Low energy isomers of Phosphorus clusters
Low energy isomers of Phosphorus clusters
Density functional calculations on basis of Car-Parrinello technique
[1], normconserving pseudopotentials (in the
BHS form [2]) and
local density approximation (in the
VWN parameterization [3]).
I) P4-Isomers
a) Planar structure:
E0=-26.390 hartree
b) Tetrahedral structure:
E0=-26.496 hartree
- tetrahedron energetically lower by 2.88 eV
- bond length of terahedron in good agreement with experiment
(experiment value: 4.20 bohr)
- planar isomer only becomes instable above 500 K
II) P8-Isomers
a) Symmetric structure:
E0=-52.935 hartree
b) Jahn-Teller distorted structure:
E0=-52.994 hartree
- Jahn-Teller distorted structure lower by 1.62 eV
- cube structure higher in energy than 2 separated tetrahedral
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Last modified: Mar 31, 2004