Advanced Introduction to C++, Scientific Computing and Machine Learning
Claudius Gros, SS 2024
Institut für theoretische Physik
Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.
NM: Numerical Integration of Differential Equations
first vs. second order differential equations
classical dynamics - second order
\frac{d^2}{dt^2}\,\Big(\,m\,x(t)\,\Big) \ =\ F(t,x,\dot x),
\qquad \ddot x(t) \ =\ f(t,x,\dot x)
- every higher order differential equation can be transformed
into a set of first order differential equations
\dot{x} & =& y \\
\dot{y} & = & f(t,x,y)
first order differential equations
- in the following we will consider
\dot y \ =\ f(t,y)
Euler Integration
initial condition
\dot y \ =\ f(t,y),\qquad
y(t_0) \ =\ y_0, \qquad
t_n \ =\ t_0\,+\,n\,h, \qquad
n=0,\, 1,\,2,\, \dots
one step algorithm
\frac{y(t+h)-y(t)}{h} \ \approx\ \dot y
\ =\ f(t,y),\qquad
y(t+h) \ \approx\ y(t) \,+\,h\,f(t,y)
y(t_{n+1}) \ \approx\ y(t_n) \,+\,h\,f(t_n,y_n)
- $\dot y = - y$
pretty bad
convergence considerations
- the one-step Euler integration converges
linearly in the integration step $h$
- can we find algorithms converging like $\ O(h^m)\ $?
Taylor expansion to second order
y(t+h) \ \approx\ y(t)\,+\,h\,\dot y(t)\,+\,\frac{h^2}{2}\,\ddot y(t),
\qquad\quad \dot y = f(t,y)
\ddot y \ =\ {d\over dt} \dot y
\ =\ {d\over dt} f(t,y)
\ =\ f_t\,+\,f_y\,\dot y
and hence
y(t+h)\,-\,y(t) \ =\ \Delta y\ \approx\
h\,\dot y\,+\,\frac{h^2}{2}\,\Big(\,f_t\,+\,f_y\,f\,\big)
accuracy to second order
\Delta y\ =\
- problem: derivatives of $\ f(t,y)\ $ in general unkown
- Runge-Kutta: we need only approximations to the derivates
$f(t,y)\ $ to the desired order
Runge-Kutta Ansatz
\Delta y(t)\ =\ a\,f(t,y)\,+\,b\,f\Big(t+\alpha h,y+\beta h f\Big)
- free parameters: $\ a,\ b,\ \alpha,\ \beta$
Runge-Kutta alogrithm - derivation
\Delta y(t)& =& a\,f(t,y)\,+\,b\,f\Big(t+\alpha h,y+\beta h f\Big)
\\ & =& a\,f\,+\,b\,f\,+\,b\,\Big(f_t \alpha\,+\,f_y f\beta\Big)\,h
\\ & :=&
a+b\ =\ h,\qquad\quad \alpha\, b \ =\ \frac{h}{2}
\qquad\quad \beta\, b \ =\ \frac{h}{2}
- one free parameter remaining
(3 conditions, 4 parameters)
- e.g. $\ a=b=1/2\ $ and $\ \alpha=\beta=1\ $
Runge-Kutta algorithm
simple Runge-Kutta
y_{n+1}\ =\ y_n\,+\,\frac{h}{2}\ \Big[\,
f(t_n,y_n)\,+\,f(t_n+h,y_n+hf(t_n,y_n)\, \Big]
- converges quadratically with integration step $\ h$
classical Runge-Kutta algorithm
- repeat for Taylor expansion to order $\ O(h^4)$
\Delta y\ =\ \frac{h}{6}\ \Big[\,
k_1\,+\,2k_2\,+\,2k_3\,+\,k_4\, \Big]
k_1 = f(t,y)\,,\qquad
k_2 = f\left(t+\frac{h}{2},y+\frac{hk_1}{2}\right)
k_3 = f\left(t+\frac{h}{2},y+\frac{hk_2}{2}\right)\,,\qquad
k_4 = f(t+h,y+hk_3)
- recursive function evaluation
example: Kepler problem
Newton's equation of motion
m\dot{\vec v}\ =\ -\frac{GMm}{|\vec x|^3}\, \vec x
, \qquad\quad
\dot{\vec v}\ =\ -\frac{g}{|\vec x|^\alpha}\, \vec x
, \qquad\quad \alpha = 3
first order differentional equation
\vec y \ =\ (\vec x, \vec v) \ =\ (x,y,\dot x,\dot y)
, \qquad\quad
\dot{\vec y} \ =\ \vec f(\vec y)
- angular momentum conservation $\rightarrow$ planar orbit
\vec f(\vec y) \ =\ \big(\vec v, -g\vec x/|\vec x|^\alpha \big)
, \qquad\quad
|\vec x| = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}
integration of Kepler problem
Runge-Kutta for vector variables
\dot{\vec y} \ =\ \vec f(t,\vec y)
- substitute scalar quantities by vectors
- simple Runge-Kutta
\Delta\vec y\ =\ \frac{h}{2}\ \Big(\,
\vec f(t,\vec y)\,+\,\vec f(t+h,\vec y+h\vec f(t,\vec y)\, \Big)
- analogous for classical Runge-Kutta
exercise: integration
- write a program for integrating the Kepler problem using
- Euler's method
- one-step Runge-Kutta
- classical Runge-Kutta
- what happens if the potential scales like $\ V(r)\propto r^{-\alpha}$
and $\ \alpha \ne 1 $?
