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\( \newcommand{\dd}{\mathrm{d}} \) \( \DeclareMathOperator{\sign}{sign} \)

        for FAIR logo       CRC-TR 211 Logo        Nuclear Physics Seminar

Venue: Physics Building, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, PHYS 02.116
Time: Thursday, March 05, 4:30pm (s.t.)
Contact: hees@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Jet-fluid interaction and jet overlap in heavy ion collisons

Iurii Karpenko (SUBATECH)

Central lead-lead collisions at the LHC energies may pose a particular challenge for jet identification as multiple jets are produced in each collision event. The partons from different jets have a significant chance to overlap in momentum space. In this talk I discuss the results of our recent study of jet production in central Pb-Pb events at $\sqrt{s})=2.76 \, \text{GeV}$ collision energy with an EPOS3 initial state, which typically contains multiple hard scatterings in each event. We find that typically a fraction of reconstructed jets contains 'intruder' particles from overlapping generator-level jets. This fraction increases with increasing beam energy and increasing jet-cone size $R$. The reconstructed momentum of the jet differs from that of the modelled jet by the loss due to jet partons which are outside of the jet cone and by the gain due to intruder partons. The sum of both may be positive or negative.  

The study stresses the importance of the jet-overlap effect emerging in central lead-lead collisions at the LHC energies, while being negligible in peripheral PbPb or pPb/pp collisions.

This talk will be live-streamed via Vidyo (but not recorded!) under

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