Commercial Software

Version 2.1 by Thomas Coelho on 2023/02/27 14:38

We have several Commercial Software Package installed on our System. This document describes what we have and how to use them.


Mathematica is an algebra system from Wolfram Research

Because mathematica is very expensive we only hold a limited number of 8 licenses. For fairness to other users, please close Mathematica if you don't need it. If everyone will do this, you will have not to wait for a license token.


Maple 2017 is available with either "xmaple" or "maple".


Matlab is available in a recent version with the command "matlab".

There is an issue with the java virtual memory, when running matlab on the login server. The Java GUI will only run on our normal desktop machines. As a work around we have a second login server (with older hardware) called, which does not have any restrictions.

Intel Compiler and MKL

See Intel Compiler for details instructions, how to setup your environment.

NAG Libraries

The NAG libraries are installed under /home/software/NAG, accessible from all ITP machines.

Currenly we have:

  • cll6i24dcl (C Version, 64 bit integer)
  • fll6a24dfl (Fortran Version)

The Libraries are not in the default library path. If you want the use them you have to set or extend the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Run your programm like that

 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/software/NAG/cll6i24dcl/lib ./a.out

if your binary is named a.out. You can put the LD_LIBRARY_PATH with an export statement in your .profile to have it always available.

The NAG Libraries are commercial software and require a valid license. Define a second environment variable pointing to the license file:

export  NAG_KUSARI_FILE=/home/software/NAG/license.lic

This can also be added to the .profile.