
Fachbereich 13


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Tight binding models for high temperature superconductors

This page lists a set of tight-binding models that are suitable to describe high temperature superconductors

Some of the models have been compiled from the literature for comparison, others are calculated using first principles calculations or adjusted to match experimental measured quantities.
For each model, the hopping parameters are given in a comma separated file (csv), and basic plots of the band structure and Fermi surface are provided for comparison. The tight-binding file contains lines with the following format:
rx, ry, rz, a, b, Re(t), Im(t)
Here ri is the i-th component of the real space vector that describes the hopping process, a and b are integer numbers labeling the orbitals and the last two entries are the real and imaginary part of the hopping (usually given in eV).
The corresponding Bloch Hamiltonian (in orbital representation) can be obtained by a Fourier transform and summation over all lines to yield the matrix Hab.


Directory up
./2bandtwo band models: simplest model to capture holelike and electronlike bands in Fe-based SC
./2band/maiermodels for altermagnetism: two band model discussed in Phys. Rev. B 108, L100402 (2023)
./2band/maier/AMtwo band model for altermagnet
./2band/maier/AFtwo band model for antiferromagnet
./2band/tai_ba122simple 2 band model for Ba-122: Y.-Y. Tai, J. X. Zhu, M. J. Graf, and C. S. Ting, Eur. Phys. Lett. 103, 67001 (2013).
./2band/roigtwo band models (sublattice): simple model with altermagnetic instability
./2band/raghuparametrization discussed at early stage
./6band6band models: tight binding models for TMDs
./6band/NbSe2_Roytight binding model for NbSe2 including spin orbit coupling
./5bandfive band models: applicable for Fe-based SC
./5band/LiFeAs_ARPESModel for LiFeAs (fitted to ARPES experiment, Wang et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 174516 (2013)
./5band/LiFeAs_ARPES/2d_kz_NaN2d version of model, hoppings out of plane ignored
./5band/LiFeAs_ARPES/2d_kz_12d version of model at kz=pi
./5band/LiFeAs_ARPES/2d_kz_02d version of model at kz=0
./5band/LiFeAs_DFTModel for LiFeAs from DFT, 5 band tight binding model obtained from downfolding of 10 band model; Wannier functions for the 10 band model provided
./5band/FeSe_BQPIfittet to BQPI investigation on FeSe, consistent with QO and ARPES
./5band/FeSe_BQPI/2d_kz_NaN2d version of model, hoppings out of plane ignored
./5band/FeSe_BQPI/2d_kz_12d version of model at kz=pi
./5band/FeSe_BQPI/2d_kz_02d version of model at kz=0
./3bandthree band models: tight binding models for Sr2RuO4
./3band/Sr2RuO4_surfaceDFT derived tight binding model for Sr2RuO4 from a surface calculation
./3band/Sr2RuO4_surface/nematic_2SLTight binding model for Sr2RuO4 from an ab-initio calculation of the reconstructed surface including oxygen octahedra rotation, complemented by a surface nematic term and terms from (on-site) spin-orbit coupling
./3band/NbSe2_Roytight binding model for NbSe2 without spin orbit coupling
./3band/Sr2RuO4_SRHsimple tight binding model for Sr2RuO4 in units of NN hopping
./3band/Sr2RuO4_3DDFT derived tight binding model for Sr2RuO4 including interlayer hopping terms
./3band/Sr2RuO4_CAEAtight binding model for Sr2RuO4 from fit to ARPES data
./1bandone band model (square lattice): applicable for cuprates
./1band/roemersimple t-t' model
./1band/ccoc_choubeyDFT derived tight binding model for CCOC, Wannier function also available
./1band/bscco_normantight binding model fitted to ARPES on BSCCO
./1band/bscco_akDFT derived model for BSCCO, Wannier function also available
./1band/bscco_choubeyDFT derived model for BSCCO, VASP, Wannier function also available
./10band10 band models: Fe-based SC, more accurate when SOC needs to be included
./10band/FeSe_DFTDFT derived model for bulk FeSe, Wannier functions also available
./4bandfour band models: tight binding models for Fe-based systems (2 sublattice)
./4band/Gao_etalTight binding model for FeSC (two sublattice)
