories and Lattice Gauge Theory", 15 October-9 November 2018, Munich, Germany
Sep 2018
Heavy hybrid mesons and tetraquarks from lattice QCD, II – Tetraquarks
Talk given at Technische Universität München, 14 September 2018, Munich, Germany
Aug 2018
Computing tetraquark resonances with two static quarks and two dynamical quarks, I – Lattice QCD computation of potentials
Talk given at MITP Workshop "Scattering Amplitudes and Resonance Properties from Lattice QCD", 27-31 August 2018, Mainz, Germany
May 2018
Numerical computation of phase diagrams of QCD-inspired models in the large-N limit
Poster presented at "XQCD 2018", 21-23 May 2018, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
May 2018
Inhomogeneous phases at high density in QCD-inspired models
Talk given at "Seminar of Research Training Group", Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 15 May 2018, Jena, Germany
March 2018
Numerical computation of phase diagrams of QCD-inspired models in the large-N limit
Talk given at "CRC-TR 211 Retreat", 13 March 2018, Bielefeld, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2017

Nov 2017
Challenges in multi-quark studies
Talk given at the workshop "Spectroscopy and Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD" at "Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei", 29 October-4 November 2017, Paphos, Cyprus
Aug 2017
Tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at "Functional methods in hadron and nuclear physics", 21-25 August 2017, Trento, Italy

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2016

Nov 2016
Heavy mesons and tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at Technische Universität Darmstadt, 10 November 2016, Darmstadt, Germany
Nov 2016
Heavy mesons and tetraquarks from lattice QCD (introduction in German)
Talk given at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 7 November 2016, Berlin, Germany
Jun 2016
Heavy mesons and tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at "Quantum Theory Seminar", Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 7 July 2016, Jena, Germany
Jun 2016
Investigating heavy mesons and tetraquarks with lattice QCD
Talk given at "PRISMA Colloquium and Seminar of the Graduate School", Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 15 June 2016, Mainz, Germany
May 2016
Heavy-light and heavy-heavy mesons from lattice QCD
Talk given at "Hadron Physics Seminar", GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, 4 May 2016, Darmstadt, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2015

Oct 2015
Heavy mesons and tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at "3rd Belle II Theory Interface Platform (B2TiP) Workshop", 28-29 October 2015, Tsukuba, Japan
Jul 2015
Evidence for the existence of udbb and the non-existence of ssbb and ccbb tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at "Meeting of HIC for FAIR Expert Group 1", 20 July 2015, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Jul 2015
Z states with lattice QCD
Talk given at "Workshop on Z States", 8 July 2015, Gießen, Germany
Jun 2015
Evidence for the existence of udbb and the non-existence of ssbb and ccbb tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at Universität Regensburg, 12 June 2015, Regensburg, Germany
Mar 2015
BB and BB static potentials and heavy tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Talk given at Bethe Forum on "Methods in lattice field theory", 23 March-2 April 2015, Bonn, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2014

Dec 2014
BB, BB and hybrid static potentials from lattice QCD
Talk given at Technische Universität München, 5 December 2014, Munich, Germany
Nov 2014
Lattice QCD investigation of mesons and tetraquark candidates
Talk given at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 14 November 2014, Münster, Germany
Nov 2014
Lattice QCD investigation of mesons and tetraquark candidates
Talk given at "574. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar: Strong interactions in the LHC era", 12-14 November 2014, Bad Honnef, Germany
Oct 2014
Lattice QCD spectroscopy of heavy mesons
Talk given at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, 8 October 2014, Darmstadt, Germany
May 2014
Lattice QCD spectroscopy of heavy mesons
Talk given at "HICforFAIR Workshop: Heavy flavor physics with CBM", 26-28 May 2014, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Apr 2014
Extracting hadron masses from fixed topology simulations
Talk given at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 28 April 2014, Berlin, Germany
Apr 2014
The spectrum of mesons and structure of tetraquark candidates from lattice QCD
Poster presented at "Evaluation of the LOEWE center Helmholtz International Center for FAIR (HIC for FAIR)", 2-3 April 2014, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Feb 2014
Studying tetraquark candidates using lattice QCD
Talk given at Sapienza University of Rome – INFN Rome, 17 February 2014, Rome, Italy
Feb 2014
Studying tetraquark candidates using lattice QCD
Talk given at "Lunch Club", Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 14 February 2014, Gießen, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2013

