Advanced Introduction to C++, Scientific Computing and Machine Learning

Claudius Gros, SS 2024

Institut für theoretische Physik
Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.

C++ Containers & Utilities

common data structures

dynamical arrays using the vector container

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#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#define VARIABLE_NAME(x) #x 
using namespace std;
int main()
 vector<int> intVec_1(7,77); // create and initialize a vector of length 7 
 vector<int> intVec_2;       // empty = 55;        // change element
 intVec_1.reserve(9);        // reserve memory
 intVec_2 = intVec_1;        // the assignment operator = has been overwritten
 intVec_2.resize(3);         // change size = 11;        // change element
 intVec_2[2] = 22;           // the [] operator has been overwritten
 intVec_2.push_back(44);     // increase size and add an element
// change vector size while iterating
 vector<int>::iterator it;      // iterator in the namespace vector<int>
 it = intVec_1.begin();         // start iteration at the begining
 while (it != intVec_1.end())
   if (*it==55)              // "it" is a pointer
     intVec_1.erase(it);     // element gone --> "it" points already to next element
     it++;                   // pointer arithmetic encapsulated in interator class
// === vector output
 printf("%8s |"," ");
 printf("%4s |","(s)");
 printf("%4s |","(c)");
 for (int index=0; index<intVec_1.size(); ++index)
 printf("%8s |",VARIABLE_NAME(intVec_1));
 printf("%4i |",(int)intVec_1.size());             // the actual number of elements
 printf("%4i |",(int)intVec_1.capacity());         // total space reserved
 for (int index=0; index<intVec_1.size(); ++index)
 printf("%8s |",VARIABLE_NAME(intVec_2));
 printf("%4i |",(int)intVec_2.size());
 printf("%4i |",(int)intVec_2.capacity());
 for (int index=0; index<intVec_2.size(); ++index)
 return 1;

associative maps (I)

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#include <iostream>  // std IO
#include <stdio.h>   // printf, sprintf
#include <map>       // associative maps
#define VARIABLE_NAME(x) #x
using namespace std;
int main()
  map<string,double> mapOfWords;                 // maping strings to double
  mapOfWords.insert(make_pair("earth", 6378.0));           // typical C++: many ways
  mapOfWords.insert(pair<string,double>("moon", 1738.0));  // to do the same stuff
  mapOfWords["sun"] = 695000.0;                   // standard way of inserting
  mapOfWords["earth"] = 6378.01;                  // and overwriting
 if (mapOfWords.find("venus") == mapOfWords.end()) // searching for a key
   mapOfWords["venus"] = 6052.0;
// === erasing
 if (mapOfWords.erase("venus"))                   // can only erase if existed
    printf("\"venus\" found in %s and erased\n",VARIABLE_NAME(mapOfWords));
    printf("\"venus\" not found in %s and not erased\n",VARIABLE_NAME(mapOfWords));
// === iterating through the map 
 map<string, double>::iterator it = mapOfWords.begin();  // instantiate and initialize iterator
 while (it != mapOfWords.end())
    char buffer[50];      // formatting before sending to standard output stream
    int n = sprintf(buffer,"%s[\"%s\"] = ",VARIABLE_NAME(mapOfWords),
                                           (it->first).c_str());    // access key (first)
    printf("%25s%9.2f\n",buffer,it->second);                // access value (second)
// === stuff
 int beforeSize = mapOfWords.size();
 int afterSize = mapOfWords.size();
 string trueFalse = (mapOfWords.empty()) ? "true" : "false";
 printf("before/after size, empty: %i %i  %s\n",beforeSize,afterSize,trueFalse.c_str());
 return 1;

associative maps (II)

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# list of planet properties by E.T. Skywatcher
# actually from
# planet mass (relative to earth)
# diameter (km) 
# density g/cm3 
# oblateness [=(De-Dp)/De]
# rotation [h or d]
# distance (A.U.)       
# revolution [d or y]
# eccentricity 
# inclination [deg]
# axis tilt [deg]
# string double double double double double char double double char double double double
Mercury 0.0553 4880 5.43 0.000 58.81 d 0.387 87.97 d 0.2056 7.0 0.1
Venus 0.815 12104 5.20 0.000 243.69 d 0.723 224.70 d 0.0068 3.4 177.3
Earth 1.000 12742 5.52 0.0034 23.9345 h 1.000 365.26 d 0.0167 0.00 23.45
Mars 0.107 6780 3.93 0.0065 24.623 h 1.524 686.98 d 0.0934 1.85 25.19
Jupiter 317.83 139822 1.33 0.0649 9.925 h 5.203 11.86 y 0.04845 1.305 3.12
Saturn 95.162 116464 0.687 0.098 10.50 h 9.539 29.46 y 0.05565 2.489 26.73
Uranus 14.536 50724 1.32 0.023 17.24 h 19.182 84.01 y 0.0472 0.773 97.86
Neptune 17.147 49248 1.64 0.017 16.11 h 30.06 164.79 y 0.00858 1.773 29.56
Pluto 0.0021 2274 2.05 0.0 6.405 d 39.53 247.68 y 0.2482 17.15 122.46

