: "numerical Python", runs in C Matplotlib
: visualization
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np # for numerics import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting class globalData: # variables are static when not declared with 'self' dimX = 2 # x-dimension dimY = 3 # y-dimension dimZ = 2 # y-dimension print("*******************") print("global data example") print("*******************") yxArray = np.ones( (globalData.dimY, globalData.dimX) ) zyArray = np.ones( (globalData.dimZ, globalData.dimY) ) print('yxArray :\n',yxArray) print('zyArray :\n',zyArray) print('zy * yx :\n',np.matmul(zyArray,yxArray)) # matrix multiplication print("****************") print("plotting example") print("****************") nPoints = 400 xPoints = range(nPoints) yPoints = [np.sin(0.01*np.pi*x) for x in xPoints] plt.plot(xPoints, yPoints)
subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1,...)
============================================= character description ============================================= '-' solid line style '--' dashed line style '-.' dash-dot line style ':' dotted line style '.' point marker ',' pixel marker 'o' circle marker 'v' triangle_down marker '^' triangle_up marker '<' triangle_left marker '>' triangle_right marker '1' tri_down marker '2' tri_up marker '3' tri_left marker '4' tri_right marker 's' square marker 'p' pentagon marker '*' star marker 'h' hexagon1 marker 'H' hexagon2 marker '+' plus marker 'x' x marker 'D' diamond marker 'd' thin_diamond marker '|' vline marker '_' hline marker
================== character color ================== 'b' blue 'g' green 'r' red 'c' cyan 'm' magenta 'y' yellow 'k' black 'w' white
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # importing matplotlib module from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator # equivalent import # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # x-axis values x = [5, 2, 9, 4, 7] # Y-axis values y = [10, 5, 8, 4, 2] xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = 2, 9, 2, 10 xTicks = range(xMin-1, xMax+2, 1) yTicks = range(yMin , yMax+1, 2) # create figure / axis object # quadratic outlay with figsize() # subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1,...) _, myAxis = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) # sline are the axis / border myAxis.spines['right'].set_linewidth(0.0) myAxis.spines['top'].set_linewidth(0.0) myAxis.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(4.0) myAxis.spines['left'].set_linewidth(4.0) # axis start/end/labels myAxis.axis([xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax]) myAxis.set_title('boring diagram', fontweight="bold", size=16) myAxis.set_xlabel('x-label', fontsize = 16) myAxis.set_ylabel('y-label', fontsize = 16) # major ticks by default # minor ticks need to be activated myAxis.tick_params(width=2, length=8, labelsize=12) myAxis.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) myAxis.tick_params(which='minor', length=8, width=2, color='r') # location of ticks plt.setp(myAxis, xticks=xTicks, yticks=yTicks) # plotting line, points = myAxis.plot(x, y, "--g", # line x, y, "ob") # points # activate line lebel box line.set_label('my line') points.set_label('my points') myAxis.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize='larger')
animation by recurrent function calling
data type objects#!/usr/bin/env python3 # source # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation # fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(19680801) # create new Figure and an Axes which fills it fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False) ax.set_xlim(0, 1), ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylim(0, 1), ax.set_yticks([]) # rain drops as an array of specified data type ´dtype' n_drops = 50 rain_drops = np.zeros(n_drops, dtype=[('position', float, (2,)), ('size', float), ('growth', float), ('color', float, (4,))]) # random initial raindrops rain_drops['position'] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n_drops, 2)) rain_drops['growth'] = np.random.uniform(50, 200, n_drops) # scatter plot, will be updated during animation scat = ax.scatter(rain_drops['position'][:, 0], rain_drops['position'][:, 1], s=rain_drops['size'], lw=0.5, edgecolors=rain_drops['color'], facecolors='none') # # -- the update function # def update(frame_number): # get an index which we can use to re-spawn the oldest raindrop current_index = frame_number % n_drops # make all colors more transparent as time progresses rain_drops['color'][:, 3] -= 1.0/len(rain_drops) rain_drops['color'][:, 3] = np.clip(rain_drops['color'][:, 3], 0, 1) # make circles bigger rain_drops['size'] += rain_drops['growth'] # pick a new position for oldest rain drop, # resetting its size rain_drops['position'][current_index] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 2) rain_drops['size'][current_index] = 5 rain_drops['color'][current_index] = (0, 0, 0, 1) rain_drops['growth'][current_index] = np.random.uniform(50, 200) # update the scatter collection, with the new colors, sizes and positions scat.set_edgecolors(rain_drops['color']) scat.set_sizes(rain_drops['size']) scat.set_offsets(rain_drops['position']) # # --- animation, with the update function as the animation director # animation = FuncAnimation(fig, update, interval=10, save_count=100)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # global