Instructuor: Yosuke Mizuno
Office: Physics Building R718
Phone: 03-574-2954
Class hours: Wednesday (W7W8W9)
Place: Physics Building R701
1. Couse description:
This course will provide an introduction to physics of the most of visible matter in
the universe, i.e., plasma state. I will begin the introduction about the plasma with
discussion of the huge ranges of densities and temperatures at which plasmas are
found on earth and in the universe. Next, I will describe the physics of particles and
fluids motion in electromagnetic fields. I will concentrate the most simple and useful
description of plasma, magnetohydrodynamics and their properties such as waves,
instabilities, shocks, dynamo, and magnetic reconnections. I will provide
astrophysical applications through this lecture.
2. Text:
None required. Lecture note will be posted on my website before the subject.
3. References:
(1) gFundamentals of Plasma Physicsh, P. M. Bellan, 2006, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
(2) gPlasma Physics for Astrophysicsh, R. M. Kulsrud, R. M. 2005, Princeton University Press
(3) gPlasma Physicsh, P.A. Sturrock, 1994, Cambridge University Press
(4) gThe Physics of Plasmash, T. J. M. Boyd and J. J. Sanderson, 2003, Cambridge University Press
4. Teaching method:
This course will go mainly with classroom lectures and discussion. There will be
homework for each chapter.
5. Evaluation:
Attendance (10%)
Homework (30%)
Mid-term Exam (30%)
Final Exam or Final Presentation (30%)
Ch. 0: Intrudction [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 1: Basic Concepts of Plasma [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 2: Single Particle Motion [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 3: Kinetic Theory [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 3.5: Multi-Fluid Theory of Plasma [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 4: Single-Fluid Theory of Plasma - Magnetohydrodynamics [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 5: Waves in Plasma [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 6: Shocks and Discontinuities [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 7-1: Instabilities I [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 7-2: Instabilities II [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 8: Outflow and Accretion [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 9: Astrophysical Dynamo [PPT] [PDF]
Ch. 10: Magnetic Reconnection [PPT] [PDF]
Appendix [PDF]
Exercise 1 [PDF]
Exercise 2 [PDF]
Final Presentation [PPT] [PDF]
(i) Presentation 1: Magnetic Fields in Supernova Remnants and Pulsar-Wind Nebulae
Part1 [PPT] [PDF], Part2 [PPT] [PDF], Part3
(ii) Presentation 2: Magnetic Fields in Multiphase Interstellar Medium
Part1 [KEY] [PDF], Part2 [PPT] [PDF], Part3 [PDF]
(iii) Presentation 3: Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Jets