Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt, Physics
Building, PHYS 2.114
Time: Thursday, June 06, 2:15pm
Recently, a parametric estimate of the total yield of non-equilibrium
photons was derived in the BMSS thermalization scenario. It was
found that the total yield was comparable to the thermal contribution,
specially at higher values of the saturation scale $Q_S^2$. In this
work, we expand on this estimates, by calculating the $p_\perp$ resolved
spectra for the BMSS three stages by parametrizing the findings of
far-from-equilibrium classical statistical lattice simulations. These
scaling solutions are used in a small angle kinetic rate to calculate
the photon spectra for the thermalizing matter, where analytical
solutions were found. We find also the asymptotics used in the previous
work for the total yield. We constrain our system using charge hadron
multiplicities from LHC and RHIC as in previous work on these parametric