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  CRC-TR 211 Logo        Transport Meeting

Venue: PHYS 02.116
Time: Thursday, February 09, 2023, 2:15 pm
Contact: hees@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Anomalous dilepton production from the Dirac sea in p+p collisions

Oscar Garcia-Montero (Bielefeld University)

In a recent work from the ALICE collaboration an excess of relatively soft dilepton pairs was reported in p+p collisions at 13 TeV. In the report no satisfactory explanation was found via standard bremsstrahlung computations. I will show in this presentation how anomalous dilepton pairs are produced non-perturbatively from the back-reaction of the vacuum to a $\text{q}\bar{\text{q}}$ pair. The dilepton spectrum is computed by folding this rate with the cross-section for the process $\text{p}+\text{p} \rightarrow  \text{q}+\bar{\text{q}}$ which is computed using the framework of the Color Glass Condensate Effective Field Theory (CGC EFT) in the $k$-factorized limit. The resulting spectra are compatible within uncertainties with the data, and moreover, provide exciting insight into the non-perturbative phenomena that ultra-soft electromagnetic radiation can probe.

The talk will be live-streamed (but not recorded) via Zoom under

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