parameters nData = 2000 # number of training pairs nIter = 2000 # number training iterations nPar = 4 # number of fit parameters learning_rate = 0.5e-2/nData # relative learning rate fitPar = [] # empty list; fit parameters for i in range(nPar): fitPar.append(np.random.randn()) print(fitPar) # fitting fuction def fitFunction(x): sum = 0.0 for i in range(nPar): sum += fitPar[i]*(x**i) return sum # linespace returns a list # training data: y= sin(x) x = np.linspace(-math.pi, math.pi, nData) y = np.sin(x) # training iteration for iIter in range(nIter): y_pred = fitFunction(x) # list; element-wise loss = np.square(y_pred - y).sum() # sum of squared elements if iIter % 100 == 99: # test printou print(f'{iIter:5d} {loss:10.6f}') grad_y_pred = 2.0 * (y_pred - y) # error signal for i in range(nPar): gradient = ( grad_y_pred*(x**i) ).sum() fitPar[i] -= learning_rate * gradient # showing result plt.plot(x, np.sin(x) , 'b', label="sin(x)") plt.plot(x, fitFunction(x) , 'r', label="fit") plt.plot(x, 0.0*x , '--k') plt.legend()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np x = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]) y = np.array([8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2]) z = np.array([[0, 6], [1, 7], [2, 8], [3, 9]]) print("\nx[:3] ", x[:3]) # first 3 elements print("\ny[] % ", y[int(0.8*len(y)):]) # last 20% print("\ny[::2] ", y[::2]) # every second entry print("\nx!=0 ", x!=0) # boolean array print("\ny[x!=0] ", y[x!=0]) # filtering print("\n****************************") print(z) print("\nz[:,0] ", z[:,0]) # only for np arrays print("\nz[:,1] ", z[:,1])
numpy.sqrt(aa) = aa**2
shortcut numpy.arange()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time # time in seconds import numpy as np # NumPy NN = int(1e7) # summing NN squares # # --- plain Python implementation # start_time = time.time() result_plain = sum([i**2 for i in range(1, NN+1)]) end_time = time.time() print(f"plain python, result: {result_plain:20.12e}") print(f"plain python, time : {end_time - start_time:7.3f} seconds") print() # # --- NumPy implementation # start_time = time.time() result_numPy = \ np.sum(np.arange(1, NN+1, dtype=np.float64)**2, dtype=np.float64) end_time = time.time() print(f"NumPy, result: {result_numPy:20.12e}") print(f"NumPy, time : {end_time - start_time:7.3f} seconds") | file input/output |
scipy.special | special functions |
scipy.linalg | linerar algebra |
scipy.interpolate | interpolations |
scipy.optimize | optimization and fitting |
scipy.stats | statistics and random numbers |
scipy.integrate | numerical integration |
scipy.fftpack | fast fourier transform |
scipy.signal | signal processing |
scipy.ndimage | image manipulation |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from scipy import linalg import numpy as np #square matrix squareMatrix = np.array([ [5,4], [1,2] ]) print() print("original / transposed matrix") print(squareMatrix) print(squareMatrix.T) print() #pass values to det() function print("determinant ", linalg.det(squareMatrix)) print() # inverse print("inverse / inverse*matrix") print(linalg.inv(squareMatrix)) print( # matrix multiplication print() #eigenvalues and vectors (as complex numbers) print("eigenvalues | vectors") eigenValues, eigenVectors = linalg.eig(squareMatrix) # returning both for ii in range(N:=len(eigenValues)): print(f'{ii:3d} {np.real(eigenValues[ii]):7.4f} | ', end="") for jj in range(N): print(f' {np.real(eigenVectors[ii][jj]):7.4f}', end="") print()
import datetime print("date today : ",
from datetime import date print("date today : ",
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os # operating system import math # nomen est omen import random # idem import statistics from datetime import date print(os.getcwd()) # current working directory os.system('ls') # execute 'ls' command if 1==2 : os.system('mkdir myDir') # execute 'mkdir' os.chdir('myDir') # change working directory os.system('cp ../ .') # copy os.system('./') # run script (yourself again) print() print("math cos : ", math.cos(math.pi/4)*math.sqrt(2.0)) print("math log : ", math.log(1024, 2)) print() print("random choice : ", random.choice(['apple', 'pear', 'banana'])) print("random sample : ", random.sample(range(100), 4)) print("random random : ", random.random()) print() data = [2.75, 1.75, 1.25, 0.25, 0.5, 1.25, 3.5] print("stat mean : ", statistics.mean(data)) print("stat variance : ", statistics.variance(data))
namedtuple() | tuples with named fields |
deque | two-headed list-like container with appends and pops on either end |
ChainMap | dictionary-like class for creating a single view of multiple mappings |
Counter | dictionary subclass for counting hashable objects |
OrderedDict | dictionary subclass that remembers the order entries were added |
defaultdict | dict subclass that allows to supply missing values |
UserDict | wrapper around dictionary objects for easier dict subclassing |
UserList | wrapper around list objects for easier list subclassing |
UserString | wrapper around string objects for easier string subclassing |
jupyter notebook
after installationvirtualenv projectDir
make onesource projectDir/bin/activate
activatepip install jupyter
install, insidepip install matplotlib
if used, etc.jupyter notebook
run notebook
for i in range(n:=5): n = n-1 print(print(i,n)) # output?