example Runge Kutta program
van der Pol oscillator
\ddot{x}\,-\,\epsilon(1-x^2)\dot{x}\,+\,x \ =\ 0 \qquad\qquad
&\dot{x} &=& v\\
&\dot{v} &=& \epsilon(1-x^2)v -x
- $x^2>1$: dissipation (energy loss)
$x^2<1$: energy update
- self-regulated oscillator
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h> // for pow
#include <fstream> // file streams
using namespace std;
const int nVar = 2; // number of dynamical variables
const int nTimeSteps = 9000; // number of time steps
const double h = 0.01; // Delta t
double vars[nVar]; // the dynamical variables
// ---
// --- evaluate the i-th differential equation
// ---
double evaluate(int i, double t, double x[])
switch (i)
case 0: return x[1]; // x' = v
case 1: return -x[0]+0.2*(1.0-x[0]*x[0])*x[1]; // v' = -x+0.2*(1-x*x)*v
case 2: return 0.0; // van der Pol oscillator
case 3: return 0.0;
cout << "throw? problem in evaluate" << endl;
return 0.0;
} // end of evaluate()
// ---
// --- solve via Runge Kutta; t = last time value; h = time increment
// ---
void solve(double t, double h)
int i;
double inp[nVar];
double k1[nVar];
double k2[nVar];
double k3[nVar];
double k4[nVar];
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
k1[i] = evaluate(i,t,vars); // evaluate at time t
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
inp[i] = vars[i]+k1[i]*h/2; // set up input to diffeqs
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
k2[i] = evaluate(i,t+h/2,inp); // evaluate at time t+h/2
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
inp[i] = vars[i]+k2[i]*h/2; // set up input to diffeqs
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
k3[i] = evaluate(i,t+h/2,inp); // evaluate at time t+h/2
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
inp[i] = vars[i]+k3[i]*h; // set up input to diffeqs
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
k4[i] = evaluate(i,t+h,inp); // evaluate at time t+h
for (i=0; i<nVar; i++)
vars[i] = vars[i]+(k1[i]+2*k2[i]+2*k3[i]+k4[i])*h/6;
} //end of solve
// ---
// --- main
// ---
int main()
for (int i=0; i<nVar; i++) // initial conditions
vars[i] = 0.0;
vars[0] = 0.1;
vars[1] = 0.1;
ofstream myOutput;"RungeKutta.out",ios::out);
myOutput.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); // for formated output
myOutput.precision(3); // floating point precision
for (int iTimes=0;iTimes<nTimeSteps;iTimes++)
double t = h*iTimes;
myOutput << t << " " << vars[0] << " " << vars[1] << endl;
return 1;
} // end of main()
linear multistep methods
using previous steps
\dot y & =& f(t,y) \\
f_j &=& f(t_j,y_j), \qquad\quad t=t_0,\,t_1,\dots,\,t_n
- for a series of approximations
y_0,\, y_1,\,\dots,\,y_n
to $\ y(t)$
leap frog scheme
ansatz for three variables
y_n \ =\ \alpha_1 y_{n-1} + \alpha_2 y_{n-2} + h\beta_1 f_{n-1}
- three conditions: ansatz exact for
y(t)\ =\ 1, \qquad\quad
y(t)\ =\ t, \qquad\quad
y(t)\ =\ t^2
viz for any quadratic polynomial (linearity)
constant case
$$ y(t)=1, \qquad\quad \dot y=0=f, \qquad\quad
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} 1\ =\ \alpha_1+\alpha_2\phantom{\large|}$}
\qquad\quad (*)
linear case
$$ y(t)=t, \qquad\quad \dot y=1=f, \qquad\quad
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} t_n\ =\
- in order $\ O(h^0)\ $ fullfilled by (*)
- to order $\ O(h^1)\ $:
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} \alpha_1+2\alpha_2\ =\ \beta_1\phantom{\large|}$}
\qquad\quad (**)
quadratic case
$$ y(t)=t^2, \qquad\quad \dot y=2t=f, \qquad\quad
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} t_n^2\ =\
- in order $\ O(h^0)\ $ fullfilled by (*)
- in order $\ O(h^1)\ $ fullfilled by (**)
- to order $\ O(h^2)\ $:
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} \alpha_1+4\alpha_2\ =\ 2\beta_1\phantom{\large|}$}
\qquad\quad (***)
three equations for three unkowns:
$\hspace{2ex} (*),\ (**),\ (***)$
\alpha_1 \ =\ 0, \qquad\quad \alpha_2\ =\ 1, \qquad\quad \beta_1\ =\ 2
leap frog recursion
- proof of convergence/stability of numerical integrators demanding
- example
\dot y =\ \kappa y,\qquad\quad y(t)\ =\ y_0 e^{\kappa t}
- leap frog scheme
y_{n+1} \ =\ y_{n-1} + 2hf(y_{n}) \ =\ y_{n-1} + 2h\kappa y_{n}
- two step recursion
\left(\begin{array}{c} y_{n+1} \\ y_{n} \end{array}\right) \ =\
2\kappa h & 1 \\ 1 & 0
\left(\begin{array}{c} y_{n} \\ y_{n-1} \end{array}\right)
- two eigenvalues and two solutions
y_{n+1} \ \propto\ \lambda_{\pm}y_n,\qquad\quad
\lambda_{\pm} \ =\ \kappa h \pm \sqrt{\kappa^2h^2+1}
integration as recursion
\mathbf{v}_{n+1} \ =\ A \mathbf{v}_{n}
\mathbf{v}_{n}= \left(\begin{array}{c} y_{n} \\ y_{n-1} \end{array}\right)
A= \left(\begin{array}{cc} 2\kappa h & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{array}\right)
- for large times $\ t_n=nh$
\mathbf{v}_{n} \ =\ A^n \mathbf{v}_{0}
leap frog - stability analysis
\dot y =\ \kappa y,\qquad\quad y(t)\ =\ y_0 e^{\kappa t}
\mathbf{v}_{0}=c_+\hat{e}_+ +c_-\hat{e}_-
A\hat{e}_\pm = \lambda_\pm\hat{e}_\pm
- eigenvalue with largest magnitude dominates for large times
\mathbf{v}_{n} \ =\ A^n \mathbf{v}_{0} \ =\
c_+(\lambda_+)^n\hat{e}_+ + c_-(\lambda_-)^n\hat{e}_-
instability of true solution
- $\exp(\kappa t)\ $ does not change sign,
$\qquad\quad \lambda_{\pm} \ =\ \kappa h \pm \sqrt{\kappa^2h^2+1}$
$\Rightarrow\ \ $ solution corresponds to $\ \lambda_+>0$
\left|\lambda_{-}\right|\ >\ \left|\lambda_{+}\right|
\qquad\qquad (\kappa<0)
- long term integration
$\Rightarrow\ \ $ component corresponding to $\ \lambda_-\ $ dominates
the true solution corresponding to $\ \lambda_+\ $ is unstable
Adams-Bashforth scheme
ansatz for three variables
y_n \ =\ \alpha_1 y_{n-1} + h\beta_1 f_{n-1} + h\beta_2 f_{n-2}
- three conditions: ansatz exact for
y(t)\ =\ 1, \qquad\quad
y(t)\ =\ t, \qquad\quad
y(t)\ =\ t^2
viz for any quadratic polynomial (linearity)
constant case
$$ y(t)=1, \qquad\quad \dot y=0=f, \qquad\quad
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} 1\ =\ \alpha_1\phantom{\large|}$}
\qquad\quad (*)
linear case $\quad y(t)=t,\quad \dot y=1=f$
