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        for FAIR logo       CRC-TR 211 Logo        Nuclear Physics Seminar

Venue: Physics Building, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, PHYS 02.116
Time: Thursday, November 11, 4:30pm (s.t.)
Contact: hees@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Status and Future of Experiments in Hot QCD

Gunther Roland (MIT)

Over the last decades heavy-ion experiments at RHIC and LHC have demonstrated a range of novel QCD phenomena that emerge under conditions of extreme pressure and temperature. New efforts, sPHENIX at RHIC and the upgraded LHC experiments, will begin collecting high precision new data in the next two years. These data will allow us to investigate the microscopic origins of observed phenomena in the produced Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Of particular importance will be the complementarity of experiments in the two energy regimes, elucidating the temperature dependence of QGP properties.  In this talk I will present the main pillars of our current understanding of QGP properties and discuss expectations for new insights from the upcoming experiments.

The colloquium will be streamed but not recorded.

Zoom link: https://uni-frankfurt.zoom.us/j/2848286010?pwd=VmtCY1RCc1hpVStKd0RibFBpc1IzZz09

Meeting ID: 284 828 6010
Password: 068695

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