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Homepage of Amanda Konieczna
Address: | Institut für Theoretische Physik |
| Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main |
| Max-von-Laue-Strasse 1 |
| 60438 Frankfurt |
| Germany |
Office: | 01.143 |
Phone: | +49-69-798-47828 |
E-Mail: | konieczna
itp.uni-frankfurt.de |
Ph.D. Student in the group of Prof. Dr. Roser Valentí
Research interests:
- Study of magnetic interactions of real materials from DFT
- Anisotropic magnetism
- Numerical Methods for the Many Body Problem
Bachelor/Master's Thesis:
- Master's Thesis:
The Πu hybrid static potential to O(g2) in perturbation theory
- Bachelor's Thesis:
The study of near-threashold strangeness production in pp, πp and πA systems using the UrQMD transport model
- WS 16/17 - SS 18: Tutorial Mathematik für Studierende der Physik Ⅰ/Ⅱ
- WS 18/19 - WS 20/21: Tutor for Physik Lernzentrum
- SS 21: Tutorial Einführung in die Astronomie Ⅰ
- WS 21/22: Tutorial Mathematik für Studierende der Physik Ⅰ
- SS 22: Tutorial Theoretische Physik Ⅳ - Quantenmechanik