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Summer Term 2021

SS 2021 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 2 - Electrodynamics 1

Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP2
Electronic university calender
Calender of the department

Monday, 13:15 - 14:45, (online only)
Thursday, 13:15 - 14:45, (online only)

Exercise classes:
Friday, 9:15-10:45 (online only)
Tuesday, 9:15-10:45 (online only, bi-weekly, tutorial)

Solutions to the exercises will be discussed in the seminar, notes will be made available online, please ask questions about those in the discussion forum of the Moodle plattform, or directly to the tutors.
Syllabus, additional important information on the lecture, updated 02.04.2021
The exercises are organized via a moodle course which you have to register manually under Moodle plattform of UL
Preliminary results of the exam, please see the link at the moodle course. Please note that you have to register first for the module and afterwards for the specific module classes (lecture, exercise) within the module.
Registration starts on March 31th, 2021 at noon (12.00) and ends on April 7th, 2021 at 17.00.
Teachers cannot register students for module (classes).
In class teaching is starting not earlier than in June, instead an online program will be offered. Details about reading material and the format of the online lecture will be available here and in almaweb.

  • mathematical background: vector analysis (gradient, divergence, rotation), divergence and curl theorem
  • Maxwell equations
  • Conservation laws
  • Electrostatics, magnetostatics (in vacuum and in media)
  • Solution methods for partial differential equations; applications to physical systems
    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 3, Electrodynamics, Springer 2016
  • J. D. Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics", 3rd edition, John Wiley, NY, 1998
  • D.J. Griffiths "Introduction to Electrodynamics" Pearson Education 2008
  • W. K. H. Panofsky, M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addison-Weseley, 1962
  • Walter Greiner, Classical Electrodynamics, Springer, 1998

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0, Useful formulas
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12
    Script (handwritten):
    Script TP1 (for reference)
    Recordings of the lecture week 1
    Recordings of the lecture week 2
    Recordings of the lecture week 3
    Recordings of the lecture week 4
    Recordings of the lecture week 5
    Recordings of the lecture week 6
    Recordings of the lecture week 7
    Recordings of the lecture week 8
    Recordings of the lecture week 9
    Recordings of the lecture week 10
    Recordings of the lecture week 11
    Recordings of the lecture week 12
    Recordings of the lecture week 13
    Recordings of the lecture week 14
    Recordings of the lecture week 15
    week 1
    until week 2
    week 3
    week 4
    week 5
    week 6
    week 7
    week 8
    week 9
    week 10
    week 11
    week 12
    week 13
    week 14
    week 15
    all weeks
  • Winter Term 2020/2021

    WS 2020/2021 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 3 - Classical Mechanics 2 and Electrodynamics 2

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP3
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Tuesday, 13:30 - 15:00, online only (zoom), details in the information on Almaweb
    Friday, 11:00 - 12:30, online only (zoom), details in the information on Almaweb

    Exercise classes:
    Thursday, 13:30 - 15:00, online only (zoom), details in the information on Almaweb
    (Second date to be published here)
    Moodle 12-PHY-BIPTP3 Sign in here
    Syllabus, additional important information on the lecture, updated 23.10.2020

    Preliminary exam results here.
    Please note that you have to register first for the module and afterwards for the specific module classes (lecture, exercise) within the module.
    Teachers cannot register students for module (classes).

  • Analytical mechanics: variational calculus, Hamilton's principle, Lagrange equations of first and second kind, Noether-Theorem
  • Legendre transformation, Hamilton equations of motion, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacoby theory
  • Special relativity
  • relativistic formulation of electrodynamics, electromagnetic waves, field of moving charges, ratdiation
    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 2, Analytical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • Theoretical Physics 4, Special Theory of Relativity, Springer 2017
  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 3, Electrodynamics, Springer 2016
  • J. D. Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics", 3rd edition, John Wiley, NY, 1998
  • D.J. Griffiths "Introduction to Electrodynamics" Pearson Education 2008
  • W. K. H. Panofsky, M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addison-Weseley, 1962
  • Walter Greiner, Classical Electrodynamics, Springer, 1998
  • J. M. Knudsen and P. G. Hjorth, Elements of Newtonian Mechanics, Springer, 2000
  • D. Kleppner and R.J. Kolenkov: An Introduction to Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 2010
  • J. Honerkamp, H. Römer: Theoretical Physics: A Classical Approach, Springer, 1993
  • Walter Greiner, Classical mechanics : point particles and relativity, Springer, 2004
  • Walter Greiner,  systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics, Springer, 2010
  • L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12
    Script (hand written):
    week 01
    week 02
    week 03
    week 04
    week 05
    week 06
    week 07
    week 08
    week 09
    week 10
    week 11
    week 12
    week 12 (continued)
    week 12 (continued 2)
    Recordings of the lecture week 1
    Recordings of the lecture week 2
    Recordings of the lecture week 3
    Recordings of the lecture week 4
    Recordings of the lecture week 5
    Recordings of the lecture week 6
    Recordings of the lecture week 7
    Recordings of the lecture week 8 and 8a
    Recordings of the lecture week 9
    Recordings of the lecture week 10
    Recordings of the lecture week 11
    Recordings of the lecture week 12
  • Summer Term 2020

