Intel Compiler
This page describes, how to setup your environment for using our temporary Intel Compiler Installtion. The instruction are for bash shell user. If you use a different shell, you know what you are doing and you will be able to translate the configuration.
We provide the recent version 11 of the Intel compiler suite for Fortran, C/C++ and the full set performance libraries like MKL, TBB, Cluster_OMP.
In order to use the installation you have to modify your .bashrc. Open the file with you favorite editor and append the following lines.
#Intel Compiler Setup export LM_LICENSE_FILE="" intel_arch=intel64 if [ `uname -m` == "i686" ]; then intel_arch="i686" fi iccvars=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/069/bin/ if [ -f $iccvars ]; then . $iccvars intel_arch fi ifortvars=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/069/bin/ if [ -f $ifortvars ]; then . $ifortvars in fi
32/64 Issues
If you only work on 64 bit machines you can skip this section. But if you are working on 32 bit machine think can get more complicates. If you exclusively work on a 32 bit and you don't want the run your programs on the our HPC nodes you can also skip this. 32 bit machines are mainly the white FSC boxes and less important the pool. Running "uname -m" in a shell will tell you your architecture: i686 for 32 or x86_64 for 64 bit.