Nov 2013
On the definition and interpretation of a static quark anti-quark potential in the colour-adjoint channel
Talk given at Technische Universität München, 29 November 2013, Munich, Germany
Sep 2013
Investigation of light and heavy tetraquark candidates using lattice QCD
Talk given at "FAIRNESS2013", 16-21 September 2013, Berlin, Germany
Jul 2013
Study of the a0(980) on the lattice
Talk given at "XXXIth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 31 July-3 August 2013, Mainz, Germany
Jul 2013
The colour adjoint static potential from Wilson loops with generator insertions and its physical interpretation
Talk given at "XXXIth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 29 July-3 August 2013, Mainz, Germany
Jul 2013
Lattice investigation of scalar mesons using four-quark operators
Talk given at "Micro-Workshop on Lattice QCD", 23-24 July 2013, Bonn, Germany
Apr 2013
Spectrum, decays and structure of mesons from lattice QCD
Talk given at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 29 April 2013, Mainz, Germany
Feb 2013
Scalar mesons and tetraquarks from twisted mass lattice QCD
Talk given at "Excited QCD 2013", 3-9 February 2013, Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo, Bosnia

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2012

Nov 2012
B → D** at infinite heavy mass
Talk given at "Workshop on B → D** and related issues", 26-28 November 2012, Paris, France
Nov 2012
Studying mesons by means of lattice QCD
Talk given at "Meeting of HIC for FAIR Program Advisory Committee", 8-9 November 2012, Gießen, Germany
Oct 2012
Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 24-26 October 2012, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Oct 2012
Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD
Talk given at "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X", 7-12 October 2012, Munich, Germany
Oct 2012
Definitions of a static SU(2) color triplet potential
Poster presented at "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X", 7-12 October 2012, Munich, Germany
Jul 2012
Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD
Talk given at "Meeting of HIC for FAIR Expert Group 1", 9 July 2012, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
May 2012
The spectrum of and forces between B mesons from lattice QCD
Talk given at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 8 May 2012, Bonn, Germany
Mar 2012
The spectrum of and forces between B mesons from lattice QCD
Talk given at University of Nicosia, 7 March 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2011

Dec 2011
ΛMS from the static potential for QCD with nf = 2 dynamical quark flavors
Talk given at University of Liverpool, 7 December 2011, Liverpool, UK
Nov 2011
The spectrum of and forces between B mesons from lattice QCD
Talk given at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 17 November 2011, Jena, Germany
Oct 2011
Interaction energies between static-light mesons
Talk given at "QWG 2011 - 8th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium", 4-7 October 2011, Darmstadt, Germany
Mar 2011
Plans for meson spectroscopy
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 23-25 March 2011, Bern, Switzerland
Feb 2011
Static-static-light-light tetraquarks in lattice QCD
Talk given at "Excited QCD 2011", 20-25 February 2011, Les Houches, France
Jan 2011
Computation of B mesons and b baryons with lattice QCD
Talk given at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 20 January 2011, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2010

Dec 2010
Status of Nf = 2+1+1 flavor twisted mass lattice QCD simulations
Talk given at "14th Meeting of SFB/TR9 - Computational Particle Physics", 9-10 December 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Sep 2010
ΛMS from the static potential for Nf = 2
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 15-17 September 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Jun 2010
Forces between static-light mesons
Talk given at "XXVIIIth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 14-19 June 2010, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy
Jun 2010
Kaon and D meson masses with Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
Poster presented at "XXVIIIth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 14-19 June 2010, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy
Mar 2010
Forces between heavy mesons
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 29-31 March 2010, Bonn, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2009

