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Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros

» Physics of AI
» Complex System Theory
» Self-Organized Robotics
» Genesis Project (3sat scobel Interview)

lecture course winter term 2024/25:   Machine Learning Primer
lecture course sommer term 2024:   Advanced Introduction to C++, Scientific Computing and Machine Learning
Bachelor-/Masterarbeiten:   Themen / Infoblatt
Seminar:   Complex systems & NeuroBioTheo

Mailing address:
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Goethe University Frankfurt
Box 111932
60054 Frankfurt/Main
Campus Riedberg
Physics building
room number 01.132
Max-von-Laue Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt/Main
phone: +49 69 798 47818
fax : +49 69 798 47832
e-mail: click to show email
Anne Metz - secretary
phone: +49 69 798 47817
fax : +49 69 798 47832
e-mail: click to show email

The textbook

Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems
A Comprehensive Introduction

is available as a Springer textbook (Amazon).
First / second / third / fourth / fifth edition
2008 / 2010 / 2013 / 2015 / 2024.

See also the related lecture course and the table of contents. Including now a chapter on "Complexity of Machine Learning".

[ Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems. A Comprehensive Introduction ]

Physics of AI

Large language models based on the attention mechanism are at the core of generative AI, such as universal chatbots like ChatGPT. As of today, a full understanding of the workings of highly performing AI architectures, like transformers, has however not been attained.

Within physics of AI, one of our main research activities, one performs an in-depth analsis of basic ML principles. A prominent example is the attention mechanism, which allows for information routing via the Query, Key and Value framework. For the analysis, the toolbox of dynamical and complex systems theory is used.

Complex Systems

Complex systems abound in the world, being essential for describing, e.g., biological and artificial cognitive system. In the guise of game theory, complex systems theory describes human behavioral strategies, such as envy.

We develop new organizational principles for a range of cognitive systems. An example is the tragedy of the commons, which occurs when natural resources are over-exploited. A wide-spread phenomenon in ecology is dormancy, which led us to propose Spore Life, a cellular automaton introducing dormant cells to the classical Game of Life.

Self-Organized Robotics

Which are the possible generating principles for locomotion? As an alternative to classical top-down control, we study the emergence of self-organized motor primitives within the sensory-motor loop through an overarching principle, 'attractoring'.

The underlying principle is implemented in embodied simulated and real-world robots and studied subsequently within dynamical systems theory. We find, that complex behavioral patterns may emerge from simple generating principles The resulting possibility of 'kick control' contrasts with the standard perspective of objective-controlled movements.

The Genesis project

We studied the feasibility of an interstellar mission which would lay the foundations of a self-developing ecosphere of unicellular organisms on otherwise life-less exoplanets. This proposal motivates to reconsider the role of humanity in a larger context.
  • Shall humanity take an active role in our corner of the galaxy?
  • Which ethical aspects are involved, when helping life to flourish elsewhere?
  • Why should we undertake an endeavor without tangible benefit for humanity?
The Genesis project has seen a substantial media resonance. We showed in conjunction that interstellar probes may be decelerated using magnetic sails.

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