    SS 2020 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 2 - Electrodynamics 1

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP2
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Thursday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, ThHS
    Friday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, ThHS

    Exercise classes:

    Results of the retake: Results retake TP2
    Preliminary results of the examination: Results TP2
    Exam admittance information
    Solutions to the exercises from the previous week will be made available online, please ask questions about those in the discussion forum of the Moodle plattform, or directly to the tutors.
    Syllabus, additional important information on the lecture, updated 02.04.2020
    The seminars and exercises are organized via a moodle course which you have to register manually under Moodle plattform of UL
    Please note that you have to register first for the module and afterwards for the specific module classes (lecture, exercise) within the module.
    Registration starts on March 25th, 2020 at noon (12.00) and ends on April 5th, 2020 at 18.00.
    Registration to the exercise classes opens on April 8th at noon.
    Teachers cannot register students for module (classes).
    In class teaching is starting not earlier than in May, instead an online program will be offered. Details about reading material and the format of the online lecture will be available here and in almaweb.

  • mathematical background: vector analysis (gradient, divergence, rotation), divergence and curl theorem
  • Maxwell equations
  • Conservation laws
  • Electrostatics, magnetostatics (in vacuum and in media)
  • Solution methods for partial differential equations; applications to physical systems
    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 3, Electrodynamics, Springer 2016
  • J. D. Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics", 3rd edition, John Wiley, NY, 1998
  • D.J. Griffiths "Introduction to Electrodynamics" Pearson Education 2008
  • W. K. H. Panofsky, M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addison-Weseley, 1962
  • Walter Greiner, Classical Electrodynamics, Springer, 1998

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0, Useful formulas
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Script (handwritten):
    Script TP1 (for reference)

    Script TP2 (this lecture)
    Reading week 0 (before first lecture)
    Reading week 1
    Reading week 2
    Reading week 5
    Recordings of the lecture week 1
    Recordings of the lecture week 2
    Recordings of the lecture week 3
    Recordings of the lecture week 4
    Recordings of the lecture week 5
    Recordings of the lecture week 6
    Recordings of the lecture week 7
    Recordings of the lecture week 8
    Recordings of the lecture week 9
    Recordings of the lecture week 10
    Recordings of the lecture week 11
    Recordings of the lecture week 12
    Recordings of the lecture week 13
    Recordings of the lecture week 14
  • Winter Term 2019/2020

    WS 2019/2020 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 3 - Classical Mechanics 2 and Electrodynamics 2

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP3
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Tuesday, 15:15 - 16:45, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS
    Friday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS

    Exercise classes:
    Tuesday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, R 221
    Thursday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, R 225

