=========== Formalities =========== The projects should be performed by the same groups handing in the exercises. The results of the project should be handed in as files - A pdf-report of maximal 10 pages containing an introduction to the subject and to the numerical methods used, a description of the programming effort (structure, and important, nontrivial code snippets, but not all the code), and the presentation of the results. For the presentation of the results we expect both figures of simulated data and a stastitical evaluation of any reasonable property that you choose. - The documented code - Additional media files (optional) referred-to in the report. Hint: you can also generate gif files from series of images to visualize the dynamics. The date to hand-in is: Januar 13, 2017. ======= Remarks ======= (a) Do NOT use any other libraries or sample codes except for those used and presented in the lecture or the lecture script. We expect you to write the code simple and efficient on your own. (b) For all projects that involve simulation of a planetary system, assume that the planets move on circles (instead of elipses), and that all planets are in one plane (to make it a two dimensional problem). (c) In order to check the validity of your calculation, track the momentum, angular momentum and energy of the whole system simulated and compare it to analytic results (conservation laws) where possible. (This is not neccessary for Project (B) -- Roche stability) (d) Consider rescaling the important quantities, e.g. masses by the mass of Jupiter or distances by astronomic units (only where applicable and reasonable). (e) Assume all objects for which the spacial extension is not a property of interest as point masses. But mind to include a realisitic object radius for the gravitational potential. ======== Projects ======== Here a list of proposals involving the numerical simulation, f.i. by Runge-Kutta, of planetary dynamical systems (Newton mechanics). Additionally, everybody is welcome to propose their own project to their tutor from the field of celestrial mechanics. (A) Two colliding solar systems ------------------------------- Extract the orbital parameters of one or more multi-planetary extrasolar systems. Simulate the collision of an extrasolar and the solar system. Consider initial conditions for which both suns pass within a finite but close distance. What happens? (B) Roche instability --------------------- Form a gravitational bound asteroid out of N (~100) rocks. For this consider initially an additional (to the Newton equations of motions) damping term poportional to the negative speed, and a short-distance repulsion. The overall mass and density should correspond to a real asteroid. Once the asteroid is formed, let it pass close to a planet, like Earth or Jupiter. What happens, if the the asteroid passes within the Roche radius? (C) Saturn rings ---------------- Throw a large number of small objects into random orbits around Saturn. See, whether they tend to self-organize into rings. You may add a shepherd moon. (D) Double stars ---------------- Consider the stability of exoplanets around double stars. Are slingshot orbits involving both stars possible? If yes, find one and examine the stability of their trajectory. (E) Hill instability -------------------- Simulate a known exoplanetary system. Put an additional Jupiter-size planet close to one of the exoplanets. When does the orbit of the exoplanet become unstable? Find the analytic estimate and compare it to your result. (F) Solar system with motion of the Sun --------------------------------------- Simulate the solar system with all planets and the Sun, using exact parameters (mass, distance to Sun, etc.). Does the motion of the planets influence the position of the Sun? (G) Slingshot to Jupiter ------------------------- Simulate the journey of a space orbiter from Earth to Jupiter on a slingshot trajectory via Venus and Mars. Therefore implement the planets and try to find such a trajectory by sampling over different initial conditions (i.e. positions of the planets and speed/direction of the orbiter).