Sep 2009
The heavy-light sector of Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 23-25 September 2009, Groningen, Netherlands
Jul 2009
Dynamical lattice calculation of the Isgur-Wise functions τ1/2 and τ3/2
Talk given at "XXVIIth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 25-31 July 2009, Beijing, China
Apr 2009
Lattice calculation of the Isgur-Wise functions τ1/2 and τ3/2 with dynamical quarks
Talk given at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 27 April 2009, Berlin, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2008

Oct 2008
"Static-light meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD" and "The 1/2 versus 3/2 puzzle"
Talk given at "11th Meeting of SFB/TR9 - Computational Particle Physics", 6-7 October 2008, Aachen, Germany
Sep 2008
The 1/2 versus 3/2 puzzle
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 29-30 September 2008, Glasgow, UK
Sep 2008
The adjoint potential in the pseudoparticle approach: string breaking and Casimir scaling
Talk given at "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VIII" (invited talk), 1-6 September 2008, Mainz, Germany
Jul 2008
Static-light meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD
Talk given at "XXVIth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 14-19 July 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
Jun 2008
The static-light meson spectrum from twisted mass lattice QCD
Talk given at "18th International Workshop on Lattice Field Theory and Statistical Physics (LEILAT08)", 26-28 June 2008, Leipzig, Germany
May 2008
Adjoint string breaking in the pseudoparticle approach
Talk given at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 30 May 2008, Berlin, Germany
May 2008
Analysis aspects for 2+1+1 flavor twisted mass lattice QCD (K meson mass, D meson mass)
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 9-10 May 2008, Trento, Italy
Feb 2008
Static-light mesons in twisted mass QCD
Talk given at "10th Meeting of SFB/TR9 - Computational Particle Physics", 18-19 February 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany
Feb 2008
Static-light mesons in twisted mass QCD
Talk given at University of Liverpool, 6 February 2008, Liverpool, UK

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2007

Nov 2007
Static-light mesons (and string breaking)
Talk given at "ETM Collaboration Meeting", 1-2 November 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus
Oct 2007
The pseudoparticle approach
Talk given at "Lattice Hadron Phenomenology Meeting", 9-11 October 2007, Zeuthen, Germany
Aug 2007
Fermionic fields in the pseudoparticle approach
Talk given at "XXVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 30 July-4 August 2007, Regensburg, Germany
May 2007
The pseudoparticle approach in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory
Talk given at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 22 May 2007, Berlin, Germany
Mar 2007
Fermionische Felder im Pseudoteilchen-Formalismus
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 29 March 2007, Erlangen, Germany
Mar 2007
Marc Wagner
Fermions in the pseudoparticle approach
Talk given at "DPG-Tagung Heidelberg", 5-9 March 2007, Heidelberg, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2006

Sep 2006
Properties of confining gauge field configurations in the pseudoparticle approach
Talk given at "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII" (invited talk), 2-7 September 2006, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
Mar 2006
The SU(2) quark-antiquark potential in the pseudoparticle approach
Talk given at "DPG-Tagung Dortmund", 27-30 March 2006, Dortmund, Germany

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2005

Jul 2005
The pseudoparticle approach for solving path integrals in gauge theories
Talk given at "XXIIIrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", 25-30 July 2005, Dublin, Ireland

Seminar talks and conference presentations 2003

Feb 2003
Repairing non-manifold triangle meshes using simulated annealing
Talk given at "4th Israel-Korea Bi-National Conference on Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics", 12-14 February 2003, Tel Aviv, Israel

Some more talks (mostly pedagogical introductions, some of them in German)

