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        for FAIR logo       CRC-TR 211 Logo        Nuclear Physics Seminar

Venue: Zoom only
Time: Thursday, July 28, 2:00pm (s.t.)
Contact: hees@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

All about the Neutron from Lattice QCD

Rajan Gupta (LANL)

This talk will provide a summary of the calculations of matrix elements of quark bilinear operators and CP violating $\theta$ term between a nucleon state. Results for isovector and flavor diagonal charges, axial, electric and magnetic form factors will be presented. I will then discuss our recent calculation of the pion-nucleon $\sigma$ term.

The colloquium will be streamed but not recorded.

Zoom link: https://uni-frankfurt.zoom.us/j/2848286010?pwd=VmtCY1RCc1hpVStKd0RibFBpc1IzZz09
Meeting ID: 284 828 6010
Password: 068695
Nuclear Physics Colloquium Homepage