
Fachbereich 13


Zur Navigationshilfe



Homepage of Dr. Jonas Profe

Member of the group of Prof. Roser Valentí (Jan 2024 - )

Research interests:

  • Designing numerical methods for application in realistic models for correlated matter. Especially the OpenSource availability. My current methods of choice are FRG (divERGe library), TPSC and DMFT.

  • Merging experimental observations and theoretical predictions from different viewpoints and understanding what aspects of emergent physics are shaped by which mechanism.

  • Beyond Born-oppenheimer approximation effects.

  • New numerical approaches to solve quantum Many-Body systems.

PhD thesis:


  • Jonas B Profe, Lennart Klebl, Francesco Grandi, Hendrik Hohmann, Matteo Dürrnagel, Tilman Schwemmer, Ronny Thomale, Dante M Kennes
    The kagome Hubbard model from a functional renormalization group perspective
    arXiv:2402.11916 (2024)

  • Jonas B. Profe, Dante M. Kennes, Lennart Klebl
    divERGe implements various Exact Renormalization Group examples
    SciPost Phys. Codebases 26(2024)

  • Emil Viñas Boström, Ammon Fischer, Jonas B. Profe, Jin Zhang, Dante M. Kennes, Angel Rubio
    Phonon-mediated unconventional s- and f-wave pairing superconductivity in rhombohedral stacked multilayer graphene
    arXiv:2311.02494 (2023)

  • Ammon Fischer, Lennart Klebl, Jonas B. Profe, Alexander Rothstein, Lutz Waldecker, Bernd Beschoten, Tim O. Wehling, Dante M. Kennes
    Spin and charge fluctuation induced pairing in ABCB tetralayer graphene
    Phys. Rev. Research 6,L012003(2024)

  • Jonas B. Profe, Sophie Beck, Dante M. Kennes, Antoine Georges, Olivier Gingras
    Competition between d-wave superconductivity and magnetism in uniaxially strained Sr2RuO4
    arXiv:2307.10006 (2023)

  • Jacob Beyer, Jonas B. Profe, Lennart Klebl, Tilman Schwemmer, Dante M. Kennes, Ronny Thomale, Carsten Honerkamp, Stephan Rachel
    Rashba spin-orbit coupling in the square-lattice Hubbard model: A truncated-unity functional renormalization group study
    Phys. Rev. B 107, 125115 (2023)

  • Yuchi He, Kang Yang, Jonas B. Profe, Emil J. Bergholtz, Dante M. Kennes
    Superconductivity of repulsive spinless fermions with sublattice potentials
    Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012009 (2023)

  • Dorri Halbertal, Simon Turkel, Christopher J. Ciccarino, Jonas B. Profe, Nathan Finney, Valerie Hsieh, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, James Hone, Cory Dean, Prineha Narang, Abhay N. Pasupathy, Dante M. Kennes, D.N. Basov
    Unconventional non-local relaxation dynamics in a twisted trilayer graphene moiré superlattice
    Nature Communications volume 13, 7587(2022)

  • Konstantin G. Wirth, Jonas B. Profe, Alexander Rothstein, Hristiyana Kyoseva, Dario Siebenkotten, Lukas Conrads, Lennart Klebl, Ammon Fischer, Bernd Beschoten, Christoph Stampfer, Dante M. Kennes, Lutz Waldecker, Thomas Taubner
    Experimental observation of ABCB stacked tetralayer graphene
    ACS Nano 2022, 16, 10, 16617–16623(2022)

  • Jacob Beyer, Jonas B Profe, Lennart Klebl
    Reference results for the momentum space functional renormalization group
    Eur. Phys. J. B 95, 65 (2022)

  • Jonas B. Profe, Dante M. Kennes
    TU2FRG: a scalable approach for truncated unity functional renormalization group in generic fermionic models
    Eur. Phys. J. B 95, 60 (2022)

  • Jonas B. Profe, Carsten Honerkamp, Dante M. Kennes
    Strong boundary and trap potential effects on emergent physics in ultra-cold fermionic gases
    New J. Phys. 23 063015(2021)

  • Jonas B. Profe, Carsten Honerkamp, Sebastian Achilles, Dante M. Kennes
    Electronic instabilities in Penrose quasicrystals: Competition, coexistence, and collaboration of order
    Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023180(2021)


  • SS 24: Tutorial Density functional Theory
  • SS 23: Tutorial Hands-on Tensor Networks (RWTH Aachen)
  • SS 22: Tutorial Hands-on Tensor Networks (RWTH Aachen)
  • WS 21/22: Tutorial Theoretische Physik II - Elektodynamik (RWTH Aachen)
  • SS 21: Tutorial Theoretische Physik III - Quantenmechanik (RWTH Aachen)
  • WS 20/21: Tutorial Theoretische Physik II - Elektodynamik (RWTH Aachen)
  • SS 20: Tutorial Theoretische Physik III - Quantenmechanik (RWTH Aachen)
  • WS 19/20: Tutorial Einführung in die Theoretische Physik (RWTH Aachen)
  • SS 19: Tutorial Theoretische Physik I für Lehramt (RWTH Aachen)
  • SS 18/19: Tutorial Theoretische Physik II - Elektrodynamik (RWTH Aachen)
  • SS 18: Tutorial Theoretische Physik I - Mechanik (RWTH Aachen)
  • WS 17/18: Tutorial Einführung in die Theoretische Physik (RWTH Aachen)
  • WS 16/17: Tutorial Einführung in die Theoretische Physik (RWTH Aachen)


Druckversion: 12. Juli 2005, 08:26