
J.A. Maruhn, "FOURGEN: A Fast-Fourier-Transform Program Generator", Comp. Phys. Comm. 12, 147 (1976). Cited 2 times.

This paper clearly illustrates the stupidity of the indiscriminate use of citation indices. It was probably one of the very first codes using a high-level language to write efficient codes, in this case for the Fast Fourier Transform for small dimenions by eliminating many of the trivial or superfluous operations.  In the first few loops of the FFT, the multiplications are by numbers such 1 or -1, so that numerous floating-point operations can be eliminated. I know that this code it was used widely but rarely cited. An amusing side notice is that for the Floating Point Systems Array Processor, a pipelining machine of the '80s I could actually adapt the method to use the machine at  >90% efficiency, which was outstanding for any numerical method on that machine. 

F. Perez and T. Takaoka say that "To my knowledge, the first generator of FFT programs was FOURGEN, written by J. A. Maruhn. It was written in PL I and it generated FORTRAN. " (F. PEREZ AND T. TAKAOKA, A prime factor FFT algorithm implementation using a program generation technique, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 35 (1987), pp. 1221--1223. )

Higher-Order Fierz Transformations

J. A. Maruhn, T. Bürvenich, and D. G. Madland, "Calculating the Fierz Transformation for Higher Orders", J. Comp.\ Phys. 169, 238 (2001).

This paper was pure fun. I had heard at Los Alamos that some people had tried to do Fierz transformations for higher-order terms analytically but found that too difficult. Looking at the problem I first used Matematica to do the transformation for fourth-order terms, but later, when this proved too time-consuming for higher orders, noticed that the problem really amounted to the solution of linear equations. Using modern Fortran-95 to employ an "integer complex" data type, this could easily be implemented. The main remaining problem, for which I lack sufficient mathematical background, is to find out which couplings should be included in the expansion. Yet it is satisfactory that I already received requests from around the world for the notebooks and codes developed in this world.