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        for FAIR logo       CRC-TR 211 Logo        Nuclear Physics Colloquium

Venue: Physics Building, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, PHYS 02.116
Time: Thursday, November 14, 4:30pm (s.t.)
Contact: hees@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Light nuclei production in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions

Dmytro Oliinychenko (LBNL Berkeley)

I briefly overview the motivations of recent studies of the light nuclei production in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions: anti-nuclei in space, and search for the critical point of the strongly-interacting matter. Then I focus on a particular recent development --- possible solution of the "snowballs in hell" puzzle --- why the nuclei with binding energies of few MeV apparently survive temperatures of around 155 MeV. Recent simulations within a hydrodynamics + hadronic transport approach, where deuterons are produced and destroyed mainly in $\pi pn \leftrightarrow \pi d$ reactions show that deuterons do not survive. They are rather created and disintegrated with approximately equal rates during a certain period of time. I show that these simulations reproduce not only deuteron spectra, but also the deuteron flow $v_2$ in PbPb collisions at 2.76 TeV. Finally, I show some preliminary results, where this approach is extended to triton and Helium-3 production.

This talk will be live-streamed via Vidyo (but not recorded!) under

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