    Exam results of retake hier, inspection of exams on request.
    Preliminary exam results here, inspection of exams on request.
    Updated: List of suitable exercises to review the content of the lecture List
    Updated: List of points including sheet 12 here. Please check your points and tell your tutor in the exercise class if there are doubts about the correctness. For possibilities to make up for points, please write an e-mail to Andreas Kreisel.
  • Analytical mechanics: variational calculus, Hamilton's principle, Lagrange equations of first and second kind, Noether-Theorem
  • Legendre transformation, Hamilton equations of motion, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacoby theory
  • Special relativity
  • relativistic formulation of electrodynamics, electromagnetic waves, field of moving charges, ratdiation
    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 2, Analytical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • Theoretical Physics 4, Special Theory of Relativity, Springer 2017
  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 3, Electrodynamics, Springer 2016
  • J. D. Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics", 3rd edition, John Wiley, NY, 1998
  • D.J. Griffiths "Introduction to Electrodynamics" Pearson Education 2008
  • W. K. H. Panofsky, M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addison-Weseley, 1962
  • Walter Greiner, Classical Electrodynamics, Springer, 1998
  • J. M. Knudsen and P. G. Hjorth, Elements of Newtonian Mechanics, Springer, 2000
  • D. Kleppner and R.J. Kolenkov: An Introduction to Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 2010
  • J. Honerkamp, H. Römer: Theoretical Physics: A Classical Approach, Springer, 1993
  • Walter Greiner, Classical mechanics : point particles and relativity, Springer, 2004
  • Walter Greiner,  systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics, Springer, 2010
  • L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006

    Exercise sheets:
    Sheet 0
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5 (typos corrected)
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11 (typo corrected)
    Sheet 12 (typo corrected)
    Sheet 12
    Script (hand written):
    week 01
    week 02
    week 03
    week 04
    week 05
    week 06
    week 07
    week 08
    week 09
    week 10
    week 11
    week 12
    week 13
    week 14
  • Summer Term 2019

    SS 2019 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 2 - Electrodynamics 1

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP2
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Monday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, ThHS
    Thursday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS

    Exercise classes:
    Wednesday, 17:00 - 18:30, Linnéstr. 5, SR 225
    Thursday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS
    Thursday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, SR 224
    Friday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, ThHS

    Preliminary results of the repeat exam:Results TP2 (2)
    Preliminary results of the examination: Results TP2
    Questions or appointments for inspection of the exam: Write e-mail.
    Information: exam preparation
    Please note that you have to register first for the module and afterwards for the specific module classes (lecture, exercise) within the module.
    Registration starts on March 20th, 2019 at noon (12.00) and ends on April 5th, 2019 at 18.00.
    Registration to the exercise classes opens on April 1st at noon.
    Teachers cannot register students for module (classes).

  • mathematical background: vector analysis (gradient, divergence, rotation), divergence and curl theorem
  • Maxwell equations
  • Conservation laws
  • Electrostatics, magnetostatics (in vacuum and in media)
  • Solution methods for partial differential equations; applications to physical systems
    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 3, Electrodynamics, Springer 2016
  • J. D. Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics", 3rd edition, John Wiley, NY, 1998
  • D.J. Griffiths "Introduction to Electrodynamics" Pearson Education 2008
  • W. K. H. Panofsky, M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addison-Weseley, 1962
  • Walter Greiner, Classical Electrodynamics, Springer, 1998

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0, Useful formulas
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12
    Script (handwritten):
    General information
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    Part 9
    Part 10
    Part 11
    Part 12
    Part 13
    Part 14
    Points from homeworks until sheet 12, information how to make up for points:
    results up to sheet 12
  • Winter Term 2018/2019

    WS 2018/2019 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 1 - Classical Mechanics 1

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP1
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Tuesday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS
    Thursday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS

    Exercise classes:
    Monday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, R 532
    Monday, 11:00 - 12:30, Brüderstr. 16, R 210
    Friday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, ThHS

    Preliminary results of the retake exam here.
    Preliminary exam results here, inspection of exams on Feb. 26th, ITP, Brüderstraße.
    Updated (2): We have compiled the achieved points including sheet 12 in this list. Please check your points and tell your tutor in the exercise class if there are doubts about the correctness. Read comments for those who have not reached the threshold to be admitted to the exam.
    Updated: List of suitable exercises to review the content of the lecture List (complete)
    Please note that you have to register first for the module and afterwards for the specific module classes (lecture, exercise) within the module.
    Registration starts on October 4th, 2018 at noon (12.00) and ends on October 19th, 2018 at 18.00.
    Registration to the exercise classes opens on October 16th at noon.
    Teachers cannot register students for module (classes).
    Tutorial: mathematical addentum (Friday, 15:30, R 210, Brüderstr. 16)

