Advanced Introduction to C++, Scientific Computing and Machine Learning

Claudius Gros, SS 2024

Institut für theoretische Physik
Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.

C++ : Pointers & Memory

address locations

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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
 int var1   = 20;  
 int var2[] = {1,2,3};  
 cout << endl;
 cout << "address of var1: " << &var1 << endl;
 cout << "address of var2: " <<  var2 << endl;
 cout << "address of var2: " << &var2 << endl;
 int* ip;         // pointer variable 
 ip = &var1;      // store address of var1 in pointer variable ip
 cout << endl;
 cout << "value of var1: " << var1 << endl;
 cout << "value of   ip: " <<   ip << endl;
 cout << "value of  *ip: " <<  *ip << endl;
 ip = var2;       // not &var2 (!), since arrays are already pointers
 for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
   cout << endl;
   cout << "address of var2[" << i << "] = "
        << ip << " " 
        << &(*ip) << " "
        << &var2[i] << endl;
   cout << "  value of var2[" << i << "] = "
        << *ip << " "
        << *(&(*ip)) << " "
        << *(&var2[i]) << endl;
   ip++;          // point to the next location (errors likely)
 return 0;

dynamic memory

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#include <iostream>      // standard IO
#include <cstdlib>       // for atof
using namespace std;
int main(int argLength, char* argValues[])   // parsing command line arguments
 if (argLength==1)
   cout << "please run with an long integer argument\n";
   return 0;
 long int dynamicArraySize = atof(argValues[1]);  // casting string to long
 long int gigaByte = 1073741824;
 cout << endl;
 cout << "trying to construct integer arrays of size : "
      << dynamicArraySize << endl;
 cout << "using  "
      << dynamicArraySize*sizeof(int)*1.0/gigaByte 
      << "  Gigabytes of memory " << endl << endl;
 int array_1[dynamicArraySize];            // not all compilers like that
 cout << "sizeof(array_1)  : "
      <<  sizeof(array_1) << endl;
 int *array_2 = new int[dynamicArraySize]; // arrays are pointers
 cout << "sizeof(array_2)  : "
      <<  sizeof(array_2) << endl;
 int *array_3 = new(nothrow) int[dynamicArraySize];
 if (array_3 == 0)                         // controlled exit for null pointer
  cout << "I am out of memory" << endl;
  return 0;                                // program failed
 cout << "sizeof(*array_3) : "
      <<  sizeof(*array_3) << endl;
 cout << "sizeof(int)      : "
      <<  sizeof(int) << endl;
 delete[] array_2;      // deletes the whole array
 delete array_3;        // deletes only the first element
 return 1;

memory usage

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#include <iostream>      // standard IO
#include <stdio.h>       // for printf
#include <cstdlib>       // for atof
#include <math.h>        // for the math
#include <time.h>        // ('clock()' measures time in nanoseconds)
using namespace std;
const long int oneGigaByte = 1073741824;   // one Giga Byte
/* **************************************** */
/* *****      time in seconds       ******* */
/* **************************************** */
double timeInSeconds()
const double oneSecond = 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
static long int lastTime = clock();
long int actual_time = clock();
long int elapsed_time = actual_time - lastTime;
lastTime = actual_time;
return elapsed_time * oneSecond;     // time passed since last call
/* **************************************** */
/* *****            main            ******* */
/* **************************************** */
int main(int argLength, char* argValues[])  // parsing command line arguments
 if (argLength==1)
   cout << "please run with a double argument (memory in GB)\n";
   return 0;
 long int dynamicArraySize = (long)(atof(argValues[1])*oneGigaByte*1.0/sizeof(int));  
 timeInSeconds();                           // initialized
 int onePerCent = (int)(dynamicArraySize/100);
 int *aa = new int[dynamicArraySize];
 for (int i=0;i<dynamicArraySize;i++)
 for (long int i=0;i<dynamicArraySize;i++)
 for (size_t i=0;i<dynamicArraySize;i++)
   aa[i] = i;
   if ((i%onePerCent)==0)
     printf("(main) %5.2f GB indices allocated, %5.2f seconds used\n",
            i*1.0/oneGigaByte, timeInSeconds());
 printf("(main) starting infinite loop\n\n");
 while (true)                   // infinite loop
  double a = log(34545.3454);
 return 1;


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#include <iostream>       // standard IO
using namespace std;

int main()
 double  a = 10.0;
 double& b = a;          // an alias

 cout << "a  = " << a << endl;
 cout << "b  = " << b << endl << endl;
 double *pA = &a;
 double *pB = &b;

 b = 6.0;

 cout << "*pA = " << *pA << endl;
 cout << "*pB = " << *pB << endl;

 return 1;