Density Functional Theory

Roser Valenti SS 2024

General Information

Olat Portal

Mo 13:15 -16:00 Phys 01.114 (with breaks),

the lecture is in english and is a combination of lecture and exercises.

Please note that we start at 13:15.

The script will be uploaded every week in OLAT.
Every week / second week there will be an exercise sheet.
  • the solutions should be handed on Monday.
For the final examination:
  • 60% of the exercise points should be reached.


For questions, please contact the tutors:
  • Jonas Profe, Panagiotis Savropoulos


In this lecture we will introduce density functional theory as a basic method

to understand and investigate the electronic properties of solid state systems as well as

a few many-body methods in order to describe correlation effects, such as dynamical mean field theory.

We will provide a hands-on electronic structure calculations.


  1. Hamilton operator for a solid

  2. Electron-electron interaction

  3. Density functional theory

  4. Solving the Kohn-Sham equations

  5. The APW method and applications

  6. Green's function formalism - Response Theory

  7. Dynamical mean field theory

  8. Beyond LDA: LDA+DMFT


    1. Richard M. Martin "Electronic Structure" Basic Theory and Practical Methods. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2020.

    2. E. Engel, R. M. Dreizler: "Density Functional Theory" Springer, 2011

    3. S. Cottenier: Density functional theory and the Family of (L)APW-methods: a step-by-step introduction, script, 2013.

    4. H. Eschrig: "The fundamentals of Density Functional Theory", Teubner Texte zur Physik, 1996.

    5. R. M. Martin, L. Reining, D.M. Ceperley: "Dynamical mean-field theory", Cambridge University Press, 2016.

    6. A. Georges, G. Kotliar, W. Krauth, and M. J. Rozenberg Rev. Mod. Phys. 68, 13 (1996): "Dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated fermion systems and the limit of infinite dimensions".

    Exercise sheets will be posted in OLAT

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