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#include <iostream>  // std IO
#include <stdio.h>   // printf, sprintf
#include <fstream>   // file streams
#include <limits.h>  // INT_MAX, etc
#include <map>       // associative maps
using namespace std;
// --- -----------------
// --- planet data class
// --- -----------------
struct A_Planet
 double planet_mass;
 double diameter;
 double density;
 double oblateness;
 double rotation;
 char rotationUnit;
 double distance;
 double revolution;
 char revolutionUnit;
 double eccentricity;
 double inclination;
 double axis_tilt;
 string getName(){return planet_name;}       // only way to access name
 A_Planet(string name) {planet_name=name;}   // constructor
 string planet_name;                         // cannot be changed
// --- -----------------------------------
// --- function for skipping comment lines 
// --- -----------------------------------
int skipComments(ifstream &fileInputStream)  // passing stream by reference
 static int nComments = 0;
 char inChar = fileInputStream.peek();     // peak first char of file
 while (inChar=='#')                       // skipping comments
    fileInputStream.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n'); // skip to next line
    inChar = fileInputStream.peek();       // peak first char of line
 return nComments;
// --- ----
// --- main
// --- ----
int main()
 map<string,A_Planet*> allPlanets;   // mapping string to (pointer to A_Planet)
 allPlanets["exoplanet"] = new A_Planet("exoplanet");
 ifstream myInput("");   // input file stream for planetary data
// --- skip comment lines
 printf("\n# number of comment lines: %d\n\n",skipComments(myInput));
// --- reading data from file
 string planet_name; 
 while ( !myInput.eof() )          // reading until end of file
   myInput >> planet_name;
   allPlanets[planet_name] = new A_Planet(planet_name);
   printf("%s .. ",planet_name.c_str());
   myInput >> allPlanets[planet_name]->planet_mass 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->diameter 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->density 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->oblateness 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->rotation 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->rotationUnit 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->distance 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->revolution 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->revolutionUnit 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->eccentricity 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->inclination 
           >> allPlanets[planet_name]->axis_tilt;
// --- looking at the planets
 map<string,A_Planet*>::iterator it = allPlanets.begin(); // instantiate and initialize iterator
 while (it != allPlanets.end())
    printf("%9s %8.3f %11.3f \n",(it->first).c_str()        // key is a string
                                ,(it->second)->planet_mass  // value is pointer
    it++;                                                   // next entry
 return 1;

C++ include files

general utilities

<cstdlib> General purpose utilities: program control, dynamic memory allocation, random numbers, sort and search
<csignal> Functions and macro constants for signal management
<csetjmp> Macro (and function) that saves (and jumps) to an execution context
<cstdarg> Handling of variable length argument lists
<typeinfo> Runtime type information utilities
<bitset> bitset class template
<functional> Function objects, designed for use with the standard algorithms
<utility> Various utility components
<ctime> C-style time/date utilites
<cstddef> typedefs for types such as size_t, NULL and others

dynamic memory management

<new> Low-level memory management utilities
<memory> Higher level memory management utilities

numerical limits (maximal/minmal numbers)

<climits> limits of integral types
<cfloat> limits of float types
<limits> standardized way to query properties of arithmetic types

error handling

<exception> Exception handling utilities
<stdexcept> Standard exception objects
<cassert> Conditionally compiled macro that compares its argument to zero
<cerrno> Macro containing the last error number

strings library

<cctype> functions to determine the type contained in character data
<cwctype> functions for determining the type of wide character data
<cstring> various narrow character string handling functions
<cwchar> various wide and multibyte string handling functions
<string> basic_string class template


<vector> vector container
<deque> deque container
<list> list container
<stack> stack container adaptor
<queue> queue and priority_queue container adaptors
<set> and multiset associative containers
<map> map and multimap associative containers

Iterators library

<iterator> Container iterators

algorithms & numerics

<algorithm> Algorithms that operate on containers
<cmath> Common mathematics functions
<complex> Complex number type
<valarray> Class for representing and manipulating arrays of values
<numeric> Numeric operations on values in containers

input & output

<iosfwd> forward declarations of all classes in the input/output library
<ios> ios_base class, basic_ios class template and several typedefs
<istream> basic_istream class template and several typedefs
<ostream> basic_ostream, basic_iostream class templates and several typedefs
<iostream> several standard stream objects
<fstream> basic_fstream, basic_ifstream, basic_ofstream class templates and several typedefs
<sstream> basic_stringstream, basic_istringstream, basic_ostringstream class templates and several typedefs
<strstream> strstream, istrstream, ostrstream(deprecated)
<iomanip> Helper functions to control the format or input and output
<streambuf> basic_streambufclass template
<cstdio> C-style input-output functions

locale (country and language specifics)

<locale> Localization utilities
<clocale> C localization utilities

C++ precompiler macros

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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define EulerNumber 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? a : b)   // a user defined macro
#define VARIABLE_NAME(x) #x            // expanding to string
int main ()
    cout << "value of __LINE__      : " << __LINE__ << endl;
    cout << "value of __FILE__      : " << __FILE__ << endl;
    cout << "value of __FUNCTION__  : " << __FUNCTION__ << endl;
    cout << "value of __DATE__      : " << __DATE__ << endl;
    cout << "value of __TIME__      : " << __TIME__ << endl;
    cout <<  endl;
    cout << "value of __VERSION__   : " << __VERSION__ << endl;
    cout << "value of __TIMESTAMP__ : " << __TIMESTAMP__ << endl;
    cout <<  endl;
    cout << "value of EulerNumber   : " << EulerNumber << endl;
    return 0;