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HIC for FAIR logo Nuclear Physics Colloquium

Venue: Physics Building, Seminar Room 2.116
Time: Thursday, July 09, 4:30 pm (s.t.) (plus 10min for discussion)

Collective phenomena and related properties  of dense and hot relativistic plasmas

Souvik Priyam Adhya (Saha Institute, Kolkata)

The regime of QCD matter both in the high temperature and high density is the subject matter of contemporary research in the recent years. The major component of the present study is to focus on the quasiparticle excitations and the physical properties of QGP plasma. First, we will elaborate the properties of ultra-degenarate plasmas as in core of neutron stars and gradually shift the discussion to the hot plasmas at almost zero chemical potential as in RHIC.

It has been recently shown that the behavior of quantum liquids in the ultrarelativistic regime is very different from the normal Fermi liquid (FL) behavior. Such non-Fermi liquid behavior for ultradegenerate matter has significant influence on the neutrino mean free path, emissivity, pulsar kicks and cooling of the neutron star which shall be discussed in the presentation.

In the other realm of phase space, for temperatures like at LHC, the recent experimental results on the flow of $J/\psi$ show that ample amount of charm quarks is present in the quark gluon plasma and probably they are thermalized. In the current study we also investigate the effect of thermalized charm quarks on the heavy quark energy loss to leading order in the QCD coupling constant.

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