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HIC for FAIR logo Nuclear Physics Colloquium

Venue: Physics Building, Seminar Room 2.116
Time: Thursday, October 15, 4:30 pm (s.t.) (plus 10min for discussion)
Contact: hees@fias.uni-frankfurt.de

Baryon susceptibilities, nongaussian moments and the QCD critical point

Jiunn-Wei Chen (National Taiwan University)

We evaluate the third- and fourth-order baryon, charge and strangeness susceptibilities near a chiral critical point using the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We identify robust qualitative behaviours of the susceptibilities along hypothetical freeze-out lines that agree with previous model studies. Quantitatively, baryon number fluctuations are the largest in magnitude and thus offer the strongest signal when freeze-out occurs farther away from a critical point. Charge and strangeness susceptibilities also diverge at a critical point, but the area where the divergence dominates is smaller, meaning freeze-out must occur closer to a critical point for a signal to be visible in these observables. In case of strangeness, this is attributable to the relatively large strange quark mass. Plotting the third- and fourth-order susceptibilities against each other along the freeze-out line exhibits clearly their non-montonicity and robust features.

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