DMGW - Home

Last modified by jockel on 2022/10/20 11:39


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About the DMGW Group

We are a group at the physics department of Goethe University. DMGW stands for: Dark Matter - Modified Gravity - Gravitational Waves. We are working on topics all around dark matter in galaxies, galactic halos and neutron stars. Topics around possible cosmological phase transitions, and the production of gravitational waves, in the early universe are also among our research interests. We are also studying modified theories of gravity in the context of galactic halo formation and the merger of compact objects. We regularly go to physics beyond the standard model and towards modified/alternative gravity.
The aim of the group as a whole is to explore the whole range of the gravitational wave spectrum - from high-frequency events like the merger compact objects to low-frequency signals from stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds.

Tools of the group

The group uses various different platforms and IT systems. For details, refer to the summary of all tools used. Some of the more important platforms used in the group include:

- Slack: for everyday quick and easy communication

- Nextcloud: for archive and storage of files

- Github: to manage coding-related projects

- Zoom: for online-meetings and seminars

- The group website: Our first line of contact to the outside world

- Benty-Fields: To manage our journal club and organize new papers

- and a few more minor platforms/google-docs (see the summary of all tools used)

How-Tos and useful contact information

Below, a collection of useful guides, checklists and contact information that is useful on a daily basis, is found.

For all new members, refer to the Guide for new members.

For contact information to the various secretaries and administrative support, refer to the following articles (click here for the full list):

- Contact information of administrative staff and IT-support (travel requests, vacation, office material etc. )

- How to file a travel request (→ Goetheuni Formularcenter)

- How to log into and use the cluster
(the cluster / use the itp nodes (use slurm jobs on the clusters))

- List of useful sites to use to apply for Jobs (PhD positions, postdoc)

Contact and outreach

Our main way of public communication is our group website. Here you can find information about the group members, past publications and ongoing teaching. In addition, we manage a group Twitter account, where we share group events and news relevant to our research.

We are also involved in hosting a number of public outreach events and scientific seminars such as the "EXPLORE supper school" or the "WOW Physics! Women Of the World of Physics" online conference.
- Click here for more details

Below you can find links to past presentations, talks, and recorded seminars of our group members:
- Click here for a chronological summary


A list of all published papers and thesis (Bachelor/Master/PhD) finished in the group can be found below:

- Click here for a list of all publications

- Click here for a list of all finished thesis finished by students of the group

Current and former members

link to sub-page with list of members of the group, including contact information (emails), tbd.


List/link to sub-pages with the collaborators of the group and collaborations, in which the group is part of (CRR, ELEmENTS, etc.),  tbd.