  • mathematical background: vector calculus (elementary operations, scalar product, cross product, component representation), vector valued functions (continuity, differentiation), fields (scalar field, vector field), vector analysis (gradient, divergence, rotation), linear algebra (matrices), coordinate systems and rotations
  • kinematics
  • Newtons laws of motion
  • inertial frames, Galilei transformation
  • problems of dynamics (harmonic oscillator), ordinary differential equations
  • vibrations
  • conservation laws (work and energy, conservation of momentum, rotations, conservation of angular momentum), line integral
  • two particle problem in a radial potential (Kepler's problem)
  • multi particle systems (conservation laws, center of mass)
  • rotation of a rigid body around a fixed axis
  • constraints and D' Alembert principle (Lagrange mechanics)

    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 1, Classical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 2, Analytical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • J. M. Knudsen and P. G. Hjorth, Elements of Newtonian Mechanics, Springer, 2000
  • D. Kleppner and R.J. Kolenkov: An Introduction to Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 2010
  • J. Honerkamp, H. Römer: Theoretical Physics: A Classical Approach, Springer, 1993
  • Walter Greiner, Classical mechanics: point particles and relativity, Springer, 2004
  • Walter Greiner,  systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics, Springer, 2010
  • L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12
    Script (hand written):
    week 01
    week 02
    week 03
    week 04
    week 05
    week 06
    week 07
    week 08
    week 09
    week 10
    week 11
    week 12
    week 13
    week 14
    week 15
  • Summer Term 2018

    SS 2018 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 2 - Electrodynamics 1

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP2
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Monday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS
    Thursday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS

    Exercise classes:
    Tuesday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, R 532
    Wednesday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, R 532
    Friday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, R 532

    Preliminary results of the repeat exam:Results TP2 (2)
    Preliminary results of the examination: Results TP2
    Questions or appointments for inspection of the exam: Write e-mail.
    Final admittance to exam (according to points achieved) will be published by 10.07.2018. For information how to obtain admittance, please refer to the list of points below.
    Information: exam preparation
    Please note that you have to register first for the module and afterwards for the specific module classes (lecture, exercise) within the module.
    Registration starts on March 28th, 2018 at noon (12.00) and ends on April 13th, 2018 at 18.00.
    Registration to the exercise classes opens on April 9th at noon.
    Teachers cannot register students for module (classes).

  • mathematical background: vector analysis (gradient, divergence, rotation), divergence and curl theorem
  • Maxwell equations
  • Conservation laws
  • Electrostatics, magnetostatics (in vacuum and in media)
  • Solution methods for partial differential equations; applications to physical systems
    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 3, Electrodynamics, Springer 2016
  • J. D. Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics", 3rd edition, John Wiley, NY, 1998
  • D.J. Griffiths "Introduction to Electrodynamics" Pearson Education 2008
  • W. K. H. Panofsky, M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addison-Weseley, 1962
  • Walter Greiner, Classical Electrodynamics, Springer, 1998

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0, Useful formulas
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12
    Script (handwritten):
    General information
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    Part 9
    Part 10
    Part 11
    Part 12
    Part 13
    Part 14
    Points from homeworks:
    all sheets
  • Winter Term 2017/2018

    WS 2017/2018 Lecture: Theoretical Physics 1 - Classical Mechanics 1

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP1
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Tuesday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS
    Thursday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS

    Exercise classes:
    Monday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, R 532
    Monday, 11:00 - 12:30, Brüderstr. 16, R 210
    Friday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, ThHS

    Results of the retake exam here, inspection of exams on request.
    Preliminary exam results here, inspection of exams on March 15th, 3pm, ITP, Brüderstraße.
    Final list with points: list, all students with 72 or more points are admitted.
    Information: exam preparation
    An updated list of the achieved points including sheet 11 is available here. 72 points are required for admittance to the exam, please read the information on the bottom of the document.
    We have compiled the achieved points including sheet 8 in this list. Please check your points and tell your tutor in the exercise class if there are doubts about the correctness.
    Please note that you have to register first for the module and afterwards for the specific module classes (lecture, exercise) within the module.
    Registration starts on September 27th, 2017 at noon (12.00) and ends on October 13th, 2017 at 18.00.
    Registration to the exercise classes opens on October 12th at noon.
    Teachers cannot register students for module (classes).
    Tutorial tba.