Nov 2023
Untersuchung schwerer exotischer Mesonen mit Hilfe von Gitter-QCD
Kolloquium, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 27 November 2023, Wuppertal, Germany
Jun 2020
Photonen, Gluonen, W- und Z-Bosonen: Von den Kräften die die Welt zusammenhalten
Vortrag in der Reihe "Naturwissenschaft und Technik" des Physikalischen Vereins, 3 June 2020, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Jan 2018
Wie bestimmt man die Masse eines Hadrons mit Hilfe eines Computers?
Kolloquium, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 22 January 2018, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Jun 2015
Untersuchung von Mesonen und Tetraquarks im Rahmen der Gitter-QCD
Antrittsvorlesung (Habilitation), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 24 June 2015, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Jun 2015
Stringtheorie: Grundlagen, Erfolge, Probleme
Habilitationsvortrag, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 17 June 2015, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Apr 2013
Eichsymmetrien in der klassischen Elektrodynamik
Talk given at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 29 April 2013, Mainz, Germany
Jul 2012
Computergestützte diskrete stochastische Optimierung
Poster presented at "11. Emmy Noether-Jahrestreffen", 13-15 July 2012, Potsdam, Germany
Nov 2011
B-Physik mit Hilfe von Gittereichtheorie
Antrittsvorlesung (Juniorprofessur), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 9 November 2011, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Apr 2011
Gitter-QCD: Überblick und typische Forschungsprojekte
Talk given at "Deine Perspektive in der Physik", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 29 April 2011, Berlin, Germany
Jan 2011
Why the treatment of fermions on the lattice is difficult
Talk given at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 20 January 2011, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Nov 2009
B-Physik und Gittereichtheorie
Talk given at "Habilitandenkolloquium", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10 November 2009, Berlin, Germany
Nov 2007
Operators for meson creation in the continuum and on the lattice
Talk given at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 28 November 2007, Berlin, Germany
Sep 2007
String breaking/computing energy levels on the lattice
Talk given at DESY, 14 September 2007, Zeuthen, Germany
Nov 2006
Das Atiyah-Singer-Index-Theorem in SU(2)-Yang-Mills-Theorie
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 13 November 2006, Erlangen, Germany
Jul 2006
The pseudoparticle approach in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory
Talk given at "PhD Defense, Institut für Theoretische Physik III, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg", 24 July 2006, Erlangen, Germany
Dec 2005
Physik des Geonium-Atoms (Präzisionsmessung des gyromagnetischen Faktors des Elektrons)
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2 December 2005, Erlangen, Germany
Aug 2005
Unruh effect
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 8 August 2005, Erlangen, Germany
Mar 2005
Störungstheorie offener Strings - Vier-Tachyon-Tree-Amplitude
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 15 March 2005, Erlangen, Germany
Feb 2004
Einführung in die Supersymmetrie
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 6 February 2004, Erlangen, Germany
Dec 2002
Inflationäre kosmologische Modelle
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 3 December 2002, Erlangen, Germany
May 2000
Effizientes Ray-Tracing
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 5 May 2000, Erlangen, Germany
Feb 2000
Bayes Netze - Eine Einführung
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10 February 2000, Erlangen, Germany
Sep 1999
Kombinatorischer Beweis des Matrix-Tree-Theorems mittels Involutionsprinzip
Talk given at "Ferienakademie 1999", 19 September-1 October 1999, Sarntal, Italy
Sep 1999
Cayleys Formel - Drei Beweise durch geschicktes Zählen
Talk given at "Ferienakademie 1999", 19 September-1 October 1999, Sarntal, Italy
Nov 1998
Grundlagen der 3D-Computergraphik - Programmieren mit OpenGL
Talk given at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 13 November 1998, Erlangen, Germany


WS 2024/25 - Vorlesung: Einführung in die Quantenfeldtheorie und das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik (Modul VQFT1)

