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Advanced Statistical Physics: Many-body systems out of equilibriumAlex Tsyplyatyev, WS 2020/2021Lectures: 3 hours per weekRoom: Online via ZOOM on Tuesdays 13:15-15:00 and Thursdays 12:15-13:00 First week: 03.11.2020 Last week: 18.02.2021 (13 weeks of lectures in total, 3 weeks of Christmas vacation 19.12.2020 - 08.01.2021) Tutorials: 2 hours every second week, 1 group Tutor: Mr. Viktor Hahn/Mr. Roman Smit Room: Online via ZOOM on Wednesdays 11:15-13:00 First tutorial: 18.11.2020 (6 weeks of tutorials in total, dates are 18.11, 02.12, 16.12, 20.01, 03.02, 17.02) This course develops the theoretical methods for dealing with many-body systems in the direction of out-of-equilibrium dynamics. The lecture consists of three parts. The first part can be understood directly after the Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics course (VTH5). Here the basic notion of non-equilibrium statistical systems is developed. The second part can be followed after the Quantum Mechanics I course (VTH4). Here the quantum dynamical tools within the framework of Hamiltonian formalism are developed. And in the third (the largest) part of the course, the Green function technique is generalised to the non-equilibrium problems. The many-body theory course (VQMPT) is suggested for the last part but is not necessary, all the relevant information about Green functions will be introduced in this lecture. AnnouncementsDue to the current situation with coronavirus this course will be conducted online. To sign up you need to send an email to tsyplyatyev[at]itp.uni-frankfurt.de with the following information: your name, surname, Matrikelnummer, and contact email. You will receive access to all materials, including ZOOM link. You can find the organisational details for this course here. The tutorial classes start on Wednesday the 18th of November. Lecture notesComplete lecture notesProblem sheets
Master solutions
Content of the course