BACHELOR Arbeitsthemen, einige Beispiele:

Project 1 --> The Monte Carlo Method
Project 2 --> Molecular Dynamics
Project 3 --> Introduction to superconductivity.
Project 4 --> Heisenberg model. Derivation and analysis of the model for various spin systems
Project 5 --> Introduction to semiconductors. Microscopic treatment.
Project 6 --> Topological insulators: A Bachelor's view
Project 7 --> Graphene and 2D van der Waals systems
Project 8 --> Introduction to semiconductors. An example, solar cells
Project 9 --> The Kitaev model
Project 10 --> The Haldane-Hubbard model, the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model
Project 11 --> Band topology

    MASTER and PhD Arbeitsthemen

    Subjects are discussed in an appointment with me.