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} t_n\ =\
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} 1\ =\ \beta_1+\beta_2\phantom{\large|}$}
\qquad\quad (**)
quadratic case
$\quad y(t)=t^2,\quad \dot y=2t=f$
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} t_n^2\ =\
- in order $\ O(h^0)\ $ fullfilled by (*)
- in order $\ O(h^1)\ $ fullfilled by (**)
- to order $\ O(h^2)\ $:
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} 0\ =\ 1-2\beta_1-4(1-\beta_1)\phantom{\large|}$}
\fbox{$\displaystyle\phantom{\large|} 3\ =\ 2\beta_1\phantom{\large|}$}
\qquad\quad (***)
Adams-Bashforth scheme
y_n \ =\ y_{n-1} \,+\,\frac{3h}{2}f_{n-1} \,-\,\frac{h}{2}f_{n-2}
Adams-Bashforth - stability analysis
- case
\dot y =\ \kappa y,\qquad\quad y(t)\ =\ y_0 e^{\kappa t}
- Adams-Bashforth scheme
y_{n+1} \ =\ y_{n} + \frac{3h}{2}f(y_{n})-\frac{h}{2}f(y_{n-1}) \ =\
y_{n} +
\frac{3h}{2}\kappa y_{n}
-\frac{h}{2}\kappa y_{n-1}
- two step recursion
\left(\begin{array}{c} y_{n+1} \\ y_{n} \end{array}\right) \ =\
1+3\kappa h/2 & -\kappa h/2 \\ 1 & 0
\left(\begin{array}{c} y_{n} \\ y_{n-1} \end{array}\right)
- eigenvalues in the limit $\quad \kappa h\to0$
\lambda_{+} \ \to\ 1,\qquad\quad
\lambda_{-} \ \to\ 0,\qquad\quad
\left|\lambda_{-}\right|\ \ll\ \left|\lambda_{+}\right|
example multi-step program
- compare integration of $\ \exp(-t)\ $ and circle
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h> // for printf
#include <math.h> // for pow
#include <fstream> // file streams
using namespace std;
const int nVar = 2; // number of dynamical variables
const int nTimeSteps = 800; // number of time steps
const double h = 0.01; // Delta t
double y_0[nVar]; // the dynamical variables
double y_1[nVar]; // of (n-1)
double y_2[nVar]; // of (n-2)
double f_0[nVar]; // the flow
double f_1[nVar]; // of (n-1)
double f_2[nVar]; // of (n-2)
// ---
// --- standard stuff
// ---
void zeroGlobalVariables()
for (int i=0;i<nVar;i++)
y_0[nVar] = 0.0;
f_0[nVar] = 0.0;
y_1[nVar] = 0.0;
f_1[nVar] = 0.0;
y_2[nVar] = 0.0;
f_2[nVar] = 0.0;
} // end of zeroVariables()
void shiftGlobalVariables()
for (int i=0;i<nVar;i++)
y_2[i] = y_1[i];
f_2[i] = f_1[i];
y_1[i] = y_0[i];
f_1[i] = f_0[i];
} // end of shiftVariables()
// ---
// --- evaluate the flow : \dot y = f(y)
// ---
void evaluate(double y[nVar], double f[nVar])
f[0] = y[1]; // \dot x = y : for circle
f[1] = -y[0]; // \dot y = -x : for circle
f[0] = -y[0]; // \dot x = -x : for exp(-t)
f[1] = 0.0;
} // end of evaluate()
// ---
// --- main
// ---
int main()
// *** ***************** ***
// *** Euler integration ***
// *** ***************** ***
y_0[0] = 1.0;
y_0[1] = 0.0;
ofstream myOutput;"integrate_Euler.dat",ios::out);
myOutput.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); // for formated output
myOutput.precision(3); // floating point precision
for (int iTimes=0;iTimes<nTimeSteps;iTimes++)
double t = h*iTimes;
myOutput << t << " " << y_0[0] << " " << y_0[1] << endl;
y_0[0] += f_0[0]*h;
y_0[1] += f_0[1]*h;
// *** **************** ***
