Claudius Gros, SS2012
Institut für theoretische Physik
Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.
Numerical Integration of Differential Equations
first vs. second order differential equations
classical dynamics - second order
\frac{d^2}{dt^2}\,\Big(\,m\,x(t)\,\Big) \ =\ F(t,x,\dot x),
\qquad \ddot x(t) \ =\ f(t,x,\dot x)
- every higher order differential equation can be transformed
into a set of first order differential equations
\dot{x} & =& y \\
\dot{y} & = & f(t,x,y)
first order differential equations
- in the following we will consider
\dot y \ =\ f(t,y)
Euler Integration
initial condition
\dot y \ =\ f(t,y),\qquad
y(t_0) \ =\ y_0, \qquad
t_n \ =\ t_0\,+\,n\,h, \qquad
n=0,\, 1,\,2,\, \dots
one step algorithm
\frac{y(t+h)-y(t)}{h} \ \approx\ \dot y
\ =\ f(t,y),\qquad
y(t+h) \ \approx\ y(t) \,+\,h\,f(t,y)
y(t_{n+1}) \ \approx\ y(t_n) \,+\,h\,f(t_n,y_n)
convergence considerations
- the one-step Euler integration converges
linearly in the integration step $h$
- can we find algorithms converging like $\ O(h^m)\ $?
Taylor expansion to second order
y(t+h) \ \approx\ y(t)\,+\,h\,\dot y(t)\,+\,\frac{h^2}{2}\,\ddot y(t),
\qquad\quad \dot y = f(t,y)
\ddot y \ =\ {d\over dt} \dot y
\ =\ {d\over dt} f(t,y)
\ =\ f_t\,+\,f_y\,\dot y
and hence
y(t+h)\,-\,y(t) \ =\ \Delta y\ \approx\
h\,\dot y\,+\,\frac{h^2}{2}\,\Big(\,f_t\,+\,f_y\,f\,\big)
accuracy to second order
\Delta y\ =\
- higer derivatives in general unkown
- Runge-Kutta: we need only approximations to the derivates
to the desired order
Runge-Kutta Ansatz
\Delta y(t)\ =\ a\,f(t,y)\,+\,b\,f\Big(t+\alpha h,y+\beta h f\Big)
- free parameters: $\ a,\ b,\ \alpha,\ \beta$
Runge-Kutta alogrithm - derivation
\Delta y(t)& =& a\,f(t,y)\,+\,b\,f\Big(t+\alpha h,y+\beta h f\Big)
\\ & =& a\,f\,+\,b\,f\,+\,b\,\Big(f_t \alpha\,+\,f_y f\beta\Big)\,h
\\ & :=&
a+b\ =\ h,\qquad\quad \alpha\, b \ =\ \frac{h}{2}
\qquad\quad \beta\, b \ =\ \frac{h}{2}
- one free parameter remaining
(3 conditions, 4 parameters)
Runge-Kutta algorithm
simple Runge-Kutta
y_{n+1}\ =\ y_n\,+\,\frac{h}{2}\ \Big[\,
f(t_n,y_n)\,+\,f(t_n+h,y_n+hf(t_n,y_n)\, \Big]
- converges quadratically with integration step $\ h$
classical Runge-Kutta algorithm
- repeat for Taylor expansion to order $\ O(h^4)$
\Delta y\ =\ \frac{h}{6}\ \Big[\,
k_1\,+\,2k_2\,+\,2k_3\,+\,k_4\, \Big]
k_1 = f(t,y)\,,\qquad
k_2 = f\left(t+\frac{h}{2},y+\frac{hk_1}{2}\right)
k_3 = f\left(t+\frac{h}{2},y+\frac{hk_2}{2}\right)\,,\qquad
k_4 = f(t+h,y+hk_3)
- recursive function evaluation
example: Kepler problem
Newton's equation of motion
m\dot{\vec v}\ =\ -\frac{GMm}{|\vec x|^3}\, \vec x
, \qquad\quad
\dot{\vec v}\ =\ -\frac{g}{|\vec x|^\alpha}\, \vec x
, \qquad\quad \alpha = 3
first order differentional equation
\vec y \ =\ (\vec x, \vec v) \ =\ (x,y,\dot x,\dot y)
, \qquad\quad
\dot{\vec y} \ =\ \vec f(\vec y)
- angular momentum conservation $\rightarrow$ planar orbit
\vec f(\vec y) \ =\ \big(\vec v, -g\vec x/|\vec x|^\alpha \big)
, \qquad\quad
|\vec x| = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}
integration of Kepler problem
Runge-Kutta for vector variables
\dot{\vec y} \ =\ \vec f(t,\vec y)
- substitute scalar quantities by vectors
- simple Runge-Kutta
\Delta\vec y\ =\ \frac{h}{2}\ \Big(\,
\vec f(t,\vec y)\,+\,\vec f(t+h,\vec y+h\vec f(t,\vec y)\, \Big)
- analogous for classical Runge-Kutta
exercise: integration
- write a program for integrating the Kepler problem using
- Euler's method
- one-step Runge-Kutta
- classical Runge-Kutta
- what happens if the potential scales like $\ V(r)\propto r^{-\alpha}$
and $\ \alpha \ne 3 $?