Excited QCD 2010
31 January-6 February 2010- Tatra National Park (
email: excitedqcd@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de
(with pdf/ppt of each talk)
Monday, 1st Feb. 2010
density QGP chair:
9h20-9h30 Welcome
9h300-10h00 Quarkyonic Matter, MCLERRAN, Larry
10h00-10h30 The high
density QCD phase transition in compact stars, PAGLIARA, Guiseppe
10h30-11h00 Tea-Coffee / discussion break
11h00-11h30 Confinement Models
at Finite Temperature and Density, SWANSON, Eric
11h30-12h00 The Phase Structure of
Dense QCD from ChiralModels, SASAKI, Chihiro
gluons + QGP chair: Vincent Mathieu
17h00-17h30 Heavy Ions
studies in ATLAS, RYBAR, Martin
17h30-18h00 Glueballs, gluon
condensate, and the phase transition in pure glue QCD, BUISSERET Fabien
18h00-18h30 Tea-Coffee
/ discussion break
18h30-19h00 The role of
color-magnetic monopoles in a gluon plasma, RATTI, Claudia
19h00-19h30 Analytic approach
to the study of the electric-magnetic asymmetry of the dimension 2 condensate,
Tuesday, 2nd Feb. 2010
QGP dynamics chair: Chihiro Sazaki
09h00-9h30 The ALICE experiment
09h30-10h00 New
Relativistic Hydrodynamics from the AdS/CFT, LUBLINSKY, Michael
10h00-10h30 Signatures of the
fireball fragmentation at the phase transition, TOMASIK, Boris
10h30-11h00 Tea-Coffee
/ discussion break
11h00-11h30 Partons and
Mesons in a Strongly Coupled Plasma from AdS/CFT, IANCU,
11h30-12h00 A Dual
Geometry and Holographic QCD in medium, LEE, Bum-hoon
gluons + fields chair: Larry Mclerran
17h00-17h30 Exclusive photoproduction
of lepton pairs at high energy, SLIPEK,
17h30-18h00 Nonlinear kt−factorization and
the unintegrated glue of a nucleus, SCHAEFER, Wolfgang
18h00-18h30 Tea-Coffee
/ discussion break
18h30-19h00 Searches for
Technicolor in ATLAS, HELARY, Louis
19h00-19h30 Pinch technique gluon
propagator and limits on a dynamically generated gluon mass, SAULI, Vladimir
19h30-20h00 Confinement
and chiral symmetry in a dense matter, GLOZMAN, Leonid
Wednesday, 3rd Feb. 2010
excited spectra chair: Teresa Mendes
09h00-9h30 The Study of Excited
Baryon Resonances, CREDE, Volker
09h30-10h00 Bonn-Gatchina partial
wave analysis: search for missing baryon states,
10h00-10h30 Detecting
new hadrons or excited ones, SCHEIRICH,
10h30-11h00 Tea-Coffee
/ discussion break
11h00-11h30 Baryon
Spectroscopy, recent results from the Crystal Barrel Experiment at ELSA,
THOMA, Ulrike
11h30-12h00 Highly
excited hadrons: how to use baryons to catch the quark mass, and why the gluons
may lead to a larger degeneracy in mesons, BICUDO, Pedro
Ads/CFT and exotica chair: Boris Tomasik
17h00-17h30 Handling excited
states on the lattice: the GEVP method, MENDES, Tereza
17h30-18h00 Holographic
models for planar QCD without AdS/CFT correspondence, AFONIN, Sergey
18h00-18h30 Tea-Coffee
/ discussion break
18h30-19h00 Strange
Pentaquarks, PRASZALOWICZ, Michal
19h00-19h30 Role
of the tetraquark in the chiral phase transition, HEINZ, Achim
Thursday, 4th Feb. 2010
light resonances chair: Ulrike Thoma
10h00-10h30 Complex masses in the
S-matrix, RUPP, George
11h00-11h30 Generalized
Dalitz Plot analysis of the near threshold pp -> ppK+K- reaction in view of the K+K- interaction,
11h30-12h00 Pion distribution
amplitude, gamma-gamma into pion transition
form factoring QCD, BAKULEV,
light resonances chair: Michal Praszalowicz
17h30-18h00 KLOE-2 physics program, MORICCIANI, Dario
18h30-19h00 Study
of the η’ meson
structure, width and interactions with nucleons at COSY-11, CZERWINSKI, Eryk
19h00-19h30 Structure of scalar
mesons f0(600), a0(980), f0(1370) and a0(1450), PARGANLIJA, Denis
19h30-20h00 The ηη’
mixing scheme, MATHIEU, Vincent
Friday, 5th Feb. 2010
Heavy quarks, confinement and QGP chair: Sonia Kabana
09h00-9h30 Recent
CLEO results on quarkonium spectroscopy, SKWARNICKI, Tomasz
09h30-10h00 Lattice QCD
simulation of X,Y,Z and light scalar mesons, PRELOVSEK, Sasa
10h00-10h30 A coupled-channel
analysis of the X(3872), COITO, Susana
10h30-11h00 Tea-Coffee
/ discussion break
11h00-11h30 QCD beyond the standard model, SWANSON, Eric
11h30-12h00 Colour fields of the static
hybrid gluon-quark-antiquark system, CARDOSO, Nuno
chair: Vladimir Sauli
17h00-17h30 Heavy flavor at
17h30-18h00 New
prospects in heavy flavor physics with the HFT, the silicon upgrate for STAR
experiment at RHIC, MARGETIS,
18h00-18h30 Tea-Coffee
/ discussion break
18h30-19h00 Evidence for Narrow N*(1685)
Resonance KUZNETSOV, Viacheslav
19h00-19h30 Highlights
of the STAR experiment at RHIC, KABANA, Sonia
19h30-19h40 Closing
Contact: excitedqcd@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de Tel: