Wiki source code of Interactive Web Sites

Version 3.4 by Thomas Coelho (local) on 2024/06/18 09:58

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Thomas Coelho (local) 1.1 1 By default you can put static web content in the public_html directory located in your home directory. This content is reachable with [[https:~~/~~/>>]].
3 There are reasons that you need some server site processing like php stuff. The following article describes how this is implemented and how you can interactive with it.
5 = Design =
7 It is based on systemd services. Like any system service, services can also run in a user context and under control of the user. Instead of a common web server which delivers files from the public_html directory, a dedicated Apache instance is executed in the users context. There are some prerequisites, which must configure by the admins:
Thomas Coelho (local) 3.4 9 1. A lingering user session. Normally the session is started with the login of the user. A lingering session is started on boot. This allows the start the services at boot time.
Thomas Coelho (local) 1.2 10 1. A Proxy redirect. The frontend reverse proxy must be configured to forward request to the specific Apache instance. This allows also second level domains.
12 = Setting up =
Thomas Coelho (local) 3.1 14 On the web server (this is currently **web3**) the script **install-apache-worker** needs to be run to prepare the environment after the prerequisites have been set up. The main job of the script it to prepare the runtime environment below .apache-service and to install the systemd service file. This can be read (and modified if needed) in **.config/systemd/user/apache-worker.service.**
Thomas Coelho (local) 1.2 15
16 {{code language="systemd"}}
17 [Unit]
18 Description=Apache Userspace worker for thw
19 RequiresMountsFor=/home/thw
20 ConditionHost=web3
22 [Service]
23 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/apache2 -d/home/thw/.apache-service -DNO_DETACH
24 WorkingDirectory=/home/thw
26 [Install]
29 {{/code}}
Thomas Coelho (local) 2.1 31 On the host in ConditionHost you can control the service witch systemctl ~-~-user.
33 {{code language="none"}}
34 systemctl --user status apache-worker
36 {{/code}}
38 Replace status with stop/start/restart to control the job,
40 Logfiles are written to .apache-service/log. The Logfiles are rotated by rotatelogs which is as a pipe for the logfiles,