  • mathematical background: vector calculus (elementary operations, scalar product, cross product, component representation), vector valued functions (continuity, differentiation), Fields (scalar field, vector field), vector analysis (gradient, divergence, rotation), linear algebra (matrices), coordinate systems and rotations
  • kinematics
  • Newtons laws of motion
  • inertial frames, Galilei transformation
  • problems of dynamics (harmonic oscillator), ordinary differential equations
  • vibrations
  • conservation laws (work and energy, conservation of momentum, rotations, conservation of angular momentum), line integral
  • two particle problem in a radial potential (Kepler's problem)
  • multi particle systems (conservation laws, center of mass)
  • rotation of a rigid body around a fixed axis
  • constraints and D' Alembert principle (Lagrange mechanics)

    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 1, Classical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 2, Analytical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • J. M. Knudsen and P. G. Hjorth, Elements of Newtonian Mechanics, Springer, 2000
  • D. Kleppner and R.J. Kolenkov: An Introduction to Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 2010
  • J. Honerkamp, H. Römer: Theoretical Physics: A Classical Approach, Springer, 1993
  • Walter Greiner, Classical mechanics: point particles and relativity, Springer, 2004
  • Walter Greiner,  systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics, Springer, 2010
  • L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12
  • Summer Term 2017

    Vorlesung: Mathematische Methoden 2 - Methoden der modernen Physik

    Elektronisches Vorlesungsverzeichnis
    Semesterplan der Fakultät

    Mittwoch, 11:15 - 12:45, Brüderstr. 16, Seminarraum 210

    Dienstag, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, Seminarraum SR 224
    Freitag, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, Seminarraum SR 224

    Aktuelle Hinweise:
    Ergebnisse der Klausur
    Eine zusätzliche Übung wird am 11.07. um 09:15 Uhr im Raum 113 (Computerpool) stattfinden.
    Klausurzulassung Bitte Hinweise auf 2. Seite beachten.
    Die Vorlesung vom 26.04. findet am Freitag, 28.04. 11:00-12:30 im Kleinen Hörsaal (Linnéstr. 5) statt. Die Übung wird verlegt auf den Vorlesungstermin: 26.04. 11:15 - 12:45, Brüderstr. 16, Seminarraum 210.
    Die erste Übung, Gruppe 2 wird auf Mittwoch, 12.04., 15:30 Uhr, Raum 113, Brüderstr. 16 verlegt.
    Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie sich sowohl in die Module als auch in die dazugehörigen Veranstaltungen einschreiben müssen.
    Lehrverantwortliche haben keinen Einfluss auf die Modulanmeldungen.

    Die erste Vorlesung ist am Mittwoch, 05. April 2017, die Übungsgruppen beginnen erst ab der zweiten Semesterwoche, d.h. ab 11.04.2017.

  • Anwendungen von Distributionen und Fouriertransformation
  • Operatoren und Eigenfunktionsentwicklung
  • spezielle Funktionen

    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: keine

  • H. Heuser, Lehrbuch der Analysis Teil 1 17. Auflage, Vieweg+Teubner 2009
  • H. Fischer, H. Kaul, Mathematik für Physiker, Band 1 Vieweg+Teubner 2011
  • M.L. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, Wiley 2005
  • R. Courant and D. Hilbert, Methoden der Mathematischen Physik I, Springer
  • G. Berendt and E. Weimar, Mathematik für Physiker, Band 2, Wiley-VCH
  • W. Walter, Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen, Springer
  • G.B. Arfken and H.J. Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Academic Press
  • P.M. Morse and H. Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics, McGraw-Hill

    (werden hier zum Download angeboten)
    1. Übungsblatt
    2. Übungsblatt
    3. Übungsblatt
    4. Übungsblatt
    5. Übungsblatt
    6. Übungsblatt
    7. Übungsblatt
    8. Übungsblatt
    9. Übungsblatt
    10. Übungsblatt, Ergänzung zum Hinweis
    11. Übungsblatt
    12. Übungsblatt
    Skript (MaMe2)
  • Winter Term 2016/2017

    Lecture: Theoretical Physics 1 - Classical Mechanics 1

    Modul 12-PHY-BIPTP1
    Electronic university calender
    Calender of the department

    Wednesday, 13:30 - 15:00, Linnéstr. 5, KlHS
    Thursday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, ThHS

    Exercise classes:
    Monday, 11:00 - 12:30, Linnéstr. 5, R 532
    Friday, 9:15 - 10:45, Linnéstr. 5, R 532