Wann und wo?
Zur Organisation der Vorlesung und Übungen verwenden wir die Lernplattform OLAT. Es ist daher unbedingt erforderlich, dass Ihr dem OLAT-Kurs "Einführung in die Quantenfeldtheorie und das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik (Modul VQFT1) - WS 2024/25" beitretet.
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Videos: https://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/49010664/eLectures.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2024 - Vorlesung: Einführung in die Programmierung für Physiker (Modul PPROG)

Wann und wo?
Zur Organisation der Vorlesung und Übungen verwenden wir die Lernplattform OLAT. Es ist daher unbedingt erforderlich, dass Ihr dem OLAT-Kurs "Einführung in die Programmierung für Physiker (Modul PPROG) - SS 2024" beitretet.
Leistungsnachweise (bei Studium nach der Prüfungsordnung von 2020):
Modulabschlussprüfung (bei Studium nach der Prüfungsordnung von 2020):
Leistungsnachweise (bei Studium nach der Prüfungsordnung von 2013):
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Aktuelle Vorlesungsfolien:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Numerik-Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 02.07.2024): numerical_basics.pdf.
Link zu Vortragsfolien zu "Clean code" und "Clean testing" von Alessandro Sciarra.
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter https://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/49010664/eLectures.
Literatur zu C:
Literatur zu C++:
Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2023/24 - Vorlesung: Numerische Methoden der Physik (Modul VNUMP)

Wann und wo?
Zur Organisation der Vorlesung und Übungen verwenden wir die Lernplattform OLAT. Es ist daher unbedingt erforderlich, dass Ihr dem OLAT-Kurs "Numerische Methoden der Physik - WiSe 23/24" beitretet.
Voraussichtliche Termine für mündliche Prüfungen:
Voraussichtlicher Inhalt der Vorlesung (die Vorlesung wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten):
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 05.02.2024): numerical_methods.pdf.
Videos: https://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/49010664/eLectures.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2023 - Vorlesung: Höhere Quantenmechanik

Wann und wo?
Zur Organisation der Vorlesung und Übungen verwenden wir die Lernplattform OLAT. Es ist daher unbedingt erforderlich, dass Ihr dem OLAT-Kurs "Höhere Quantenmechanik - SoSe 23" beitretet.
Voraussichtliche Termine der mündlichen Prüfung:
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 12.07.2023): QM2.pdf.
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter https://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/49010664/eLectures.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2023 - Simulationspraktikum: Versuch "Lattice Monte-Carlo simulation of the quantum mechanical path integral"

Wann und wo?

WS 2022/23 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 5 - Thermodynamik und Statistische Physik

Organisation und Ablauf der Vorlesung und Übungen:
Vorläufige Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 15.02.2023):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter
sowie im OLAT-Kurs.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:
Weiteres Unterstützungsangebot:
Physik-Lernzentrum, geöffnet von Montag bis Freitag, 14:00 bis 18:00, Raum __.101. Aktuelle Informationen zu den Öffnungsbedingen findet Ihr unter dem angegebenen Link.

SS 2022 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 2 - Klassische Mechanik

Organisation und Ablauf der Vorlesung und Übungen:
Vorläufige Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 15.07.2022):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter
sowie im OLAT-Kurs.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:
Weiteres Unterstützungsangebot:
Physik-Lernzentrum, geöffnet von Montag bis Freitag, 14:00 bis 18:00, Raum __.101. Aktuelle Informationen zu den Öffnungsbedingen findet Ihr unter dem angegebenen Link.

WS 2021/22 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 1 - Mathematische Methoden

Organisation und Ablauf der Vorlesung und Übungen:
Vorläufige Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 14.02.2022):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter
sowie im OLAT-Kurs.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:
Weiteres Unterstützungsangebot:
Physik-Lernzentrum, geöffnet von Montag bis Freitag, 14:00 bis 18:00, Raum __.101. Aktuelle Informationen zu den Öffnungsbedingen findet Ihr unter dem angegebenen Link.

