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Nuclear Physics and FIAS Colloquium

Venue: Otto-Stern-Zentrum, Hörsaal OSZ H5
Time: Thursday, June 27, 3:00 pm (s.t.)
Contact: hees@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de

Gauge theory of gravity and the conserved energy-momentum current of matter

Friedrich Hehl (University of Cologne)

Karl Schwarzschild Laureate 2019

In the Yang-Mills paper of 1954, the conserved isospin current leads to the SU(2)-gauge theory. In Newtonian gravity, the conserved mass is the source of gravity. In special relativity (SR), the conserved mass is superseded by the conserved energy-momentum current of matter ${T_\alpha}^{\beta}$. Accordingly, ${T_\alpha}^{\beta}$ is the starting point for a gauge theory of gravity. Rigid translational invariance is made local at the price of introducing 4 translational gauge potentials (the coframe $\vartheta$) which compensate the violation of the rigid invariance. The curl of $\vartheta$ corresponds to the gravitational field strength. Since the translation group in SR is a subgroup of the Poincaré group, the group of motion in SR, one has tostraightforwardly extend the gauging of the translations to the gauging of full Poincaré transformations thereby also including the conservation law of the angular momentum current. The emerging Poincaré gauge theory of gravity, starting from the Sciama-Kibble theory of 1960/61, will be shortly reviewed.

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