    Preliminary results of retake exam (available in the electronic system at a later date) here
    Time change: The second exam is sheduled on March 30th, 14-15:30, Theoretischer Hörsaal.
    Note: The final grades are entered in the electronic system to fix who is allowed for the re-exam on March 30th, 14-15:30, Theoretischer Hörsaal.
    All students that were in the module, and failed in the first exam are automatically registered to the second exam. Important: If you do not want to participate in the second exam, but want to do it later, you need to de-register via AlmaWeb.
    Preliminary results of exam (available in the electronic system at a later date) here
    The tasks of the exam will be discussed in a exercise class currently sheduled for March 2nd, 10:30, Kleiner Hörsaal, Linnéstr. 5
    A re-exam should be sheduled the week before the next semester starts, location and date will be announced here.
    Admittance to the exam: Please find information about the addmittance to the exam here
    A transcript of the example exercises discussed in the exercise classes can be downloaded here
    Information exam
    Thursday, 9. Feb. 2017, 10:00 - 11:30, Th HS
    The exam will consist in individual problems on the topics covered in the lecture. For the exam, the use of literature or personal notes are not allowed. A scientific calculator (non programable) can be used.
    The first lecture is sheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 12th 2016, exercise classes begin in the second week, e.g. starting from Oct. 17th 2016.
    Tutorial Florian Engert
    Tuesday, 13:30 room R 225

  • mathematical background: vector calculus, linear algebra, vector analysis, coordinate systems and rotations, multiple integrals, ordinary differential equations
  • Newtons laws of motion
  • inertial frames, Galilei transformation
  • conservation laws (work and energy, conservation of momentum, center of mass, rotations, conservation of angular momentum)
  • rotation of a rigid body around a fixed axis
  • two particle problem in a radial potential
  • vibrations
  • constraints and D'Alembert principle (Lagrange mechanics)

    Bachelor of Science International Physics Studies Program: none

  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 1, Classical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • Wolfgang Nolting, Theoretical Physics 2, Analytical Mechanics, Springer 2016
  • J. M. Knudsen and P. G. Hjorth, Elements of Newtonian Mechanics, Springer, 2000
  • D. Kleppner and R.J. Kolenkov: An Introduction to Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 2010
  • J. Honerkamp, H. Römer: Theoretical Physics: A Classical Approach, Springer, 1993
  • Walter Greiner, Classical mechanics: point particles and relativity, Springer, 2004
  • Walter Greiner,  systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics, Springer, 2010
  • L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006

    Exercise sheets:
    (will be available for download here)
    Sheet 0
    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12
  • Earlier Semester (Universität Frankfurt)

  • 04/2005 - 07/2005: Tutor for mechanics I + II (Tue 8.15-10.00)
    lecture (german only)

  • 10/2005 - 01/2006: Tutor for elektrodynamics (Thu 8.15-10.45)
    lecture (german only)

  • 04/2006 - 07/2006: Tutor for quantum mechanics I (Thu 8.15-10.00)
    sheets (german only) lecture (german only)

  • 10/2006 - 01/2007: Tutor for statistical physics (Thu 9.00-11.00)
    sheets (german only) lecture (german only)

  • 4/2007 - 07/2007: Tutor for quantum mechanics II (Thu 14.15-16.00)
    sheets (german only) lecture (german only)

  • 10/2007 - 01/2008: Tutor for statistical physics (Tue 8.00-10.00)
    lecture (german only)

  • 04/2008 - 07/2008: Tutor for theory of the renormalization group (We 14.00-16.00)
    lecture (german only)

  • 10/2008 - 03/2009: Coordination of exercises for mechanics I, exercise sheets
    lecture (german only)

  • 04/2009 - 09/2009: Coordination of exercises for mechanics II, exercise sheets
    sheets (german only) lecture (german only)

  • 04/2010 - 09/2010: Coordination of exercises for quantum mechanics I, exercise sheets
    sheets (german only) lecture (german only)

  • 10/2010 - 03/2011: Coordination of exercises for thermodynamics and statitical physics, exercise sheets
    sheets (german only) lecture (german only)

  • 04/2011 - 09/2011: Coordination of exercises for quantum mechanics II, exercise sheets
    sheets (german only) lecture (german only)

  • 10/2011 - 03/2012: Tutor for electrodynamics (We 12-14 h)
    lecture, sheets (german only)

  • Seitenabschlussleiste