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        for FAIR logo       CRC-TR 211 Logo        Nuclear Physics Colloquium

Venue: Physics Building, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, PHYS __.102
Time: Friday, July 19, time 11am (s.t.)

Contact: hees@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Correlations in a strongly coupled charged fluid far from equilibrium subjected to an external magnetic field

Casey Cartwright (Alabama University)

In this talk I will consider a holographic model of a charged strongly coupled system of many particles. The system is thermalizing from an anisotropic initial charged state far from equilibrium towards equilibrium while subjected to a constant external magnetic field. I will discuss the time evolution of 2-point and 1-point correlation functions (of selected operators) within this thermalizing system. A main result of our consideration is that thermalization times for 2-point functions are significantly (approximately three times) larger than those of 1-point functions. Magnetic field and charge amplify this difference, generally increasing thermalization times. However, there is also a competition of scales between charge density, magnetic field, and initial anisotropy, which leads to an array of qualitative changes on the 2- and 1-point functions. There appears to be a strong effect of the medium on 2-point functions at early times, but approximately none at later times. At strong magnetic fields, an apparently universal thermalization time emerges, at which all 2-point functions appear to thermalize regardless of any other scale in the system. Hence, this time scale is referred to as saturation time scale. As extremality is approached in the purely charged case, 2- and 1-point functions appear to equilibrate at infinitely late time. Our results can be taken to model thermalization in heavy ion collisions, or thermalization in selected condensed matter systems.

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