// *** leap frog scheme ***
// *** **************** ***
y_2[0] = 1.0;
y_2[1] = 0.0;
y_1[0] = y_2[0] + f_2[0]*h;
y_1[1] = y_2[1] + f_2[1]*h;
myOutput.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); // for formated output
myOutput.precision(3); // floating point precision
for (int iTimes=0;iTimes<nTimeSteps;iTimes++)
double t = h*iTimes;
myOutput << t << " " << y_2[0] << " " << y_2[1] << endl;
y_0[0] = y_2[0] + 2.0*h*f_1[0];
y_0[1] = y_2[1] + 2.0*h*f_1[1];
// *** ********************** ***
// *** Adams Bashforth scheme ***
// *** ********************** ***
y_2[0] = 1.0;
y_2[1] = 0.0;
y_1[0] = y_2[0] + f_2[0]*h;
y_1[1] = y_2[1] + f_2[1]*h;
myOutput.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); // for formated output
myOutput.precision(3); // floating point precision
for (int iTimes=0;iTimes<nTimeSteps;iTimes++)
double t = h*iTimes;
myOutput << t << " " << y_2[0] << " " << y_2[1] << endl;
y_0[0] = y_1[0] + 1.5*h*f_1[0] - 0.5*h*f_2[0];
y_0[1] = y_1[1] + 1.5*h*f_1[1] - 0.5*h*f_2[1];
return 1;
} // end of main()
energy conservation
one dimensional Hamiltonian system
energy conservation for N-body systems
- coordinates $\ \mathbf{r}_i=(x_i,y_i,z_i)$
- velocities $\ \mathbf{v}_i=(v_{x,i},v_{y,i},v_{z,i})$
\dot{\mathbf{r}}_i & =& \mathbf{v}_i \\[0.5ex]
m_i\dot{\mathbf{v}}_i & =& -\nabla\sum_{j\ne i}\Phi(\mathbf{r}_i-\mathbf{r}_j)
E \ =\ \sum_{i=1}^N\left(
+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j\ne i}\Phi(\mathbf{r}_i-\mathbf{r}_j)
adaptive error control
controlling accuracy while integrating
- compare two integration step sizes: $\ \ h \ / \ 2h$
for error estimate $\ \Delta$
y_a & \to & y_b=y(y_a,h) & \to & y(y_b,h) \\
y_a & & \longrightarrow & & y(y_a,2h)
\ \right\}\qquad \Rightarrow\qquad \Delta=y(y_a,2h)-y(y_b,h)
compare error with tolerance
\Delta_{max} \quad \Longleftrightarrow\quad \Delta \ =\ h^\alpha \phi
- error scaling exponent $\quad \alpha=5\quad $ for 4th-order Runge-Kutta
error scaling coefficient: $\ \phi$
(absolute) tolernance: $\ \Delta_{max}$
- running estimates
\phi \qquad \rightarrow \qquad h\ =\ \big(\Delta_{max}/\phi\big)^{1/\alpha}
implicit Runge Kutta schemes
- general form
y_{n+1} = y_n + h \sum_{i=1}^s b_i k_i, \qquad i = 1, \ldots, s
for implicit /
explicit schemes
k_i = f\left( t_n + c_i h,\ y_{n}
+ h \sum_{j=1}^{\color{red}{s},\color{blue}{i-1}} a_{ij} k_j \right)
- explicit schemes allow the
$\ k_i\ $ to be evaluated recursively
- implicit schemes need
the solution of a self-consistency condition of the $\ k_i$.
example: backward Euler method
y_{n + 1} \ =\ y_n + h f(t_n + h,\ y_{n + 1})
stiff differential equations
- a system is stiff if stability requirements - and not accuracy
requirements - determine the stepsize
- systems with (very) distinct timescales may be stiff
example: $\ \ g(t)\ \ $ external function
\dot y(t) \,=\, \lambda\big[g(t)-y(t)\big]+\dot g(t)
y(t)\,=\,\gamma e^{-\lambda t}+g(t)
- distinct time scales for $\ \lambda\gg0$
- stiff systems need implicit methods