Advanced Introduction to C++, Scientific Computing and Machine Learning

Claudius Gros, SS 2024

Institut for Theoretical Physics
Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.

Deep Learning

simple vs. complex problems

simple problems

backpropagation fails for simple problems

complex problems

given enough (labeled) training data, large
classes of complex problems are 'solvable'

deep networks

removing : weak links;
$|w_{ij}|$ well below average
reduces : network complexity;

data preprocessing
whitening : covariance matrix
$\to$ identity matrix
: all data equally relevant

batch learning

'online' learning

offline learning

deep belief nets (DBN)

stacked RBMs

data availability

semi-supervised learning

train a net of stacked RBMs with unlabelled data
add a final output node connected to top hidden layer
use backpropagation on labelled data
to fine-tune connection weights


dimensionality reduction

autoencoders generate low-dimensional
representations of the (raw) data;
in the 'latent space'


stacked autoencoders

deep learning building blocks

autoencoder restricted Boltzmann machine recurrent network convolution network
feedforward undirected recurrent hierarchical feedforward

backpropagation through time

$$ \fbox{$\phantom{\big|} \mathbf{y}(t+1) \phantom{\big|}$} \quad\leftarrow\quad \fbox{$\phantom{\big|} \mathbf{y}(t) \phantom{\big|}$} \quad\leftarrow\quad \fbox{$\phantom{\big|} \mathbf{y}(t-1) \phantom{\big|}$} \quad\leftarrow\quad \fbox{$\phantom{\big|} \mathbf{y}(t-2) \phantom{\big|}$} \quad\leftarrow\quad\dots $$

receptive fields as convolutions

receptive fields

convolution scanning of 2D data

convolution networks

convolution nets

extended set of kernels
data convolution


  • convolution $\ \to \ $ feature map
  • pooling
    : subsampling
    : dimensionality reduction
    : e.g. max-pooling

what makes it work

convolution net - illustration

fooling deep networks

adversial perturbations

+ 0.007 x =
"panda" "nematode" "gibbon"
57.7% confidence 8.2% confidence 99.3 % confidence

performance / confidence

attacking deep networks

original tempered

cyber security

image datasets

temper train data

missclassification induced by training data tempering

$$ \begin{array}{lcccc} \hline & \rlap{\text{baseline}} & & \rlap{\text{tampered}} \\ & \text{CIFAR} & \text{SVHN} & \text{CIFAR} & \text{SVHN} \\ \hline \text{optimal case} & 0 & 0 & 100 & 100 \\ \hline \text{BCNN} & 28.7 & 12.9 & 87.2 & 91.4 \\ \text{AlexNet} & 11.1 & 5.5 & 83.7 & 97 \\ \text{VGG-16} & 5.3 & 3.7 & 90.1 & 98.9 \\ \text{ResNet-18} & 23.8 & 3.6 & 42.4 & 40.9 \\ \text{SIRRN} & 4.7 & 3.9 & 74.1 & 89.5 \\ \text{DenseNet-121} & 2.6 & 2.6 & 60.7 & 68.1 \\ \hline \end{array} $$


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#!/usr/bin/env python3

import torch                     # PyTorch needs to be installed

dim = 2
eps = 0.1
x = torch.ones(dim, requires_grad=True)  # leaf of computational graph
print("x      : ",x)
print("x      : ",

y = x + 2
out =,y)             # scalar product
print("y      : ",y)
print("out    : ",out)

out.backward()                   # backward pass --> gradients
print("x.grad : ",x.grad)

with torch.no_grad():            # detach from computational graph
  x -= eps*x.grad                # updating parameter tensor 
  x.grad = None                  # flush

print("x      : ",,x+2).backward()
print("x.grad : ",x.grad)

AlphaGo zero

game of Go

most explored configuration

Alphago zero cheat sheet