SS 2021 - Vorlesung: Numerische Methoden der Physik (Modul VNUMP)

Vorlesung (3 SWS):
Übungen (2 SWS; organisiert und betreut von Lasse Müller und Laurin Pannullo):
Leistungsnachweis (6 CP):
Benotete Modulabschlussprüfung:
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung und Videos (Screencasts in denen ich hauptsächlich die weiter unten verfügbaren stichpunktartigen Aufzeichnungen diskutiere):
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen (ersetzen im Wesentlichen den Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 06.07.2021):
Zeit- und Arbeitsplan:
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2020/21 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 3 - Elektrodynamik

Informationen zum Ablauf der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung und Videos (Screencasts in denen ich hauptsächlich die weiter unten verfügbaren stichpunktartigen Aufzeichnungen diskutiere):
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen (ersetzen im Wesentlichen den Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 09.02.2021):
Zeit- und Arbeitsplan:
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2020 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 2 - Klassische Mechanik

Informationen zum Ablauf der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung und Videos (Screencasts in denen ich hauptsächlich die weiter unten verfügbaren stichpunktartigen Aufzeichnungen diskutiere):
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen (ersetzen im Wesentlichen den Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 08.07.2020):
Zeit- und Arbeitsplan:
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2019/20 - Vorlesung: Einführung in die Programmierung für Physiker (Modul PPROG)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/49010664/010_Hauptkatalog.
Literatur zu C:
Literatur zu C++:
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:
Große Programmieraufgabe:

SS 2019 - Lecture: Advanced quantum mechanics

When und where?
Oral exams, 2.103 (my office):
Itemized notes (most of it in German), last updated on 17. July 2019:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&videolist=1158.
Exercise sheets:

WS 2018/19 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 3 - Elektrodynamik

Wann und wo?
Einige organisatorische Informationen (die in der ersten Vorlesung gezeigten Folien):
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 14. Februar 2019):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2018 - Lecture: Numerical methods in physics (Modul VNUMP)

When und where?
Videos: http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&videolist=1084.
Itemized notes, last updated on 13. July 2018 (essentially what I write on the blackboard):
Exercise sheets:

WS 2017/18 - Vorlesung: Einführung in die Programmierung für Physiker (Modul PPROG)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/49010664/010_Hauptkatalog.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:
Große Programmieraufgabe:

SS 2017 - Vorlesung: Höhere Quantenmechanik

Wann und wo?
Termine der mündlichen Prüfung:
Inhalt der Vorlesung: ^
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 18. Juli 2017):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&videolist=987.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2016/17 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 3 - Elektrodynamik

Wann und wo?
Einige organisatorische Informationen (die in der ersten Vorlesung gezeigten Folien):
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 9. Februar 2017):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:
Physik Lernzentrum (organisiert von Julia Sammet, Emails an Julia Sammet mit Betreff "Lernzentrum" außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten möglich und erwünscht).
Veranstaltungshinweis (für alle die noch nicht genug von Theo haben):
Wochenende der Theoretischen Physik (24. Februar 2017 bis 26. Februar 2017).

SS 2016 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 2 - Klassische Mechanik

Wann und wo?
Einige organisatorische Informationen (die in der ersten Vorlesung gezeigten Folien):
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb, Version vom 13. Juli 2016):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2015/16 - Vorlesung: Theoretische Physik 1 - Mathematische Methoden

Wann und wo?
Einige organisatorische Informationen (die während der Einführungsveranstaltung gezeigten Folien):
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Stichpunktartige Aufzeichnungen zu den Vorlesungsstunden (im Wesentlichen der Tafelanschrieb ohne Bilder, Version vom 11. Februar 2016):
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2015 - Vorlesung: Fortgeschrittene Quantenfeldtheorie und Quantenchromodynamik (Modul VQFT2)

