Excited QCD

8-14 February 2009- Zakopane (Poland)


email: excitedqcd@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de    


For the homepage of the meeting in 2010: click here


The meeting will take place in a cool place with minimal budget. This is a relatively small meeting aimed at 50 to 60 participants, where scientists can really know each other, relax but also learn and work together. We aim to bring together young researchers and experts with different perspective of QCD.




Organization committee and contact                                                                                                                            

Schedule, speakers and pdf of each talk  (Proceedings at Acta Physica Polonica:  http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/sup2/t2.htm )      

 Pictures of the Meeting                                                                                                

Travel to and accommodation in Zakopane

Social dinner (with our pictures…)  

Tourism in Zakopane


The meeting is organized by:

Pedro Bicudo (IST Lisboa), Francesco Giacosa (U Frankfurt), Sonia Kabana (U Nantes, Subatech), Magdalena Malek (IPN, Orsay, France)


Contact: excitedqcd@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de    Tel: +49-(0)69-798-47843