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SpintronicsSpin of an electron is an
alternative to its charge for designing logic circuits. Much
lower intrinsic energy of the spins requires much less power
for operations, allowing significantly cooler computing chips.
The ability to preserve the spin information in an order state
of a magnet provides naturally a good way for storing data,
which is now widely utilised in magnetic disk drives by means
of the giant magneto resistance (GMR) effect. However,
implementing a robust generation, transmission, and detection
of spin currents, needed for a complete spintronic circuit,
presents still a technological problem.
Converting spin currents into a different signal that is easily detectable by the readily available techniques offers a promising way for generating and detecting them. One possibility is changing spin to change via the spin-Hall effect. Another is converting spin into heat current. Constructing a quantum transport theory of metals with magnetic nanoclusters, I showed that a strong magneto-thermopower (MTP) and a thermally generated spin current are intrinsically necessary attributes of GMR observed in these systems. This theory explained immediately the dependence of MTP on the size of the cobalt clusters in copper observed by the experimental group of Jean-Philippe Ansermet. A couple of years later, the prediction of thermo-spin (spin-Nernst) effect was confirmed experimentally in a similar system, thin nickel-iron films. This work is published in Phys.
Rev. B 74, 132403 (2006).
Non-Stationary SuperconductivityStrong out-of-equilibirum dynamics of superconductors, when the state of the whole condensate changes rapidly, is another problem that could bring new applications of this intriguing phenomenon. This physics is already reachable in a lab, in niobium-titanium-nitrogen films by THz pump-probe spectroscopy, or could be implemented in quench experiments using cold atom in optical traps. The dynamical modes of the BCS model are elliptic instead of the usual harmonic, modified by the integrability of the model. My contribution was the spectral theory of these elliptic modes that identifies the number of the collective excitations in the dynamics corresponding to different initial states, see an example in the figure. This result showed that there is a number of persistent oscillations in the non-stationary BCS theory, in addition to the already known relaxation of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory. This work is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 097005 (2006) and Phys. Rev. B 79, 132504 (2009). Decoherence in SemiconductorsQuantum technology promises to
a revolution in computing by exploiting the massive
parallelism inherited from quantum mechanics and in security
of communications owning the property of entanglement that is
destroyed by any physical witness. The commercially available
lithography for semiconductors is a good candidate for
implementing such a technology, e.g. an the spins of electrons
localised inside the already manufactured quantum dots can
serve as qubits—basic building blocks of a quantum
computer. However, the quantum noise in a semiconductor
crystal, caused by tiny magnets—nuclear spins—that the atoms
of the lattice host, destroys the quantum coherence too
quickly preventing currently a functional device from being
Efficient control of the quantum noise, which would remove this roadblock, is still limited by poor understating of the many-body interaction between the electron and the nuclear spins. Diagonalising the corresponding central-spin model at finite magnetic fields, by means of the Gaudin's equations, I showed that the level spacing is exponentially small at the resonance with the electron spin but increases super exponentially away from it. This suggests the wings of the spectrum for applying the projective measurement technique in order to reduce the unwanted quantum noise efficiently. Studying the dipole-dipole interaction between the nuclear spins on a lattice, I showed that the shape of their Zeeman lines, measured by the the nuclear magnetic resonance technique, depends strongly on the nuclear polarisation. This result provides a precise tool for in situ measurements of the achieved polarisation in development of a robust dynamical nuclear pumping technique that can fully eliminate the nuclear decoherence effect. This work is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 106803 (2011) and Phys. Rev. B 85, 125123 (2012). Strong Correlations in One Dimension![]() The area away from the linear constraint and low energies remains mostly open. Studying this problem in one dimension by means of Bethe ansatz methods, I showed that the many-body solutions away from low energies can be characterised in a hierarchical fashion by their 'spectral weight'—a quantity determining how the solutions connect to physical observables. The levels of the hierarchy are separated by different powers of a tiny parameter, a ratio of the interaction radius to the system length. At small energy this hierarchy crosses over to the already known hydrodynamic modes of Luttinger liquid, see sketch in the figure. This theory was confirmed experimentally by the group of Chris Ford in tunneling spectroscopy of quantum wires by measuring modes from the two strongest levels of the hierarchy and the crossover to Luttinger liquid. A weaker mode has been observed recently by the same group in short wires confirming further that the levels of the hierarchy are separated by the inverse length of the system. This work is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 196401 (2015), Phys. Rev. B 93, 075147 (2016), and Nat. Commun. 7, 12784 (2016).