Claudius Gros, SS2012
Institut für theoretische Physik
Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- interaction and control of a program via
a graphical interface
- for most humans GUI == program
Swing example
import javax.swing.*; // 'x' for extension
import java.util.*; // for sleeping
public class SimpleFrame {
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException
// needed for sleeping
JFrame jf = new JFrame(); // instantiation of a JFrame
JLabel jlb = new JLabel("Hello World"); // instantiation of a JLabel
jf.getContentPane().add(jlb); // add label to content of frame
jf.setSize(300, 200); // set frame size
// what to to when clicken away the window: remove it, free resources
jf.setVisible(true); // show frame
System.out.println("JFrame panel lauched");
Thread.sleep(3000); // wait 3 seconds
jf.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // move to center of screen
System.out.println("JFrame panel relocated");
jlb.setFont(jlb.getFont().deriveFont(20f)); // set font size
System.out.println("JLabel font resized");
} // end of class SimpleFrame
layers (panes)
- computer graphics images have several layers
contains several pane
root, content, layered, glass
- normal applications only use the content
it contains all content
frame and window hierarchy
JFrame extends Frame
extends Window
(with title and border)
JFrame extends
Frame extends Window
(no title and border)
JFrame extends Frame extends
Window extends Container
Container extends Component
Container extends
Component extends Object
: Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT),
contains component objects
: interactive graphical object,
buttons, checkboxes, scrollbars, ...
- many things can be done using a
or a
a JFrame
offers most utilities
moving colored JFrame
rgb color $\ \in[0,255]$
Point point comp.getLocation(null)
a point object is a 2D vector
import javax.swing.*; // for the frame
import java.awt.*; // for colors
import java.util.*; // for sleeping
public class MovingScreen extends JFrame {
/* Constructor of MovingScreen.
* Using 'this' is not necessary but increases readability.
* 'title', 'size', .. are member variables of JFrame.
public MovingScreen() {
this.setTitle("moving colors");
this.setSize(300, 200);
this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // exit program on close
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
MovingScreen ex = new MovingScreen(); // instantiation
ex.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // relative to screen center
int screenCenter_x = ex.getLocation(null).x; // Point.x
int screenCenter_y = ex.getLocation(null).y; // Point.y
for (int i=0;i<255;i++)
ex.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(0,i,255-i));
} // end of MovingScreen.main()
} // end of class MovingScreen
adding content to a frame
adding content using a container
container.add(Component comp)
is inherited by the JFrame
- the
container is convenient
(comes with a layout manager):
jframe.add(JPanel jp)
JPanel extends JComponent
JPanel extends
JComponent extends Container
adding content directly to the ContentPane
jFrame.getContentPane.add(Component comp)
- doese not come with a predefined layout manger:
Swing components
- there are several layout managers for arranging
components on contentPane
import java.awt.*; // for the container
import javax.swing.*; // for the frame
public class AddContentPane {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Various Components");
frame.setSize(600, 150);
Container content = frame.getContentPane(); // add to contentPane
content.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // one is necessary
content.add(new JButton("JButton"));
content.add(new JToggleButton("JToggleButton"));
content.add(new JCheckBox("JCheckBox"));
content.add(new Label("Label"));
content.add(new JRadioButton("JRadioButton"));
Font font = new Font("Arial Black",Font.PLAIN,20); // select a new font
Component[] allComp = content.getComponents(); // get all components
for (Component comp : allComp) // iteration
comp.setBackground(new Color(153,204,153)); // of component
comp.setForeground(new Color(204,51,51)); // change font color
comp.setFont(font); // change font sizes
content.setBackground(new Color(204,204,204)); // of contentPane
frame.setVisible(true); // show
events - making things happen
- a GUI needs to be interactive
react on user action
Java listener
- listen to what happens in the world:
- other components of the program
- communication with remote hosts
- incoming emails, ...
: waits until event occurs
and then performs .actionPerformed()
- register action listener with component
public class MyClass implements ActionListener {
// ActionListener is an Interfaces not a class and hence
// implemented and not extended
public void actionPerformed (){
// mandatory: do stuff when action has been triggered
simple Swing events
returns an Object
: the source of the event
import java.awt.event.*; // for events
import java.awt.*; // for colors
import javax.swing.*; // for JFrame
public class SimpleEvent
extends JFrame // extending an class
implements ActionListener // implementing an interface
JButton button1, button2, button3; // needed several times
JLabel label;
/* Constructor.
public SimpleEvent(){
this.setTitle("click buttons"); // title
this.setSize(400, 200); // size
this.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // position
this.label = new JLabel(); // initially empty
this.button1 = new JButton("text");
this.button2 = new JButton("color");
this.button3 = new JButton("exit");
this.button1.addActionListener(this); // register listeners
this.button2.addActionListener(this); // 'this' implements
this.button3.addActionListener(this); // an ActionListener
JPanel panel = new JPanel(); // for the content
} // end of constructor
/* Main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
SimpleEvent window = new SimpleEvent();
/* ActionPerformed is mandatory since SimpleEvent
* implements ActionListener.
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae){
if(ae.getSource() == this.button1){
label.setText("you successfully clicked button 1");
if(ae.getSource() == this.button2){
label.setText(("changing colors of button 2"));
button2.setBackground(new Color(230,230,130));
if (ae.getSource() == this.button3){
} // end of SimpleEvent.actionPerformed()
} // end of SimpleEvent
list of events
event typ |
event processor |
event trigger |
Action | JButton |
button activation |
Adjustment | JScrollBar |
on change |
CaretEvent | JTextComponent |
moving cursor |
Component | Component |
changing visbility, size |
Container | Container |
changing content |
Focus | JComponent |
new focus (for typing) |
Key | JComponent |
keyboard activation |
Menu | JMenu |
on selection |
Mouse | JComponent |
mouse in/out |
MouseMotion | JComponent |
mouse motion |
graphics and drawing
- all graphics operations onto a graphics object
Graphics2D extends Graphics
: more options
JComponent.paintComponent(Graphics g)
graphics objects automatically painted/repainted
- interactive components / graphics
import javax.swing.*; // for JFrame, JCompoent
import java.awt.*; // for graphics objects
public class DrawingColor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("drawing colors");
frame.getContentPane().add(new MyComponent()); // add content
} // end of class DrawingColor
/** User defined component, extending the
* abstract class JComponent.
class MyComponent extends JComponent{
/** Paints the component when first shown or needed.
* Overrides the super.paintComponent of the
* JComponent. Painting and drawing is down on a
* Graphics object. Graphics2D extends Graphics and
* has more options.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
int width = 200;
int height = 120;
g.setColor(; // select color
g.fillOval(20,20,width,height); // filled elipse
g.fillRect(270+width/2,20+height/2,width/2,height/2); // filled rectangle
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; // cast Graphics to Graphics2D
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(5)); // only availabe in Graphics2D
g2d.drawRect(270,20,width/2,height/2); // borders thickness is stroke
int[] xPoints = new int[200];
int[] yPoints = new int[200];
for (int x=0; x<200;x++)
xPoints[x] = 50 + 2*x;
yPoints[x] = 200 + (int)(40.0*Math.sin(Math.PI*x/25.0));
} // end of MyComponent.paintComponent()
} // end of class MyComponent
exercise: GUI for Kepler problem
Write a GUI for the numerical solution of the Kepler problem with
Runge-Kutta integration.
- add an JFrame with suitable layout manager to your Kepler program
- the GUI should allow the user to select all parameters
- starting position/velocity
- power $\alpha$ of the force field
- integration method
- the orbits are drawn to a reserved part of the GUI