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  CRC-TR 211 Logo        Transport Meeting

Venue: via Zoom
Time: Thursday, December 07, 2023, 2:15 pm
Contact: hees@itp.uni-frankfurt.de

Prescaling relaxation to nonthermal attractors

Aleksas Mazeliauskas (Heidelberg University)

A nonthermal attractor (or fixed-point) is a far-from-equilibrium phenomenon which describes the self-similar evolution of the distribution function with universal scaling exponents. In QCD, nonthermal attractors have been studied theoretically with classical-statistical and QCD kinetic theory simulations, and they describe the early stages of QCD thermalisation in heavy-ion collisions. The self-similar evolution with predicted scaling exponents have been observed experimentally in cold atom experiments. In this talk I will discuss the recent progress in understanding how non-equilibrium quantum systems approach the nonthermal attractors, i.e. the prescaling phenomenon.


1. Berges, Heller, Mazeliauskas, Venugopalan, Rev. Mod. Phys. 93 (2021) 3, 035003, 2005.12299, QCD thermalization: Ab initio approaches and interdisciplinary connections
2. Mazeliauskas, Berges, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 12, 122301, 1810.10554 Prescaling and far-from-equilibrium hydrodynamics in the quark-gluon plasma
3. Mikheev, Mazeliauskas, Berges,  Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 11, 116025, 2203.02299, Stability analysis of nonthermal fixed points in longitudinally expanding kinetic theory
4. Heller, Mazeliauskas, Preis, 2307.07545, Prescaling relaxation to nonthermal attractors

The talk will be live-streamed (but not recorded) via Zoom under

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