Wann und wo?
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&sem=11&videolist=791.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2014/15 - Vorlesung: Einführung in die Quantenfeldtheorie und das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik (Modul VQFT1)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&sem=10&videolist=738.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2014 - Vorlesung: Numerische Methoden der Physik (Modul VNUMP)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung, Folien: Vom Standpunkt des ästhetischen Programmierens sind die oben bereitgestellten Codes teilweise sehr schlecht geschrieben: Ich verwende überwiegend globale Variablen, verzichte, wenn möglich, auf Loops und Funktionsaufrufe, etc. Ziel der Programme ist (1) einen leicht lesbaren Code für Vorlesung und Übung zur Verfügung zu stellen und (2) Programmieranfängern das Verstehen ihrer Funktionsweise zu erleichtern.
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&sem=9&videolist=672.
Notizen zur Vorlesung finden sich unter (erstellt von Alexandros Bouras und Jonathan Enders, korrekturgelesen von Martin Stein; Anmerkungen, Kommentare und Korrektorvorschläge am besten per Email an alexandros.bouras@stud.uni-frankfurt.de).
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2013/14 - Vorlesung: Einführung in die Programmierung für Physiker (Modul PPROG)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&sem=8&videolist=594.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:
Große Programmieraufgabe:

SS 2013 - Vorlesung: Quantenfeldtheorie 2 (Modul VQFT2)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&sem=7&videolist=492.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2012/13 - Vorlesung: Einführung in die Quantenfeldtheorie und das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik (Modul VQFT1)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=1&sem=6&videolist=314.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2012 - Vorlesung: Quantenfeldtheorie 2 (Modul VQFT2)

!!!!! Keine Vorlesung am Freitag den 18. Mai! Die Uni ist am 18. Mai geschlossen! !!!!!
Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung:
Videos sämtlicher Vorlesungsstunden finden sich unter http://electure.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?cat=.fachbereiche&subcat=12&sem=5&entry=4&vl_id=q0ZCVsKQce.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

WS 2011/12 - Vorlesung: Numerische Methoden der Physik (Modul VNUMP)

Wann und wo?
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
Gliederung der Vorlesung, Folien: Vom Standpunkt des ästhetischen Programmierens sind die oben bereitgestellten Codes teilweise sehr schlecht geschrieben: Ich verwende überwiegend globale Variablen, verzichte, wenn möglich, auf Loops und Funktionsaufrufe, etc. Ziel der Programme ist (1) einen leicht lesbaren Code für Vorlesung und Übung zur Verfügung zu stellen und (2) Programmieranfängern das Verstehen ihrer Funktionsweise zu erleichtern.
Notizen zur Vorlesung finden sich unter (erstellt von Alexandros Bouras und Jonathan Enders, korrekturgelesen von Martin Stein; Anmerkungen, Kommentare und Korrektorvorschläge am besten per Email an alexandros.bouras@stud.uni-frankfurt.de).
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

SS 2011 - Elektrostatik/Magnetostatik (in German)

WS 2010/11 - Klassische Theoretische Physik: Theoretische Mechanik (in German)

SS 2010 - Lecture: Topological objects in gauge theories (40514)

When and where?
Outline of the lecture:
Problem sets:

WS 2009/10 - Fortgeschrittene Theoretische Physik (in German)

WS 2008/09 - Elektrodynamik und Wellenoptik (in German)

SS 2008 - Analytische Mechanik, Optik und Elektromagnetismus (in German)

WS 2007/08 - Einführung in die klassische Mechanik und Wärmelehre (in German)

SS 2007 - Einführung in die Quantenphysik (in German)

WS 2006/07 - Theoretische Physik I: Mechanik (in German)

Datenschutzerklärung zur Erfüllung der nach Artikel 13 EU DSGVO geforderten Informationspflicht bei Erhebung von Daten zum Zeitpunkt der Erhebung bei betroffenen Personen.

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