David A. S. Kaib, Marius Möller, Roser Valentí,
Nonlinear Spectroscopy as a Magnon Breakdown Diagnosis and its Efficient Simulation
arXiv:2502.01746 (2025)
Amanda A. Konieczna, David A. S. Kaib, Stephen M. Winter, Roser Valentí,
Understanding the microscopic origin of the magnetic interactions in CoNb2O6
npj Quantum Materials 10, 8 (2025)
John S. Pearce, David A. S. Kaib, Zeyu Ma, Danrui Ni, R. J. Cava, Roser Valenti, Radu Coldea, Amalia I. Coldea,
Anisotropy of the zigzag order in the Kitaev honeycomb magnet α-RuBr3
Physical Review B 110, 214404 (2024)
Zeyu Ma, Danrui Ni, David A. S. Kaib, Kylie MacFarquharson, John S. Pearce, Robert J. Cava, Roser Valenti, Radu Coldea, Amalia I. Coldea,
Anisotropic magnetic interactions in a candidate Kitaev spin liquid close to a metal-insulator transition
Communication Physics 7, 390 (2024)
Ramesh Dhakal, David A. S. Kaib, Sananda Biswas, Roser Valenti, Stephen M. Winter,
Spin-Phonon Coupling in Transition Metal Insulators II: Spin-Orbital Moments, Chiral Phonons and Application to α-RuCl3
arXiv:2407.00660 (2024)
Aleksandar Razpopov, David A. S. Kaib, Steffen Backes, Leon Balents, Stephen D. Wilson, Francesco Ferrari, Kira Riedl, Roser Valentí,
A jeff=1/2 Kitaev material on the triangular lattice: The case of NaRuO2
npj Quantum Materials 8, 36 (2023)
Bowen Yang, Yin Min Goh, Suk Hyun Sung, Gaihua Ye, Sananda Biswas, David A. S. Kaib, Ramesh Dhakal, Shaohua Yan, Chenghe Li, Shengwei Jiang, Fangchu Chen, Hechang Lei, Rui He, Roser Valentí, Stephen M. Winter, Robert Hovden, Adam W. Tsen,
Magnetic anisotropy reversal driven by structural symmetry-breaking in monolayer α-RuCl3
Nature Materials 22, 50-57 (2023)
B. Wolf, D. A. S. Kaib, A. Razpopov, S. Biswas, K. Riedl, S. M. Winter, R. Valentí, Y. Saito, S. Hartmann, E. Vinokurova, T. Doert, A. Isaeva, G. Bastien, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Büchner, M. Lang,
Combined experimental and theoretical study of hydrostatic He-gas pressure effects in α-RuCl3
Physical Review B 106, 134432 (2022)
David A. S. Kaib, Kira Riedl, Aleksandar Razpopov, Ying Li, Steffen Backes, Igor Mazin, and Roser Valentí,
Electronic and magnetic properties of the RuX3 (X=Cl, Br, I) family: two siblings – and a cousin?
npj Quantum Materials 7, 75 (2022)
Vilmos Kocsis, David A. S. Kaib, Kira Riedl, Sebastian Gass, Paula Lampen-Kelley, David G. Mandrus, Stephen E. Nagler, Nicolás Pérez, Kornelius Nielsch, Bernd Büchner, Anja U. B. Wolter, and Roser Valentí,
Investigation of the magnetoelastic coupling anisotropy in the Kitaev material α-RuCl3
Physical Review B 105, 094410 (2022)
(Editors' Suggestion)
S. Bachus, D. A. S. Kaib, A. Jesche, V. Tsurkan, A. Loidl, S. M. Winter, A. A. Tsirlin, R. Valentí, P. Gegenwart,
Angle-dependent thermodynamics of α-RuCl3
Physical Review B 103, 054440 (2021)
S. Bachus, D. A. S. Kaib, Y. Tokiwa, A. Jesche, V. Tsurkan, A. Loidl, S. M. Winter, A. A. Tsirlin, R. Valentí, P. Gegenwart,
Thermodynamic Perspective on Field-Induced Behavior of α-RuCl3
Physical Review Letters 125, 097203 (2020)
A. Sahasrabudhe, D. A. S. Kaib, S. Reschke, R. German, T. C. Koethe, J. Buhot, D. Kamenskyi, C. Hickey, P. Becker, V. Tsurkan, A. Loidl, S. H. Do, K. Y. Choi, M. Grüninger, S. M. Winter, Zhe Wang, R. Valentí, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht,
High-Field Quantum Disordered State in α-RuCl3: Spin Flips, Bound States, and a Multi-Particle Continuum
Physical Review B 101, 140410(R) (2020) (Editors' suggestion)
David A. S. Kaib, Stephen M. Winter and Roser Valentí,
Kitaev honeycomb models in magnetic fields: Dynamical response and dual models
Physical Review B 100, 144445 (2019)
Stephen M. Winter, Kira Riedl, David Kaib, Radu Coldea and Roser Valentí,
Probing α-RuCl3 Beyond Magnetic Order: Effects of Temperature and Magnetic Field
Physical Review Letters 120, 077203 (2018)
SS 22: Head Tutor: Theorie zu Magnetismus, Supraleitung und Elektronische Korrelation an Festkörpern
WS 21/22: Head Tutor: Theoretische Physik 5: Thermodynamik und statistische Physik
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WS 20/21: Tutorial Theoretische Physik 5: Thermodynamik und statistische Physik
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SS 19: Tutorial Theoretische Physik 2: Klassische Mechanik
WS 18/19: Tutorial Theoretische Physik 5:
Thermodynamik und statistische Physik
SS 17: Tutorial Theoretische Physik 4: