: opens a file stream with open() as streamName:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os # miscellaneous operating system interfaces myText = "However fast you may be able to think,\nit is not fast enough." f_out = open("output.txt", "w") # output to file f_out.write(myText) f_out.close() # closing stream os.system("cp output.txt input.txt") # copy files f_in = open("input.txt") # reading is the default print("# f_in :\n", # file to string --> print f_in.close() print() with open("input.txt", "r") as g_in: # open with 'with' lineCount = 0 for line in g_in: # reading line by line lineCount = lineCount + 1 print(f'reading/printing line {lineCount:3d} ',line) # cleaning up if 1==2: os.remove("input.txt") os.remove("output.txt")
: string to string
: string to list
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # line continuations with ( ... ) myText = ( "However fast you may be able to think,\n" + "it is not fast enough.\n" + "Don't worry, others have the same problem;)" ) # direct use of file streams open("thinking.txt", "w").write(myText) data = open("thinking.txt", "r").read() # line continuations with \ for token in data.replace('\n',' ').replace('.',' ').\ replace(', ',' ').replace(' ',' ').split(" "): print(token)
yield data
returning multiple times
return data
returning a single time
is a generator (start, stop, step)
extracts chars from i to j-1
form i to the end
#!/usr/bin/env python3 def tokenizer(inString): sepChar = " " lastPos = 0 inString = inString + sepChar # seperation token for ii in range(len(inString)): if inString[ii] == sepChar: yield inString[lastPos:ii] # print(ii, inString, inString[lastPos:ii]) lastPos = ii + 1 def fibonacci(maxN): x, y = 0, 1 for _ in range(maxN): # no variable needed x, y = y, x+y yield x myText = "Warum bin ich hier?" myList = [x for x in myText] print("\nmyText\n",myText) print("\nmyList\n",myList) print() myGenerator = tokenizer(myText) print("type(myText) : ", type(myText)) print("type(myList) : ", type(myList)) print("type(myGenerator) : ", type(myGenerator)) print() print("*** myList ***") for cc in myList: print(cc, end='') # no endline print() print() print("*** myGenerator ***") for cc in myGenerator: print(cc, "", end='') print() print("*********") print("fibonacci") print("*********") [print(ff) for ff in fibonacci(5)] # generator comprehension print() print(sum(fibonacci(5))) # shortcut
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math def myLog(x): if not type(x) is float: raise TypeError("only myLog(x) if x is float") if x <= 0: raise Exception("only myLog(x) when x>0") return math.log(x) print("************************") print("basic exception handling") print("************************") try: print(x) except NameError: print("undefined variable") except: print("something went wrong") print() print("*******************************************") print("catching user-defined exceptions / messages") print("*******************************************") try: myLog(0.0) except TypeError as message: print("a type error occured: " + str(message)) except Exception as message: print("something went wrong: " + str(message)) else: print("nothing went wrong") finally: # always executed print("'try except finally' finished") print() print("***********************") print("input/output exceptions") print("***********************") fileName = "demo.txt" try: f = open(fileName) # default, reading only try: f.write("Lorum Ipsum") except: print("failed to write to " + fileName) finally: f.close() except: print("failed opening of " + fileName)
: list of arguments when running ./ par1 par2 ...
: (self) executable (as in C++)
with ... as ...
compressed try-catch block
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys # standard system modul import os # miscellaneous operating system interfaces fN = 'counting.txt' if not os.path.isfile(fN): # 'is file' with open(fN, 'w') as f: # short for try-catch block f.write("1") with open(fN, 'r+') as g: # read and write if (var:=int( >= 100000: # exit when too large exit() print("content of ", fN, " : ", var) g.write("0") # appending, because did read first print(sys.argv) os.system(sys.argv[0]) # running self
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pickle # any Python object: # dictionary, list, .. # instance of a class, tensor, .. # lists of classes, tensors, .. data = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York'} # binary serialization, dumping to file with open('data.pkl', 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(data, file) # deserialization, loading from file with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as file: loaded_data = pickle.load(file) print(loaded_data)